A rare edition of Tur Choshen Mishpat, authored by Rabbeinu Yaakov ben Asher, with the Beit Yosef commentary by Maran Rabbi Yosef Karo.


Venice, 1567. By Giovanni Griffio. Second edition of the Beit Yosef printed during the lifetime of Rabbi Yosef Karo. Includes a poem and praise for the sefer at the end by R’ Shmuel ben Elchanan Yaakov Arcivolti, beginning with the words: "Shirati Hachini Derech".

Extremely rare! A complete copy has never before appeared in a public auction.

With Extensive manuscript glosses by the renowned Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz (the first), Av Beit Din of Cleve, the grandfather of the famous Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz, author of "Tiferet Yisrael" on the Mishnah.

The annotations form an entire, independent halachic composition!

Autograph manuscripts of Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz are extremely rare! and have never before appeared at auction.

Some annotations by his son, Rabbi Gedaliah Lifshitz, Av Beit Din of Cleve and Chodzież. Two glosses bear his signature.

Rabbi Gedaliah was the father of R’abbi Yisrael Lifshitz, the "Tiferet Yisrael", and a profound influence on his Torah learning.

His holy handwriting is also Extremely Rare!

The volume was examined by the renowned scholar, Rabbi Shmeril Tzitronenbaum, and was approved by him many years ago.

The Great Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz Av Beit Din of Cleve – The Cleves Get Controversy. Renowned for his role in the famous Cleves Get controversy. Disciple of the "Knesset Yechezkel", Av Beit Din of Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek (AHU). Served as Av Beit Din in Deutz and the surrounding region from 1741, engaging in halachic correspondence with the greatest rabbis of the generation. Appointed Av Beit Din of Cleve in 1763, serving until his passing in 1782.

The "Tiferet Yisrael", in the introduction to his Mishnah commentary, details his distinguished lineage: Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz of Cleve, son of Rabbi Eliezer, Av Beit Din in several communities in Germany and Poland, author of "Damasek Eliezer" and "Siach HaSadeh". Rabbi Eliezer, son of Rabbi Zalman, who served as Av Beit Din of Ostroh for 40 years. Rabbi Zalman Rawardi, who moved to Eretz Yisrael and became Nasi of Jerusalem. Rabbi Zalman Runkil, mentioned by Maharil and the Shlah, buried in Krakow. His grandson, R’ Gedaliah Lifshitz, married into the illustrious family of R’ Shaul Wahl and was a direct ancestor of R’ Meir of Lublin.

His son the great Gaon Rabbi Gedaliah Lifshitz, Av Beit Din of Cleve and Chodzież (1746-1826). Served as Av Beit Din of Emden, then Obrzycko, and finally Chodzież An exceptional scholar, ordained at age 24 by the Sha’agat Aryeh.

Father and mentor of Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz, author of Tiferet Yisrael on the Mishnah, which remains a fundamental commentary printed in hundreds of editions. In the introduction to Seder Nashim, the Tiferet Yisrael writes about his father:

"All this I owe to the guidance of my master and father, the crown of my head, my teacher and holy rabbi… Already in my youth, he urged me to study Mishnayot diligently every day…"

Rabbi Gedaliah passed away in 1826. (For more biographical details, see: Mordechai Meir, "Rabbi Gedaliah Lifshitz, Father of the Tiferet Yisrael, " Yeshurun 18, pp. 884–903.)

40, 43–462 (i, e. 461) Leaves. 34.9 Cm.

Censorship approval by Vittorio Eliano, in Italian on the final page.

Overal in Excellent Condition, professionally restored hole to bottom of title page affecting text, margins of first 15 leaves professionally restored, stains & water stans, light bottom marginal worming to last 33 leaves, new binding with leather spine.

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Lot #75

Tur of the Gaonim R’ Yisrael Lifshitz and His Son R’ Gedaliah Lifshitz – A Rare Manuscript Commentary. Tur Choshen Mishpat, Venice 1567 – Extremely Rare!

Start price: $6,000

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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