The Five Books of Moses, Parts I-II, Bereshit & Shmot, with Rashi’s commentary, translations, and the holy "Or HaChaim" commentary.

Slavuta, 1805, by the printers R. Dov Ber Segal and R. Dov Ber ben Pesach [partners of the holy Rabbi Moshe Shapira of Slavuta. As known, some of the seforim printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira in his printing house in Slavuta were registered under the names of his two partners, who had obtained an official printing license from the authorities. Proof of this is that in all three approbations, they write in the singular form "the holder of the Slavuta printing house"].

1. Bereshit. Slavuta, 1805. With approbations from: Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, Rebbi Menachem Mendel ben Feivish Bik of Rovno, Rabbi Yisrael Dayan of Rovno

This part is extremely rare! It is recorded in the Bibliography Project only based on a private collection copy.

[3], 231 leaves.

Generally good condition, Greenish paper, stains, wear on the edges of the title page, Wear and holes on leaves 33-41, tear with missing text on leaf 65, wear on the margins of some leaves, tears on leaves 142-144, missing portions on leaves 145 and 210-212, minor worming in the margins, unbound.

2. Shmot. Slavuta, 1805. Includes the Book of Esther at the end.

252 leaves (pagination slightly irregular).

Generally good to very good condition, Greenish paper, repairs to the edges of the title page, minor worming in the inner margins of the first three leaves, stains. Original leather binding in damaged condition (missing spine, text block split into two parts).

It is told that "the holy Rebbi Pinchas of Koretz instructed his sons [Rabbi Moshe Shapira, Rabbi of Slavuta, and his brother Rabbi Yechezkel Shapira, who was involved in establishing the Slavuta printing house] to print the ‘Or HaChaim’ every year, promising that doing so would protect them from harm. They fulfilled his instruction, but when the seforim became too numerous to sell, they ceased printing them. That very year, they suffered the infamous betrayal and calamity" (Migdal Oz, p. 268). [To this day, only seven known editions of the "Or HaChaim" Chumash were printed in Slavuta between 1791-1832.]

This edition is exceedingly rare!

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Lot #38

Chumash Bereshit & Shmot with Rashi's Commentary, Translations, and the Holy "Or HaChaim" Commentary. Slavuta, 1805. Extremely Rare! Approbation of the Kedushat Levi of Berditchev.

Start price: $800

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