1. Sefer Zikhron Chaim on the Torah, by the holy Rabbi Chaim, Av Beit Din of Kaminsk (1774–1864), a disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin and Rebbi Meir of Apta.

First edition. Warsaw, 1883.

Features an impressive signature of the Rabbi/Rebbe of Krymlov or his son.

2. Sefer Butzina D’Nehora, including stories and collected teachings of the holy Rebbi Baruch of Medzhybizh and other tzaddikim. 1884.

Signature: Avraham Birnbaum of Potok.

3. Sefer Tiferet HaTzaddikim – stories and Torah insights from dozens of tzaddikim and rabbis, by Rabbi Mordechai Ze’ev Rosenthal of Warsaw. First edition. Warsaw, 1909.

4. Sefer Niflaot HaMaggid – wondrous stories and collected teachings from the holy Maggid, Rebbi Yisrael of Kozhnitz. Piotrków, 1911.

5. Sefer Niflaot HaTzaddikim – stories and collections from the Baal Shem Tov and his disciples. By Rabbi Yekutiel Zalman Lemberger. Piotrków, 1911.

6. Der Shpaler Zeide, booklets 1–4 – stories about the "Grandfather of Shpola, " by Rabbi Yudel Rosenberg. Yiddish translation of the Hebrew edition published in Piotrków, 1912.

One of Rabbi Yudel Rosenberg’s most famous works, including the first appearance of the well-known story of The Dancing Bear, which has been widely published and retold to this day.

7. Sefer Ohel Shlomo – Torah insights, sacred conduct, and precious stories from the holy Rebbi Shlomo of Radomsk, author of Tiferet Shlomo. First edition. Piotrków, 1924.

8. Sefer Gevurat HaTzaddikim – stories about Rabbi Shimon of Vienna, Rabbi Yechiel of Paris, Rabbi Mordechai Banet, and some of the Tannaim and great Hasidic figures. Warsaw, 1924 (or a stereotyped edition from this print).

9. Sefer Niflaot Hashem – Yiddish stories about various tzaddikim. Warsaw, 1924 (or a stereotyped edition from this print).

10. Sefer Tiferet HaTzaddikim – Yiddish stories about various tzaddikim. Warsaw, 1924 (or a stereotyped edition from this print).

11. Sefer Ateret Shlomo – guidance and stories from the holy Rebbi the Tiferet Shlomo of Radomsk. First edition. Piotrków, 1926.

12. Sefer Der Sanzer Tzaddik, by Yehoshua Roker. First edition. Vienna, 1927.

The history of the Divrei Chaim and the Sanzer-Sadigura controversy: "His life… his genius in both revealed and hidden Torah… up until the terrible conflict between Sanz and Sadigura." Written by the editor of Idishe Velt (Cleveland, USA) and published in New York, printed in Vienna.

13. Sefer Mei Be’er Yeshayahu – the life and history of the holy Rebbi Yeshayahu of Kerestir, known for his righteousness, charity, and love for Israel.

First edition. Tarnów, Slovakia, 1928.

Published by his disciple and household member, Rabbi Yosef Mordechai Gintzler. Contains foundational stories about Rabbi Yeshayahu that have become the primary source for all later biographies. Includes the full, moving inscription from his gravestone, along with elegies and laments written shortly after his passing.

14. Sefer Beit Shlomo – the life, deeds, and accomplishments of the holy Rebbi Shlomo Shapira of Munkacs, with an additional essay Tzvi Tiferet on his son, Rebbi Tzvi Hirsch Shapira, author of Darkei Teshuvah. First edition. Orshiva, 1928.

15. Sefer Even Shtiya – historical accounts and miraculous stories of the Admorim of the Vizhnitz dynasty: Rebbi Yaakov Koppel Chassid, Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Kosov, Rebbi Chaim of Kosov, Rebbi Yaakov Shimshon of Kosov, Rebbi Yosef Alter of Radyvyliv, Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Vizhnitz, and his son, Rebbi Baruch of Vizhnitz.

First edition. Munkacs, 1930.

With approbations from the Admorim brothers of the Vizhnitz dynasty: the Ahavat Yisrael of Vizhnitz, Rabbi Chaim of Atinia, and Rabbi Pinchas of Borsha.

16. Igrot Kodesh – a collection of letters from our holy master, the Maggid of Mezeritch, and his disciples, by the righteous scholar Rabbi Yoel Diskin of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, 1933.

17. Sefer Abir HaRo’im – the history of the holy genius, the Avnei Nezer. First edition. Piotrków, 1935.

18. Sefer Tiferet Chaim – history, conduct, and teachings of the holy Rebbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, along with stories and conversations from the holy Rebbi Yechezkel Halberstam, Av Beit Din of Sieniawa. By Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Braun.

Grosswardein, 1941. Printed and published by Avraham Yitzchak Friedman.


Overall Good Condition, Complete copies, Mostly in New Leather bindings with owners name.

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Lot #34

Large collection of 18 Seforim on the history of Hasidic tzaddikim, Elegant leather bindings, 1883–1941.

Start price: $400

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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