Sefer Adam Sichli – Hadarat Kodesh is a Kabbalistic commentary on Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles of Faith, written by Rabbi Shimon ben Rabbi Shmuel from France.

Tiengen, southern Germany, [1560], [by Yosef ben Naftali]. First edition.

A Kabbalistic work providing commentary on the Thirteen Principles formulated by Maimonides in his commentary on the Mishnah (Sanhedrin, Chapter "Chelek"), with Maimonides’ original text (with slight variations), linking them to the Thirteen Attributes and the Ten Commandments.

At the top of the pages, the title Hadarat Kodesh is printed, which is the sefer’s secondary name, as stated on the title page. On folios 19-20, the author briefly explains the concept of the Ten Sefirot. From folio 21 onwards, there is a lengthy prayer for Yom Kippur, structured as a confession for one repenting.

The Rema in his sefer Torat HaOlah (Part III, Chapter 4, folio 73a, Prague edition, 1570) cites this prayer, stating: "Thus, the great Rabbi Shimon composed in his prayer ‘Hadarat Kodesh’ after arranging the concept of the Ten Sefirot." From the sefer Yosef Ometz (Frankfurt am Main, 1723), section 999, it appears that some had the custom of reciting this prayer on Yom Kippur night.

This edition is extremely rare. The printing house in Tiengen (Waldshut-Tiengen, southern Germany, near the French border) was established in the 16th century and operated for only a few months in the year 1560, printing just six Hebrew works. Title page is enclosed in a unique and rare decorative frame.

The author was one of the sages of Ashkenaz and wrote his sefer in 1400 (as he states at the end). The sefer gained widespread circulation, with numerous manuscript copies. The present edition is the first printed version, followed by several later editions.

[24] leaves. 17.2 cm.

Antique signatures:

Alexander son of the late R. Avraham.

Alexander Gutkind, son of the scholar Rabbi Yehuda Leib Shlit”a..

Overall Very Good Condition, very few stains, some professional marginal repairs, new red binding.

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Lot #58

Extremely Rare Kabbalistic Sefer – "Adam Sichli" – Tiengen, 1560 – First Edition.

Start price: $3,000

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