Sefer Ma’aseh Rokeach, on the Rambam, Part I, by Rabbi Masoud Chai Rokeach, one of the great sages of Izmir and the chief rabbi of Tripoli. Venice, 1742/3 – First Edition – The only volume published during the holy author’s lifetime – printed by Meir Da Zara. The title page is illustrated with figures of Moses and Aaron.

At the top of the title page, there is a dedication from Maran, the great Rabbi Akiva Eiger:

"Given by me… son-in-law of the late R’ Lipman,

The humble Akiva Ginz Ma"sh, here in the holy community of Friedland."

The story behind it: When we received the volume, an old paper repair was affixed to the title page (see last image). When we carefully removed the paper, we were pleasantly surprised to discover the dedication and signature of Rabbi Akiva Eiger! Light traces of the adhesive remained (mainly on the word ‘Ma"sh’).

The renowned Gaon Maran Rabbi Akiva Eger (1761-1837) was an eminent Torah scholar in his times, born in Eisenstadt, son of R. Moshe Güns and of the daughter of the first Rabbi Akiva Eger [Rabbi of Pressburg, author of Mishnat D’Rabbi Akiva]. Before he reached bar-mitzvah age, he already studied in the Breslau Yeshiva under the tutelage of his uncle and teacher Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Eger and at fifteen, began delivering Torah discourses. After his marriage in 1778, he moved to Leszno (Lissa) to the home of his father-in-law R. Itzik Margaliot. In spite of his young age, he was regarded as one of the leading scholars of the city which was the hub of Torah study at that time.

In 1792, he was appointed Rabbi of Märkisch Friedland (Mirosławiec) and established a yeshiva in the city. In 1815, he began his 23-year tenure as Rabbi of Posen until his death in 1837. In Posen as well, he founded a yeshiva and taught many disciples. He cherished teaching his disciples and this pursuit took precedence over writing Torah novellae and responsa to the thousands of queries which reached him daily from all corners of the world. A holy person with ru’ach hakodesh, although supremely humble and gracious, he insisted upon the honor due to the Torah and the rabbinate. He used his authority to lead the communities in the Posen district (Northern Poland and Prussia) and fiercely and successfully fought the Reform movement and those who attempted to tear down the walls of Torah observance. He issued many regulations and established many public institutes. (In the realm of his rabbinical duties, he was accustomed to visiting every ill person who resided in the communities. After his strength waned in his senior years, he appointed special emissaries to visit the ill in his stead and requested to receive their names so he could pray for them).

His descendants were also leading Torah scholars: Rabbi Shlomo Eger (1786-1852), one of Warsaw’s most influential Jews and his father’s successor in the Posen rabbinate. He wrote Gilyon Maharsha and other works; R abbi Avraham Eger from the city of Rawicz who edited his father’s writings [with his own additions signed "A.A.B.H.H. – acronym of the Hebrew "Amar Avraham Ben HaRav HaMehaber" (Avraham, son of the author said)]; his renowned son-in-law Maran Rabbi Moshe Sofer, author of the Chatam Sofer who after the death of his first wife, wed the daughter of R. Akiva Eger [Rebbetzin Sherel, mother of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Wolf, author of the Ktav Sofer and Rabbi Shimon Sofer, Rabbi of Krakow].

R. Akiva Eger devoted his entire life to Torah study, known for his amazing proficiency and his deep interpretations which became basic tenets of Torah learning until our times. His seforim and novellae are key Torah texts for yeshiva students and for poskim. Rabbi Elazar Menachem Shach, author of Avi Ezri, writes in his approbation to the sefer Pote’ach She’arim – Some of the Torah Teachings of R. Akiva Eger (Jerusalem, 1985) "For us, Rabbi Akiva Eger and his opinions and reasoning are as conclusive as one of the Rishonim…".

[8], 286, [1] Leaves. 29.4 cm.

Please see also Lot 102.

Overall Great Condition, few stains and water stains, marginal repairs and tears to first two pages and very minor marginal worming, later binding.

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Lot #76

Dedication and Signature of the Genius of Geniuses Rabbi Akiva Eiger – Ma'aseh Rokeach, First Edition, Venice 1742.

Start price: $5,000

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