Sefer Zikaron Torat Moshe is an index of statements of the Sages found in the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds, Midrashim, Moreh Nevuchim, Derashot HaRan, Sefer HaIkkarim, and more. Authored by Rabbi Moshe Pijo, one of the sages of Constantinople, the book is organized by topic according to the alphabetical order.
Prague, 1623, by Avraham ben Shimon [Haida].
This sefer is exceptionally rare and has only appeared in public auctions a few times.
Antique signature appears on the title page: "Hakatan Aharon of Olkusz."
This is possibly the handwriting of the holy Rabbi Aharon Margaliyot, son of the saintly Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke Margaliyot, Av Beit Din of Olkusz. The holy Rebbi Yissachar Dov of Belz recounted that the Baal Shem Tov referred to the two saintly brothers, Rabbi Elazar Rokeach, Av Beit Din of Amsterdam, and his brother, Rabbi Aharon, and said that Rabbi Aharon was on an even higher spiritual level than his brother Rabbi Elazar.
Rabbi Aharon was the father-in-law of the renowned Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk.
Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke Margaliyot, Rabbi Aharon’s father, was the son-in-law of the great Rabbi Moshe, the Dayan HaGadol of Krakow, who was the son of the illustrious Rabbi Yehoshua Charif, Av Beit Din of Krakow, author of Mageni Shlomo and Pnei Yehoshua.
Another ancient signature appears on the title page:"…His servant, the humble Meir, son of my honored and saintly father, our teacher and rabbi Todros, of blessed memory, of Krakow."
Rabbi Todros, son of Rabbi Avraham Ashkenazi, served as a Parnes in Krakow and passed away in 1647. He left behind several sons, including Rabbi Meir, whose signature appears on this sefer.
Rabbi Todros’s son-in-law was the great Rabbi Yehuda Leib, son of the esteemed Rabbi Yehoshua Charif, Av Beit Din of Krakow, author of Mageni Shlomo and Pnei Yehoshua.
Furthermore, in his work Kadmoniyot miPinkasot Yeshanim leKorot Yisrael bePolin Bichlal uviKrakow Biprat (Antiquities from Old Records Concerning the History of the Jews in Poland in General and in Krakow in Particular), Krakow, 1892, Feivel Watenstein transcribes from the Pinkas (community register) of Krakow the will of Rabbi Todros (p. 36, end of the page), in which Rabbi Todros commanded his wife not to arrange a match for any of their sons without the consent and approval of his father-in-law, the author of Mageni Shlomo. This demonstrates the close relationship between these two families.
On pages 31–37, the inheritance of Rabbi Todros is discussed, in which he bequeaths his seforim to his sons (p. 32). The document also mentions the person designated to be his son-in-law—Rabbi Yehuda Leib, son of the Mageni Shlomo (p. 32).
All of this strengthens the hypothesis that the second signature indeed belongs to the saintly Rabbi Aharon Margaliyot, the father-in-law of Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk.
128, 45 Leaves. 29.4 Cm.
Overall Great Condition, some stains, some marginal restorations on first three pages and last page, New Binding and purple leather spine.
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Lot #82