Sefer Yesod Yosef, sacred practices and guidance for the rectification of the covenant (Tikkun HaYesod), according to the teachings of the Arizal. By the saintly Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Yuska, who served as the Av Beit Din of Dubno and was the teacher of the author of Kav HaYashar.

 Zhitomir, 1867,  at the press of Avraham Shalom Shadov.

This second edition, known as the "Chassidic Merit Edition, " features for the first time endorsements from leading Chassidic masters, along with their blessings for "Children, Life, and Sustenance" (Banei, Chayei, u’Mezonei).

At the beginning of the sefer, the Hascamot of Rebbi Aharon of Chernobyl, son of the "Maggid of Chernobyl, " was printed for the first time. He attests to the sanctity of the sefer, stating:

"The holy sefer Yesod Yosef, authored by the man of God, the teacher of the author of Kav HaYashar… This sefer never left the holy table of my father, the holy Rebbe, a man of God, may his memory be a blessing… On the condition that it is printed with the printing press of the holy community of Zhitomir, I too request that everyone purchase this holy sefer and delve into its sacred teachings. May additional blessings come upon them, improving their spiritual and physical well-being with abundant children, life, and sustenance, Amen, may it be His will."

Additionally, it is noted in the name of his brother, Rebbi Yitzchak of Skver "It is also his wish that all his followers purchase this sefer and study it always at every opportune time."

In more recent times, this holy sefer was strongly promoted by the esteemed Rebbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, who actively encouraged and supported its printing. Thanks to his efforts, thousands of Jews worldwide regularly study the sefer as part of their daily routines.

Ownership inscriptions and signatures of Rabbi Yitzchak Meir, son of Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Yechiel Michel Davidzohn, who served as the rabbi of Konstantinova (Podolia region) and later of Liova (Bessarabia region).

Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Davidzohn was Born 6 Tammuz 1855 in Konstantinova. He Married Fruma Dina, daughter of Rabbi Nachman, Av Beit Din of Hunchearisht. In 1873, he was appointed rabbi of Konstantinova, and in 1879, he succeeded his father in that role. In 1882, he became the rabbi of Liova.

He is mentioned in various rabbinic responsa: In Minchat Moshe, Yoreh De’ah §3: "To the illustrious and sharp Rabbi Yitzchak, Rabbi and adjudicator in Konstantinova." In Klei Tiferet (p. 455), a letter from 9 Adar I 1875 includes his signature: "Yitzchak Meir, son of the illustrious Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Yechiel Michel N.Y. Davidzohn.". In She’elot U’Teshuvot Mahari’a Halevi, Vol. 2, §21, dated 24 Shevat 1888: "To my dear friend, the esteemed and erudite Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Davidzohn N.Y., the esteemed rabbi of Liova."

[1], 74, [1] Leaves. 20.2 cm. Includes a table of errata, which is missing in some copies.

Overall Great Condition, some water stains, one marginal repair,   sumptuous new red leather binding with owners name.

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Lot #51

Yesod Yosef, Zhitomir 1867- Segulah Sefer for "Children, Life, and Sustenance, " with blessings from the Holy Rebbis of Chernobyl and Skver.

Start price: $400

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