1. Sefer Refuah VeChaim (The Book of Healing and Life), a treasury of medical remedies and segulot gathered from manuscripts and the words of holy sages, authored by the esteemed Rabbi Chaim Palagi, of blessed memory.

 Izmir, 1874, First Edition.

The sefer includes a rare folded leaf featuring a holy seal, inscribed with:

"I have received this script upon a tablet called ‘Ladrio, ‘ which was burned in a fire oven on the eve of Shabbat, to bring a convert back to the Jewish faith…"

Some of the sefer’s segulot and wonders include:

A special prayer for the sick

A prayer against false accusations by non-Jews

A prayer for those who seek to desecrate Jewish graves

A remedy for one possessed by a spirit (dibbuk)

Protection from the cholera epidemic

Safeguards, protections, and amulets for times of plague

The order of opening the Ark during an epidemic

A remedy for the soul of a dying person

A prayer for travelers

A prayer for women in difficult labor

A prayer for protection from fire

Many additional prayers and amulets

[2], 64 leaves.

2. Bound together with Sefer Chaim L’Gufa, also by Rabbi Chaim Palagi.

Printed in Izmir, 1874.

[2], 38 leaves.

Signature: Shlomo son of Chaim Sadra.

18.6 cm.

Overall Good Condition, water stains, marginal repair to title page of sefer Chaim L’Gufa, last page of sefer Refuah VeChaim has a couple small marginal holes, old binding rubbed.

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Lot #69

"Otzar HaYeshuot VeHaSegulot" –Refuah V’Chaim by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Palagi, Izmir 1874, First Edition – Folded Leaf with the Rare Holy Seal "Meshiv HaMumarim".

Start price: $600

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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