"This is the Sefer of Adam HaRishon given to him by Raziel HaMalach". Kabbalah and segulot.

Amsterdam: Moses Mendes Coitinho, 1701. First edition. Many kabbalistic illustrations.

First edition, compiled and printed directly from manuscripts. This sefer is the source of many well-known segulot, such as for remembering Torah study, a protective amulet for a woman giving birth, etc. Merely having this sefer in the house is a reputed segulah for protection from harm and fire, as stated on the title page: "An excellent segulah to bear wise and sage sons; for success, blessing and to extinguish fire, so that it not affect one’s home, and no demon or evil incident will affect the dwelling of one who keeps this holy, awesome book safe with his money in his treasury, and in times of fear and trouble it will afford him speedy salvation. And this will be attested to by any Torah observer". Some say that it is a segulah for the childless and for women experiencing difficult labor.

On p. 42b is printed the text of an amulet followed by a special prayer: "May you open the heart of Leib son of Sarah to study Torah… and Torah rationales, secrets and depths, and may his heart be like a flowing spring…". A Chassidic tradition finds hinted in this prayer the wondrous powers of the tzaddik Rebbe Leib Sarah’s (Leib son of Sarah), a disciple of the Baal Shem Tov. The book was printed about thirty years before his birth (see: Shem HaGedolim HeChadash, letter lamed, leaves 42-43).

Antique stamp partly erased :Zelig Son of R. David Emden [Treasurer of the Hambro Synagogue, London in 1785].

18, [1], 19-45 Leaves. Nice Margins: 23.2 Cm.

Overall Great Condition, white pages, 2 small holes to title page, title page & last 2 pages with marginal stains and mold stains, couple marginal tears, old green cloth binding.

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Lot #61

Raziel HaMalach – Amsterdam, 1701 – First Edition – Segulah Sefer in Very Nice Condition.

Start price: $15,000

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