The holy Sefer Divrei Chaim by our master and teacher, Rebbi Chaim of Sanz, in two volumes on the Torah, festivals, and Tractate Bava Metzia. This important second edition was published by his youngest son, the holy Rebbi Yitzchak Yeshaya of Tchechov. Krakow, 1892.

A Copy Signed with the Holy Seal of the Rebbe of Tchechov:

On the title page, the holy seal appears: "Yitzchak Yeshaya Halberstam, here in the holy city of Tchechov and its surroundings."

Notably, although it was explicitly stated that each copy must bear the seal of the publisher, most copies were signed by the printers (or without any seal at all). Very few copies were actually sealed by the holy hand of the Rebbe of Tchechov himself.

On the reverse of the title page, there is a handwritten note and signature of the holy Rebbi Yosef Zev Halberstam, son of Rabbi David Halberstam of Kshanov: "I have purchased this with my own means for the honor of my Creator, for the Lord is the owner of the earth and all within it. Yosef Zev Halberstam of the holy community of Bochnia." Two additional signatures of his appear on the introduction page.

His Holy Handwriting is Extremely Rare!

Additionally, it contains the seal of his son, the Rebbe Asher Meir Halberstam, Rabbi of Sanz and Bochnia.

The sefer features annotations, signed glosses, and stamps from his grandson, Rabbi Menachem Binyamin Ben Zion Halberstam-Rotenberg of Sanz-Widislaw, from the period when he lived in Poland during the lifetime of his father, Rabbi Aharon Halberstam, Rabbi of Biala-Bielitz.

Varios handwritten kvitelech, including one submitted to the Rebbe by a Jewish individual from Brownsville, NY.

The Holy Rebbi Yosef Zev Halberstam of Kshanov: Born around 1837 to his father, Rebbi David of Kshanov. Son-in-law of Rebbi Menachem Mendel Rubin of Glogow. He served as Rebbi in Bochnia and later in Kshanov. Passed away in 1902 (some sources mistakenly record 1862). His gravestone records that his illustrious grandfather, Rebbi Chaim of Sanz, testified that Rebbi Yosef Zev possessed the trait of equanimity as described in the Chovot HaLevavot.

The Holy Rebbi Asher Meir Halberstam: [1858–circa 1935], son of Rebbi Yosef Zev Halberstam, grandson of Rebbi David of Kshanov, and great-grandson of Rebbi Chaim of Sanz, the "Divrei Chaim." Rebbi Asher Meir was a brilliant scholar and saintly figure. It is said that his grandfather, Rebbi Chaim, commented upon his birth that his eyes shone like those of Rebbi Meir of Premishlan. Rebbi Asher Meir was named after him. In 1876, he became Rabbi of Old Sanz during his grandfather’s lifetime, and in 1883, he was appointed Rabbi of Bochnia, where he also served as a Rebbe. Known for his fiery dedication to holiness, he passed away around 1935.

The Holy Rebbi Yitzchak Yeshaya Halberstam of Tchechov: [1864–1943], the youngest son of Rebbi Chaim Halberstam, the "Divrei Chaim." One of the great tzaddikim of his generation, Rebbi Chaim greatly admired his soul’s lofty stature. By the age of 19, Rebbi Yitzchak Yeshaya had been appointed Rabbi of Tchechov, a position by which he was known throughout his life. In his youth, he studied for 18 hours a day and became renowned as a miracle worker to whom thousands flocked. Tragically, he perished in the Holocaust, ascending to heaven wrapped in the tallit of his great father, Hy”d.

Rebbi Menachem Binyamin Ben Zion Halberstam-Rotenberg of Sanz-Widislaw:

[1881–1957], a descendant of the saintly lineage of Sanz and Kshanov through his father, Rebbi Aharon of Biala-Bielitz, and his grandfather, Rebbi Yosef Zev of Kshanov, son of Rebbi Chaim of Sanz. Through his mother, he was also a grandson of Rebbi Alter Chaim of Wolbrom, adopting the family name Rotenberg in his honor. Rebbi Menachem Binyamin was descended from the great tzaddikim of Ropshitz, Sanz, Or LaShamayim, Belz, and Apta. He later emigrated to the United States, where he led his community and served as president of the Council of American Rebbes.

[2], 82, [2], 116 Leaves. 22.7 cm.

Overall Good condition, some marginal tears and repairs, couple frayed edges, old binding.

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Lot #90

Stamp of the Holy Rebbi Yitzchak Yeshaya of Tchechov- Inscriptions & signatures of the Holy Rebbi Yosef Zev Halberstam of Kshanov- Copy of the Holy Rebbi Asher Meir Halberstam of Sanz and Bochnia. Divrei Chaim on the Torah, Krakow, 1892.

Start price: $1,000

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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