Rekach HaGadol, by Rabbeinu Eliezer ben Yehuda of Germiza. First printed at the instruction of the holy Kedushat Levi of Berdichev, and now reprinted by Rabbi Dov Berish Luria.
Tosafot Rid on Tractate Yevamot, published for the first time from the manuscript of the Schechter Library in New York, by Rabbi Ze’ev Beidenovitz. Jerusalem, 1931.
Overall Good - Fair Condition, Complete Copies, original, old, and later bindings slightly rubbed to damaged.
The Holy Gaon Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Waks author of Nefesh Chaya [1822-1889] the son of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yehuda the son-in-law of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Moshe Yosef Halberstam the bother of the holy Maran of Sanz. By his second marriage, the son-in-law of the great Gaon the Yeshu\'os Malko of Kutno. The Rav of Tarnigrad, by the recommendation of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. The Rav of Kalisch who fought against the reform and the members of the Enlightenment Movement of the town. In his old age, he became the Rav of Piotrkow. Wherever he served as Rav, he established a large yeshiva with hundreds of students. Is considered one of the greatest rabbis of Poland. Was president of Kollel Polin and dedicated much time to Yishuv HaAretz.
Rabbi Shlome Avraham Rzechte (1843-1928). He was born and resided in Ozorkow. An erudite scholar, he responded to halakhic inquiries from all over the globe. His responsa work on all four sections of the Shulhan Arukh, Bikhurei Shlomo (2 parts, Piotrkow & Warsaw, 1894 & 1931) carries the approbations of the generation\'s leading Hasidic, Sephardic, and Mitnagdim rabbis. Among the approbators are Rabbi Raphael Meir ben Yehuda Panigel (1804–1893) the Sephardi chief rabbi of Jerusalem Rabbi Jacob Saul b. Eliezer Jeroham Elyashar (1817–1906), Sephardi chief rabbi of Erez Israel (rishon le-Zion)., Rabbi Hayyim Hezekiah b. Raphael Elijah Medini (1832–1904), author of Sdei Hemed, Rabbi Samuel Salant (1816–1909) chief rabbi of Jerusalem and one of the foremost 19th-century rabbis in Jerusalem, Admor of Sochaczev, Rebbe Hanokh Heinokh b. Samuel Borenstein (1896-1965). Rabbi Isreal Joshua Trunk of Kutna, Rebbe Jehiel Danziger (1913–1942), Rebbe of Alexander, Rabbi Isaac Elhanan Spektor (1817–1896) of Kovno, Rabbi Joseph Dov (Baer) Soloveitchik of Brisk, Rabbi Naphtali Zevi Judah Berlin (ha-Neziv 1817–1893), and many others.
Rebbi Menachem Binyamin Ben Zion Halberstam-Rotenberg of Sanz-Widislaw:
[1881–1957], a descendant of the saintly lineage of Sanz and Kshanov through his father, Rebbi Aharon of Biala-Bielitz, and his grandfather, Rebbi Yosef Zev of Kshanov, son of Rebbi Chaim of Sanz. Through his mother, he was also a grandson of Rebbi Alter Chaim of Wolbrom, adopting the family name Rotenberg in his honor. Rebbi Menachem Binyamin was descended from the great tzaddikim of Ropshitz, Sanz, Or LaShamayim, Belz, and Apta. He later emigrated to the United States, where he led his community and served as president of the Council of American Rebbes.
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