Sefer Chasam Sofer on Tractate Chulin. Munkatch, 1899. First Edition.
On the title page: the signature of the pious scholar, Rabbi Moshe Kaner of Sanok, along with his seal in Latin script.
Stamps of his son, the holy Rebbi Yaakov Shimshon HaLevi Kaner, Rabbi of Czechów and Rebbe in Klausenberg.
Several antique important glosses from Rabbi Moshe Kaner of Sanok
The Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Moshe Kaner, son of the renowned Rabbi Avraham Abush Kaner of Sanok, was the son-in-law of Rebbi Pinchas Yosef Dachner, himself the son-in-law of the holy Rebbi Chaim of Kosov ( the Toras Chaim). Rabbi Moshe was a devout follower of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, who referred to him in a responsum as " my dear friend, the distinguished young scholar, the devout and renowned Rabbi Moshe Segal Kaner of Sanok."
In his youth, Rabbi Moshe studied under Rabbi Natan Segal Goldberg, Rabbi of Limanowa, becoming one of his most prominent disciples. Twice a month, they traveled together to bask in the presence of the Divrei Chaim in Sanz, all at the expense of his affluent father, Rabbi Abush.
Rabbi Moshe was famed for his exceptional piety and scholarship from a young age. When engaged to the daughter of Rabbi Pinchas Yosef Dachner in Kosov, he was tested publicly in Torah knowledge to dispel claims that the match was arranged solely for financial reasons.
After the passing of the local Rabbi Leibush Frankel, the entire Sanok community gathered to appoint Rabbi Moshe as their leader, proclaiming, "Long live the king!" Despite their pleas, Rabbi Moshe refused to assume the position. Instead, he assured the community he would assist in appointing a suitable rabbi and support him in all matters.
Rabbi Moshe passed away on 12 Shevat 1925 and was buried in Sanok.
His Children:
1. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hy"d, President of the Kolel Galicia in Sanok, son-in-law of Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel Katzenelbogen, Rabbi of Tovste.
2. Rabbi Yitzchak David of Chernobyl, connected to the dynasty of the Maggid of Chernobyl.
3. Rebbi Yaakov Shimshon of Czechów, son-in-law of Rebbi Moshe Halberstam of Shinova.
4. Rabbi Pinchas Yosef, Rabbi of Zagorz, son-in-law of Rebbi Meir Yehuda Shapiro of Vikavisk, author of Or LeMeir.
5. Rabbi Yisrael of Sanok, son-in-law of Rebbi Naftali Rokach of Navariya, son of Rebbi Yehoshua of Belz.
6. Rebbetzin Miriam Yocheved, wife of Rabbi Elazar Horowitz Hy"d, Rabbi of Barov, son of Rebbi Naftali of Melitz.
The Holy Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon HaLevi Kaner was born in 1869. Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon received ordination from Rabbi Yitzchak Yehuda Shmelkish. He married Chana Chaya, daughter of the holy Rebbi Moshe Halberstam of Shinova. In 1893, he became Rabbi of Czechów, succeeding his uncle, Rebbi Yitzchak Yeshaya Halberstam, who moved to Kraków. Upon his father-in-law’s passing, he became the Rebbe of Czechów
During World War I, the town was destroyed, and he relocated to Prague and later to Klausenberg, leading a large community. He passed away on 7 Sivan 1941 and was buried in the old Klausenberg cemetery. His grave was restored in 2021 by his grandson, Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Vizhnitz Shlit”a.
1. Rabbi Chaim, son-in-law of his uncle, Rabbi Yaakov Frenkel Teomim, served as Rabbi in various communities in Europe and the U.S.
2. Rabbi Avraham Abish of Botoshan, son-in-law of Rebbi Mordechai Yosef Moshe Moskowitz of Sulitza. Served as Rebbe in Botoshan, Iași, and later Haifa.
3. Rabbi Baruch, son-in-law of Rabbi Shalom, son of Rabbi Aharon of Sanz.
4. Miriam Yocheved, wife of Rebbi Yaakov Elimelech of Deyzh.
5. Sosha, wife of Rabbi Chaim Menachem Mendel of Deyzh, father-in-law of Rebbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager of Vizhnitz.
6. Tzipora, wife of Rabbi Elazar Yoles of Sambur.
7. Sarah Devorah, wife of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Shlomo Halperin of Vaslui.
8. Yuta Rachel, wife of Rabbi Yosef Dov Yungeisz, Rabbi of Dindish.
[6], 72 Leaves. 36.5 cm.
Overall Good Condition, few marginal stains, couple marginal tears, page [3] has a marginal repair affecting text, later black binding.
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