A extensive and impressive manuscript containing deep Kabbalistic intentions (kavanot) for each night of the Sefirat HaOmer, handwritten by the renowned Kabbalist Rabbi Sasson Bachar Moshe Perisiado, along with his signature. Later, the manuscript came into the possession of the Kabbalist Rabbi Tzadok Harari Gibli, who added notes, ownership inscriptions, his signature, and his stamps.

[Jerusalem, circa 1880].

The Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Sasson Bachar Moshe Perisiado (1825–1903) Known as Perisiado (meaning "precious" in Ladino), he was born in Orgej, Bosnia, then part of the Ottoman Empire, to a family that traced its lineage to Rabbi Yosef Karo, author of the Shulchan Aruch. In 1830, at the age of five, his family immigrated to the Land of Israel. In Jerusalem, he studied under Rabbi Vidal Cuenca, a prominent figure of Midrash Beit El and head of the Chesed El Yeshiva, as well as under Rabbi David Chayit.

He dedicated his life to Torah study, spending the entire week in the study hall and only returning home on Friday evenings. Together with his brother, Rabbi Ephraim, he published several works of Rabbi Isaac Luria (Arizal), including Sha’ar HaKavanot, Etz Chaim, Sha’ar HaPesukim VeHaLikutim, and Sha’ar HaGilgulim. He wrote extensive commentaries on most of the teachings of Rabbi Chaim Vital, in a depth and scope unparalleled. His works remain foundational in understanding the writings of Rabbi Chaim Vital and Rabbi Shalom Sharabi (Rashash).

In 1882, at the age of 57, he was appointed Rosh Yeshiva of the prestigious Beit El Kabbalist Yeshiva. He served as the cantor, lead mystic, and Torah reader, delivering lessons to the students for about 20 years. People would travel great distances just to witness his prayers, as he appeared like an angel of God, and to hear his melodious voice. He led the yeshiva for 21 years until his passing on the 18th of Nisan, 1903. He was buried in the Mughrabi section of the Mount of Olives cemetery. Among his notable students were the Kabbalists Rabbi Shalom Hedaya and Rabbi Moshe Aidan of Tunisia.

The Tzadik & Mekubal Rabbi Tzadok, son of Rabbi David Gibli, was born in Yemen around 1876. In his youth, he immigrated to Jerusalem, where he became a leading figure in the community. Around 1910, he went on a holy mission, as a Shadar representing the community in Egypt, Italy, Germany, and the United States, where he remained for several years. In a letter from the Yemenite community in Jerusalem, he was appointed “the distinguished rabbi, faithful emissary, blessed among sons, pure lineage, etc., etc., our master Rabbi Tzadok Shlit”a, son of the righteous Rabbi David Elgabli.”

He served as the head of Yeshivat Chayei Shalom, founded in Jerusalem in 1911 in honor of the holy sage Rabbi Shalom Shabazi, and was among the kabbalists of Rehovot HaNahar. His appearance was like an angel of God, an eloquent preacher who moved his listeners to tears and repentance. He established an annual learning session in memory of the Rashash on the anniversary of his passing, the 10th of Shevat, a tradition that continues at the "Nachalat Tzvi" synagogue in Jerusalem. A member of the kabbalists of Rehovot HaNahar.

Signed "HaTza’ir Yitzchak Suisya S.Y.T.", one of the Kabbalists and mekavnim at the Rechovot HaNahar Yeshiva.

For reference to his signature on a ketav hitkashrut (document of spiritual affiliation) alongside other sages of the yeshiva, see the biography of Rabbi Shalom Dov Hager (HaShd”h) at the beginning of Pe’at HaShd”h, Ahavat Shalom edition, pp. 28–30. Rabbi Yitzchak Suisya also published Me’arat Sedeh HaMachpelah by Rabbi Moshe Ben Tzur (Jerusalem, 1910).

78 Leaves (153 written sides). 25 Cm.

Overall Very Good condition, some stains, a couple marginal tears, old red leather binding.

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Lot #71

Large Kabbalistic Manuscript – Kavanot for Counting the Omer and Prayers for Shavuot – Handwritten by the Kabbalist Rabbi Sasson Bachar Moshe Perisiado and Rabbi Tzadok Gibli – Signed by the Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Susiya – Circa 1880.

Start price: $1,500

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