1. Copy of the Holy Rebbi Yosef Hakohen of Rymanów – Sefer Hatishbi, Czernowitz, 1856

On the title page  are stamps of the Holy Rebbi Yosef Hakohen of Rymanów: "Yosef Friedman, " with an eagle illustration (similar to the style of Ruzhin dynasty Admorim of his generation, as Rebbi Yosef grew up in the home of the Holy Rebbi Yisrael of Ruzhin).

Additionally, another of his stamps is present. Both partially obscured by pen strokes.

2. Copy with Handwriting & stamps of the Holy Admor Rebbi Moshe Hager of Seret – Avodat Halevi

Sefer Avodat Halevi includes Chassidic discourses on the Torah portions, festivals, haftorot, scrolls, letters, various collections, and halachic responsa, authored by the Holy Rebbi Aharon Halevi Segal Horowitz of Staroselye.

These first two parts of this work were printed in Lemberg in 1842, with additional parts printed in Warsaw in 1866.

Part A: Bereshit-Vayikra, Moadim, and Megilot.

Part B: Likutim.

On both title pages are stamps of the Holy Admor Rebbi Moshe Hager of Seret. The flyleaf contains a list of seforim in his holy handwriting.

3. Copy of the Holy Admor Rebbi Shlomo Friedman of Chortkov – Yesod Yosef

Sefer Yesod Yosef, a kabbalistic treatise on rectification for improper thoughts, by Rabbi Yosef ben Shlomo of Poznań, with many additions, including laws of Shabbat.

With the stamp of the Holy Rebbi Shlomo Friedman of Chortkov (1854–1959).

Title details: Published in 1774, though likely printed around 1830 in Russia-Poland.

The first work dedicated entirely to the topic of rectifying improper thoughts, widely quoted in works of ethics and Chassidut. Prominent halachic authorities, such as the Chayei Adam and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, cited its teachings.

4. Signature and Seal of Rabbi Tzvi Yaakov Halevi Ben Menachem Eliyahu Denenburg.

Sefer Seder Olam Rabbah and Zuta, with the commentary Yad Yosef by Rabbi Chanoch Zundel.

First edition, Vilna, 1845.

5. Dedication by Rebbi Reuven Menachem Leifer of Ungvar to His Brother-in-Law Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel HaKohen Glanz.

Sefer Yalkut Eliezer, Volume 1, compiled from various Midrashic sources, by Rabbi Zusman Eliezer Sofer, a prominent Hungarian rabbi.

First edition, Pressburg, 1864.

The title page features a beautiful dedication signed and sealed by Rebbi Reuven Menachem Leifer to his brother-in-law Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel HaKohen Glanz, along with the recipient’s signature.

6. Rare Edition of Eretz Chemda by Rabbi Moshe Aharon Reichmann – Printed in Safed, 1869

This sefer, a commentary on the laws of blessings, authored by Rabbi Moshe Aharon Reichmann, Av Beit Din of Neu-Nitritz and later of Tiberias, was published in Safed?

A highly rare edition, not listed in major bibliographies or the National Library of Israel.

7. Copy of Rabbi Meshulam Roth, Av Beit Din of Chorostków.

Sefer Yad Emunah, a dialogue between a believer and a skeptic, by Rabbi Tzvi ben Ben Zion of Karssen, Warsaw, 1880.

8. Copy of the Holy Rebbi Alter of Lelov.

Sefer Zera Kodesh, a kabbalistic work on the covenant, by Rabbi Moshe Graf of Prague, with a supplement called Bat Melech.

Munkács, 1893.

The title page and last leaf feature two types of stamps, including one crafted from the handwriting of Rebbi Alter Biderman, some from his time in Jerusalem.

9. Copy of the Holy Rebbi Pinchas Rabinowitz of Kantakuzovka– Another Copy of Zera Kodesh

This copy bears the stamps of the Holy Rebbi Pinchas Rabinowitz of Kantakuzovka

10. Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak HaKohen Aranowski, Rabbinic Authority of Kovno.

Sefer Or Hashem, an exposition on studying the Talmud and the roots of mitzvot, justifying Rambam’s Moreh Nevuchim, authored by Rabbi Chasdai Crescas.

Johannisburg, 1861 (first edition printed in Ferrara, 1515).

11. Copy Received from the Son of the Author, Rabbi Chaim Aharon David Deutsch.

Sefer Ben Garni, a commentary on the Pentateuch, by Rabbi Yosef Yisrael Deutsch, Rabbi of Balassagyarmat.

First Edition, Turna, 1931.

The title page includes a self dedication from 1932 by R. Yisrael Yehuda Leib son of R. Tzvi Hersh Breuer, who received the sefer from the publisher, the author’s son.

Overall Great condition, Complete copies, New leather bindings with owners name, few show signs of use.

The Holy Rebbe Yosef Friedman of Rymanów (1844-1913), the youngest son of the Holy Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh of Rymanów, was orphaned at the young age of 3 and raised by his stepfather Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin (Ruzhyn) who remarried his mother, the righteous Rebbetzin Malka. After the passing of R. Yisrael of Ruzhin, his mother remained in the Sadigura (Sadhora) court with her young son and daughter. Her son Yosef was seven years old at the time and Rebbe Avraham Yaakov, the first Sadigura Rebbe, took charge of his education and molded his spiritual character to render him fit of succeeding his father Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh of Rymanów. At R. Yosef\'s wedding with Rebbetzin Freida, a descendant of the Baal Shem Tov, the Rebbe of Sadigura represented the bridegroom and R. Yosef subsequently became a member of his household, treated with honor and love like a son, even adopting the latter\'s surname "Friedman".

In 1867, at the age of 23, the Rebbe of Sadigura commanded him to relocate to Rymanów to succeed his father in leading the community, position he held until his death in 1913. His conduct and lifestyle followed the majestic style of Rebbes from the Ruzhin dynasty. When he opened his court in Rymanów, his father\'s hometown, many of his father\'s followers, who up until then frequented the court of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, began travelling to him.

The Holy Rebbi Moshe Hager of Radevits (Rădăuți), (1840–1902), author of Vayikach Moshe, was the son of Rebbi Yosef Alter Hager (1820–1879), the Admor of Radevits, who was the second son of Rebbi Chaim of Kosov and the son-in-law of Rebbi Moshe Tzvi of Savran. In 1873, Rebbi Yosef Alter ascended to the holy city of Safed and appointed his son, Rebbi Moshe, as his successor in the city of Radevits. However, Rebbi Moshe handed over the leadership to his own son, Rebbi Yisrael, and joined his father in Safed. Initially, he resided in Haifa but, finding himself without a suitable community, relocated to Safed a year and a half later, where he led the community at his father’s study hall. The people of Haifa sent him a heartfelt letter asking him to return, writing that since his departure, they had "neither Shabbat nor Torah."

Rebbi Moshe passed away in 1902 and was buried in the ancient Jewish cemetery in Safed, near the grave of the Ariza\'\'l. Rebbi Moshe recorded his teachings in the sefer Vayikach Moshe, which also includes approximately 70 teachings from his father, Rebbi Yosef Alter. He named the sefer after the verse, "And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him." The sefer was published by his son, Rebbi Yisrael of Radevits, in Munkacs in 1907.

The Holy Rebbe Shlomo Friedman of Chortkov (Chortkiv; 1894-1959), son of Rebbe Nachum Mordechai Friedman of Chortkov and son-in-law of his uncle Rebbe Yisrael of Sadigura. His paternal grandfather was Rebbe Yisrael Friedman of Chortkov, and his maternal grandfather was Rebbe Shlomo Friedman of Sadigura. His father, Rebbe Nachum Mordechai, fled with his family from Vienna close to the Holocaust, immigrating to Eretz Israel and establishing his court in Tel Aviv. His son, Rebbe Shlomo, succeeded him as rebbe after his death, becoming the fourth and last Chortkov Rebbe. Author of Divrei Shlomo.

The famous Gaon Rabbi Meshulam Roth was a noted Chasidic Posek, and son-in-law of Rebbi Pinchos Menachem Mendel Rubin (1870-1941) the Admor of Seret.

The Holy Rebbi Avraham Bezalel Natan Nota Biderman "Rebbi Alter" of Sosnovitza [1862-1933] was the son of the Holy Rebbi Elazar Menachem Mendel of Lelov and the brother of the Holy Rebbi David Zvi Shlomo [Rabbi Dudel]. Returned to Poland from Jerusalem and served as an Admor in Sosnovitza, where he became renowned as a lofty miracle-worker and Oved Hashem.

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Lot #72

Autographs & Stamps of Famous Admorim & Rabbis. Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings.

Start price: $500

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