1. Sefer Divrei Zikaron, A Path of Life with Ethical Reproof, To Inspire the Upright Through Wise Words, Simplifications, and Teachings. By Rabbi Yosef Stathagen, Av Beit Din of Metz. Two parts.

Only Edition. Amsterdam, 1705. Printed by Emmanuel Athias.

Includes endorsements from prominent scholars of the era: Rabbi Naftali Katz, author of Semikhat Chachamim and Rabbi of Poznań; Rabbi Shlomo Aailion; and Rabbi Moshe Yehuda HaCohen, rabbis of the Sephardic and Ashkenazic communities of Amsterdam.

With a self dedication by Rabbi Yosef Moshe Stern of Munkacs, attesting that he received the sefer as a gift from his teacher, the renowned Rabbi Meir Perls, Av Beit Din of Karoly.

Inscription stating that Rabbi David Zaltzer of Munkacs acquired the sefer from his brother-in-law, Rabbi Yosef Moshe Stern.

Stamps of the renowned Beit Midrash of Rabbi Yosef Zerah in Munkacs.

2. Sefer Gaon Tzvi, Innovations on the Talmud: Yevamot, Ketubot, Kiddushin, Bava Kamma, Bava Metzia, Chullin, and some Responsa.  By Rabbi Zvi Hirsch HaLevi Horowitz, Av Beit Din of Zamot, author of Aspeklarya HaMeira, and one of the great Lithuanian rabbis of the 17th century.

Only Edition. Prague, 1737. Printed by the descendants of Judah Bak (introductions and endorsements printed in Wilhermsdorf in 1738).

The introduction, written by the author’s grandson, recounts a profound spiritual experience: "During my mourning and grief, I fell asleep during my studies and saw in a dream an old man dressed entirely in white who appeared before me. He said, ‘Why do you cry and wail? Now, my son, listen, and I will teach you wisdom in praise of the Almighty’s greatness and strength.’ While I contemplated this wondrous poem, he sang it before me, and I awoke."

The text of the heavenly song is included and was noted by the Chida in Shem HaGedolim: "Look there and see wonders." Also included is a divine insight on Hanukkah matters, referenced with great respect by the Chida in Petach Einayim (Shabbat 21a).
Signature of the renowned Rabbi Yisrael Noach, son of Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Brisk.

3. Talmud Yerushalmi  on the Order of Nashim, with the commentaries "Pnei Moshe" and "Marei HaPanim, " By Rabbi Moshe Margolies.

First Edition. Amsterdam, 1755. Printed by Jan Jansson.

This is the first edition featuring the celebrated commentaries of the author of Pnei Moshe. These are among the most significant and widespread commentaries on the Jerusalem Talmud.

Endorsed by Rabbi Aryeh Leib, Av Beit Din of Amsterdam, son-in-law of the Chacham Tzvi and brother-in-law of the Yaavetz. Contains an elaborate introduction by Rabbi Moshe Margolies with blessings for the Sephardic philanthropists in London.

Antique signature: "Meir Krokziker."

4. Sefer Eliyah Rabba, Innovations on the Babylonian Talmud Tractates Ketubot, Kiddushin, Gittin, Bava Kamma, Bava Metzia, and Chullin. By Rabbi Eliyahu Shapira, Av Beit Din of Prague, author of Eliyah Rabba on the Shulchan Aruch.

First Edition. Fürth, 1768.

Endorsed by great rabbis, including the Nodah BiYehuda.

Antique ownership inscription.

5. Sefer Or Chadash, Part Two. Innovations on Tractate Pesachim. Authored by Rabbi Elazar, Av Beit Din of Rechnitz.

First Edition. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1776.
Endorsed by prominent rabbis of the era, including the Nodah BiYehuda of Prague, Rabbi Shaul of Amsterdam, and Rabbi Shmuel Shmelka HaLevi Horowitz, the holy Rabbi of Nikolsburg.

Antique ownership inscriptions and signatures of R. Yehuda Leib ben R. Yosef Menachem Mendel Mandeler of Kremsier. One inscription is signed "Wolf of Semnitz, " dated 1831(?).

6. Sefer Magen Avot, A Comprehensive Explanation of the 39 Melachot of Shabbat: Their Roots in the Talmud and Halachic Texts, and Their Differences Between Yom Tov and Shabbat. By Rabbi Mordechai Banet.

First Edition. Zolkiew, 1835.

Includes an endorsement by Rabbi Yaakov Ornstein, author of Yeshuot Yaakov, and an introduction by the author’s son.

7. Sefer Chiddushei Yaavetz, by Rabbi Yaakov Koppel, Av Beit Din and Rosh Yeshiva of Verbó and the surrounding region.

First Edition. Pressburg, 1837.

This important work by the esteemed rabbi of Werbau was published shortly after his passing. His sons wrote that they intended to print additional innovations on other tractates. Includes an enthusiastic endorsement by Rabbi Moshe Sofer, the Chatam Sofer.

Antique signatures: "Shmuel Hersh Stryker" and "Avraham Orban."

Overall Good-Great Condition, Complete Copies, 8 Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings with owners name, 1 in New Binding

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Lot #8

Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings, 1705–1837. Important Signatures. First or Only Editions.

Start price: $500

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