Sefer Menuchat Asher by the wonder of the generation, the Gaon Rabbi Asher Anshel Jungreis, av beit din of Csenger, known after as the Ba’al Menuchat Asher. Part II, pulpulim and svarot yesharot on Talmudic sugyas. Munkacs, 1908.
First edition of sefer Menuchat Asher, published by the author’s son-in-law, Rabbi Ya’akov son of the Gaon Rabbi David Schick of Brezve. The sefer opens with approbations by gedolei hador – the Yitev Lev of Sighet, the Sho’el U’Meishiv, and others.
Handstamp of Rabbi Shmuel Zalman Weinberger (1863 – 1934) was a son and disciple of his father, Rabbi Yehoshua Aharon Tzvi (Mahariatz), and learned as well by the Shevet Sofer and Rabbi David Neiman of Pressburg. He succeeded his father’s position as Rabbi of Margareten (Marghita) where he sustained a large yeshiva as well.
He succeeded him after his death in the Marghita rabbinate becoming an important Hungarian Torah leader. [He was appointed to the rabbinate although he was less than 30 years old and in spite of the fact that he was the youngest of the sons of Rebbe Yehoshua Aharon Zvi Weinberger by the behest of Rebbe Naftali Hertz’ke of Újfehértó (Ratzfert) who promised a cure to a seriously ill person if Rabbi Shmuel Zalman would be granted this position]. He was famed as a venerable scholar as well as for his piety and holiness. He was close to Chassidism and adopted many of their rites (although he was a disciple of the Pressburg Yeshiva which was an Ashkenazi yeshiva). He was friendly with the rebbes of Shinova, Belz, Vizhnitz and Satmar.
In his eulogy, Rabbi Yehuda Rosner, Av Beis Din of Szekelyhid said about him: "…He did not sleep in a bed between Shabbos to Shabbos, only a temporary nap in his chair." He was the father-in-law of the Maharam Brisk, Av Beis Din of Tășnad.
With an ownership inscription:
"Belongs to the exalted, holy and revered Rabbi, the preeminent leader of the generation, our master, Rabbi Shmuel Zalman W”b, may he live a long and good life, Av Beit Din and Rosh Yeshiva in the holy community of Margareten, may it be established forever."
Stamp of his son Rabbi Yeshoua Pinchas Ab”d Berettyószéplak (Suplacu de Barcău) & it’s environs.
Rabbi Shmuel Zalman passed away on Friday night, the 14th of Kislev 1933. After his passing, his youngest son, Rabbi Mordechai Azriel, was appointed to the rabbinate of Margareten, while his eldest son, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinchas, had already received the rabbinate of Berettyószéplak during his father’s lifetime.
However, a dispute and a legal Torah judgment arose regarding the appointments. Ultimately, Rabbi Yehoshua Pinchas withdrew from the matter, retaining his position as the rabbi of Berettyószéplak.
Orignal (red) ink stamp on the margins of the leaf from the author’s son-in-law, the publisher, HaK’ Ya’akov Ben HaG'(aon) HaG'(adol) David Schick Brezve, rabbi of Nowadwad."
Signature ”Hakatan Moshe Weinberger”.
[2], 10, 76 Leaves. 35 cm.
With important subscribers list from Hungarian & Romanian cities & towns.
Overall Great condition, some marginal stains, a couple marginal tears, Page 74 has a tear affecting text. Sumptuous new red leather binding with owners name.
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Lot #80