1. Sefer Birkat Chaim with moral instructions by Rebbi Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl, teachings by Rebbi Mordechai of Chernobyl, and guidance on holiness and purity by Rabbi Chaim Yeshayah Halersberg
First Edition. Lublin, 1891.
2. Sefert Ma’anei HaYeshuah – Commentary on the Torah with Pardes methodology by Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak HaLevi of Dukla, Szilac, and Pressburg. Includes Torah insights by his grandson Rabbi Shmuel Shemelka Yehudah Leib.
First Edition. Warsaw, 1892.
A Rare Sefer.
Signatures of Rabbi Yosef Menachem Mendel Lipsky, a scholar from Grodzisk and a student of Rabbi Yeshaya of Kotna.
3. Sefer Zera Kodesh and Bat Melech – Ethical teachings by Rabbi Moshe Graf, with additional content by Rabbi Shimon Abayov.
Munkatch, 1893–1894.
Includes a narrative about exorcism in Nikolsburg and "Iggeret HaKodesh" by Rebbi Eleazar of Lizhensk, printed for the first time with Rebbi Yechezkel Halberstam of Shinova’s endorsement.
4. Sefer Segulah on Birkat Kohanim by Rebbi Moshe Paneth of Dej.
Includes mystical illustrations and commentary on priestly blessings.
First Edition. Przemysl, 1894.
With a special endorsement from the holy Rebbi Yechezkel of Shinova, who writes in his rare approbation about the importance of owning and studying this sefer:
"It is a great mitzvah to merit the masses—Kohanim who bless, Levites who sanctify, and Israelites who are blessed—all included in the blessing, as Rashi explained in the Chumash, to teach them how one must cherish this beloved mitzvah to bring down an abundance of life and blessing to all of Israel, until the coming of the Redeemer, speedily in our days, Amen."
5. Sefer Kad HaKemach – Mei Menuchot – Responsa by Rebbi David Solomon Eibshitz.
First Edition. Przemysl, 1898.
Includes a dedication as a Purim gift in 1910 from Moshe Zev Ehrenfeld from Püspökladány to his friend Abraham Segal Feldman,
6. Sefert Sha’arei Yitzchak. warsaw, 1902.
7. Sefer Or Pnei Moshe – Or HaNe’elam" – Commentary on Scripture and Aggadah by Rebbi Moshe Sofer of Pshevorsk.
First Edition. Berdichev, 1904.
8. Sefer Tiferet Chaim" by Rebbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Sherf of Mogilnica, including appendices of Chassidic teachings from other masters.
First edition. Warsaw–Piotrków, 1905.
9. Sefer
Seder Yesod HaAvodah – Prayer book with teachings from Chassidic masters.
Seder Yesod HaAvodah – Prayer book with teachings from Chassidic masters.
Warsaw, 1905.
Extremely rare!
10. Sefer Kav Venaki – Insights on Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim, and Talmud by Rebbi Yechiel Michel of Galina.
First edition. Munkatch, 1907.
11. Sefer Tiferet Beit Levi with biographies of Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev and his son Rebbi Yisrael of Pikov.
Only Edition. Iasi, 1909.
12. Sefer Ohel Elimelech. 1910
13. Sefer Mivchar HaPeninim– Annotated edition with insights from the Baal Shem Tov and his disciples.
First Edition. Piotrków, 1911.
14. Sefer Lechem Shlomo – Teachings and stories from Chassidic masters.
Koznitz, 1912. (Printed in Warsaw).
Extremely rare!
15. Sefer Sha’arei Kedusha by Rabbi Chaim Vital with commentary by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropol.
Piotrków, 1912.
16. Sefer Irin Kadishin Telita’ah – Torah insights by Rebbi Yisrael of Ruzhin and his successor Rebbi Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura.
First Edition. Meiletz (printed in Husiatyn), 1914.
17. Sefer Hachana Rabba – Ethical will and guidance by Rabbi Moshe Greenwald of Khust.
Vienna, 1920.
18. Sefer Even Shtiyah – Biographies of the Rebbis of the Vizhnitz dynasty.
First edition. Munkatch, 1930.
19–20. Two copies of Torat Shimon by Rebbi Shimon of Yaroslav.
Munkatch, 1934.
21. Pesach Haggadah with the commentary of Rebbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz and additional insights.
Lublin, 1936.
22. Kuntreis Ma’amarim – Teachings by the Rebbe of Modzitz during the years 1941–1942.
Published by Agudat Chassidei Modzitz.
Extremely Rare Only Edition
Included: Twelve Sermons by the Ra”n. Warsaw, 1875.
Overall Good - Very Good Condition, complete copies, mostly in elegant leather bindings with owners name, some bindings show signs of use.
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Lot #35