A collection of seforim with the signatures of renowned Torah scholars and great sages of Israel.

1. Responsa Tzemach Tzedek, by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Nikolsburg, a devoted disciple of Rabbi Joel Sirkis (the Bach).

Fürth, 1766.

On the first page, the signature of the renowned Rabbi Benjamin Wolf Hamburg, Av Beit Din (chief rabbi) of Fürth, appears: "I acquired this for 36 Zechins, signed Wolf Hamburg."

Rabbi Abraham Benjamin Ze’ev Wolf Hamburg was born in 1770 and became one of the great rabbis of Germany in his generation. He was a distinguished student of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Berlin, author of Bigdei Kehunah, and succeeded him as the rabbi of Fürth and head of its prestigious yeshiva. He was a leading Torah scholar and an influential figure in Ashkenazi Jewry. Among his works are Sha’ar HaZekenim, Simlat Binyamin, and others.

A native of Fürth, he rose through its ranks until he was appointed by his teacher to various leadership roles, ultimately inheriting all his positions, including Av Beit Din and head of the yeshiva, until his passing in 1850. He strongly opposed the Reform movement, and due to his refusal to modernize the yeshiva, it was closed. His struggle nearly exhausted his financial resources. He trained many disciples, including Rabbi Jacob Ettlinger, author of Aruch LaNer.

The Chatam Sofer described him in his letters as: "The distinguished and famous genius, a mighty sword… the leader in every place…"

Signature on the tile page of the Gaon Rabbi Alexander Sender Reis, Av Beit Din of Breisach. He was the son of the renowned kabbalist Rabbi Raphael Reis, Av Beit Din of Endingen and Lengnau.

Born in 1775, he studied extensively in the Fürth yeshiva and received rabbinic ordination. In 1799, he married the daughter of Rabbi Gideon Oppenheimer, a notable of Breisach. In 1814, he was appointed as the leader of the Jews in Baden and as Av Beit Din of Breisach. He inherited his father’s manuscripts and passed away in Breisach in 1854.

Overall Very Good Condition, couple water stains, couple marginal tears, very minor worming on first two pages, New red leather binding.

2. Gedolim Ma’asei Hashem – Discourses on Creation, the Patriarchs, Biblical narratives, and a section on the Exodus with a commentary on the Passover Haggadah. Written by Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi, son of Rabbi Eliyahu the physician.

Zolkiew, 1802. With approbations from Rebbi Avraham Chaim of Zlotchov (Orach L’Chaim) and Rabbi Yitzchak Ashkenazi of Lviv.

Ownership inscription from Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak, son of Rabbi Yoav, Av Beit Din of Abaújszántó 
 "This Ma’asei Hashem belongs to the illustrious and distinguished rabbi, my father Rabbi Yoav, Av Beit Din of Unsdorf, and as proof, I, Shmuel Yitzchak, have signed."

The famous Holy  Gaon Rabbi Yoav Rósenbaum, Av Beit Din of Unsdorf &  Abaújszántó, was the son of Rabbi Jeremiah, Av Beit Din of Mattersdorf and  Abaújszántó and his mother the daughter of R. Meir HaLevi of Oświęcim. A celebrated scholar of his time, he served as rabbi in various towns, including Zarnowice and Tzelem, before becoming Av Beit Din of Unsdorf around 1801 and later of  Abaújszántó in 1806. He authored Sha’arei Bina, Chen Tov, Imrei Noam, and Imrei Yoav. He passed away on the 4th of Sivan, 1810. The Chatam Sofer eulogized him, stating that his name "Yoav" stood for Yafeh Ve’Ein Mo’om Bach (Beautiful and Without Blemish). And see in the Kuntres Beit Asher – Ohel Sarah (printed at the beginning of the sefer Menuchat Asher) that the reason for the arrival of the esteemed Rabbi Eliezer Löw, author of Shemen Rokeach, to serve as the Av Beit Din of Abaújszántó in 1830 was his desire to be buried near the esteemed holy Rabbi Yoav.

Signed by his son-in-law, Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik Frenkel (1782/1776–1835), a prominent disciple of the Chatam Sofer.

Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik Frenkel was the son of Rabbi Uri Lipman Frenkel and brother of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Frenkel of Gunzruska (father of Rebbi Shmuel Frenkel of Dorog). He married the daughter of Rabbi Yoav of Abaújszántó.

In 1810, he succeeded his father-in-law as rabbi of Abaújszántó, and in 1820, he was appointed Av Beit Din of Carei (Nagykároly). The Chatam Sofer arranged his marriage and praised him as one of his finest students. Before his wedding, his father-in-law presented him with his manuscript Chen Tov, and within a short time, the young scholar returned it with his own commentary, Zevad Tov, which was published alongside Chen Tov in 1806.

During his tenure in Abaújszántó, the Chatam Sofer referred to him in a legal responsum on agunot (abandoned wives), writing: "…and their leader is my distinguished disciple, the great rabbi, Moreinu HaRav Itzik, who, besides his piety and integrity, is an outstanding scholar, particularly in matters of agunot, where he has gained renown through his scholarly work on this subject."

His son, Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Yitzchak, later served as Av Beit Din of Szikszó. He was a renowned Torah scholar and was sought out for his wisdom and counsel. A responsum addressed to him appears in Responsa Imrei Esh, Siman 75: "My brother-in-law, the distinguished Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik, Av Beit Din of Szikszó." His daughter married Rabbi Chaim Vitriol, Av Beit Din of the Sephardic community in Miskolc, who later served as a dayan in Mukachevo. Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Yitzchak passed away in 1857.

Additional Ancient Signatures:

Yehuda, son of Tzvi Hirsch, of Oświęcim
Gabriel HaLevi of Teczyn
Moshe, son of Shmuel Ze’ev Lindenfeld.

Overall Great condition, some stains, some frayed corners, old binding damaged.

3. Sefer  Ein Yisrael, Part I – Novellae on Tractates Shevuot and Bava Batra by Rabbi Gabriel HaCohen Engelman, Av Beit Din of Nové Mesto.

Vienna, 1822. This is the only edition. With approbations from the Chatam Sofer, Rabbi Moshe Sofer, and Rabbi David Deutsch, Av Beit Din of Altofen and Nové Mesto.

Signature of the renowned Rabbi Naftali HaCohen Schwartz, Av Beit Din of Mad and author of Beit Naftali appears on the title page.

The holy Gaon Rabbi Naftali HaCohen Schwartz (1846–1897) was the son and disciple of Rabbi Avraham Yehuda HaCohen Schwartz (author of Kol Aryeh). He was an exceptional Torah scholar and received ordination from the Atzei Chaim, Rabbi Shimon Sofer, and the Maharam Schick. After marrying, he served as rabbi in Beregszász before moving to Vishiva, where he led a prominent yeshiva. After his father’s passing, he succeeded him as Av Beit Din of Mad, where he established one of Hungary’s largest yeshivas. Among his works are Beit Naftali and others.

Overall Very Good condition, couple stains, couple marginal tears, New purple leather binding.

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Lot #78

Signatures of the Gaonim Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Hamburg; a copy belonging to Rabbi Yoav Ab''d Abaújszántó, signatures of his son, Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak Ab''d Szikszó, and his son-in-law, Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik Frankel, Ab''d of Carei; Rabbi Naftali HaCohen, Ab

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