1. Sefer Yalkut Reuveni (HaGadol) on the Torah. A compilation of Kabbalistic texts by the Kabbalist Rabbi [Avraham] Reuven ben Yehoshua Ha’ashkenazi Katz of Prague.

Amsterdam,   1640, printed by Emanuel Athias, second edition.

Yalkut Reuveni HaGadol—essays and commentaries on the Torah by Rabbi Reuven Ha’ashkenazi Katz, described as "a great gateway for Torah scholars and seekers of Kabbalah and secrets of the Torah."

Antique signature and ownership inscription: Yosef Yitzchak Safra.

Inscription and signature of R. Moshe ben Yaakov Yitzchak Waidislovsky [a famous banker in Lodz].

Signature and personal dedication from his son, the activist R. Meir ben Moshe Waidislovsky of Zgierz and Lodz [founder of the Young Agudath Israel movement in Poland].

2. Tur Choshen Mishpat, Part I, with the commentaries Beit Chadash, Drisha, and Prisha.

Frankfurt am Main, 1716. First Edition of Drisha and Prisha for Choshen Mishpat.

Antique Sephardic inscriptions and signature: Yaakov…

Signature: Yosef ben Aryeh Leib HaKohen, son-in-law of Rabbi Yehuda of Minsk.

3. Sefer Shiva Shitot by the Rashba. Commentaries of the Rashba on Tractates Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Megillah, Sukkah, Yevamot, Nedarim, and Bava Kamma.

Constantinople, 1720. First Edition, printed by Yonah ben Yaakov Ashkenazi.

Includes approbations by the rabbis of Constantinople: Rabbi Avraham Kimchi, Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi, Rabbi Chaim Kimchi, Rabbi Chaim Alfandari, and Rabbi Yehuda Roshanish.

Signature of R. Kalman Eliezer Jakobowitz.

Signature of Rabbi Nachum Zeldes.

4. Sefer Yesod: Commentaries by Rabbeinu Aharon HaLevi z”l on Tractate Ketubot. By Rabbeinu Aharon HaLevi, a disciple of the Ramban, colleague of the Rashba, and teacher of the Ritva. Some attribute to him the authorship of Sefer HaChinuch.

First Edition, Prague, 1722.

Stefansky Sifrei Yesod  53.

Stamp: Yosef Tzvi Friedman of Kosice.

5. Sefer Chamisha Shitot. Commentaries of the Ramban on Tractates Gittin and Niddah, the Ran on Tractates Sanhedrin and Chullin, and the Ritva on Tractate Makkot.

First Edition, Sulzbach, 1762.

Interesting inscription regarding Feiss ben Leib Reichburg of Koblenz, signed "Hakatan, Natan Munster, called Abraham Fiberman of Koblenz."

Long and interesting inscription in Yiddish-German.

Various signatures, likely of students in the yeshiva of Koblenz.

6. Sefer She’elot U’Teshuvot Maharimat (Maharit), Parts I–II. By Rabbi Yosef Mitrani.

Furth, 1768.

Antique  signatures: Menachem Manly…

Antique signature and stamp: Chaim Mordechai Blumenfeld.

7. Sefer Even Ozer. Halachic novellae by Rabbeinu Ozer ben Meir of Klimontov.

Dyhernfurth, 1778.

Antique signature: Menahem Bar Avraham Zal.

8. Sefer Bina L’Itim. Homilies by Rabbi Azariah Figo, author of Gidulei Terumah.

Berlin, 1791.

Antique ownership inscription at the top of the title page.

9. Sefer Sha’ar HaMelech. By Rabbi Yitzchak Nunes Belmonte, with Ta’am HaMelech by Rabbi Baruch Yiteles of Prague.

First Edition, Brunn, 1801–1803.

Includes approbations by the great rabbis: Rabbi Mordechai Banet of Nikolsburg, Rabbi Elazar Kalir of Cologne, and Rabbi Elazar Fleckeles of Prague.

Antique rabbinical signature from 1809.

10. Sefer Eimek Bracha, Part I. By Rabbi Yechiel Eichel Menachem Nachum.

Only Edition, Lemberg, 1808, printed by Naftali Hertz Groszman.

Rabbinical stamps on the title page.

11. Novellae on Tractate Shevuot. By Rabbeinu Yosef Ibn Migash, with commentary by Rabbi Shmuel Modigliani (Na’aman Shmuel), and a treatise "Chiddushei Torah and Responsa" by Rabbi Moshe Sofer (the Chasam Sofer).

First Edition, Prague, 1826.

The first publication of the Chasam Sofer’s novellae and responsa; his other works were published posthumously.

12. Tzelach (Tzion L’Nefesh Chaya). Scholarly work on the Talmud by Rabbi Yechezkel Landau, author of Noda B’Yehuda.

Sudylkov, 1832.

Antique signtures:  Feivel Mendelsohn.

13. Sefer Chiddushei HaRitva on Tractate Yevamot.

Sudylkov, printed by Yitzchak (and Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira), 1833.

On the title page: "In Sudylkov"; "Printed by R. Yitzchak, the printer." However, on page [2b], there is an approbation from Rabbi Ephraim of Sudylkov for Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira, the renowned printer from Slavuta. In his approbation, Rabbi Ephraim writes:

"The Slavuta press has an established right granted by earlier sages that no one may intrude upon their jurisdiction in the aforementioned community…" 
This suggests the sefer may have been printed in Slavuta.

It is possible that due to licensing issues or other technical reasons, Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira printed the sefer in Sudylkov, even though the Slavuta press was still operational at the time (it was closed only in 1837).
The bibliographer Sh. Wiener recorded the printing location as Slavuta and added that only the title page was printed in Sudylkov (see: Sh. Wiener, Sefer Kohelet Moshe, p. 459, entry 3771). In the Bibliographic Project, the printing location is recorded as Sudylkov, with reference to Wiener.

It is noteworthy that the decorative elements on page 1 of the body of the sefer correspond to those typical of the Sudylkov press. In the same year, another work (Sefer HaPela’ah on Tractate Ketubot) was printed in Sudylkov by members of the Shapira printing family, featuring a similar decorative style and an approbation for Rabbi Chanina Lipa, son of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Shapira.

Numerous inscriptions and signatures of the Tinkelblum/Dinkelblum family:

R. Yaakov ben R. Ze’ev Wolf Tinkelblum.
His son, R. Shimon Dinkelblum.
His son, R. Yosef Dinkelblum.
R. Akiva Dinkelblum.

14. Sefer Chiddushei HaRitva on Tractates Gittin and Chullin.

Sudylkov, 1835, printed by David ben Tzvi.

Numerous inscriptions and signatures of the Tinkelblum/Dinkelblum family, including R. Yaakov ben Rabbi Ze’ev Wolf Tinkelblum and his descendants.

Overall Great Condition, Complete Copies, Mix of New Bindings and Old rubbed Bindings

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Lot #6

Large & Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim, 1640–1835. Signatures & Inscriptions. Half are First Editions.

Start price: $500

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