1. Sefer Adra D’Pirqa – Sermons and teachings on various topics by Rebbi Zvi Elimelech Shapira of Dynów.

Lemberg, 1880.

Stamp: Yaakov Shlomo, son of Rabbi Mordechai… grandson of the righteous Rebbi Meir of Przemyśl.

2. Sefer Or Tzaddikim v’Derech Seuda – Warsaw, 1889.

3. Polemic – Kuntres Tochachat Megula – By Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein Av Beit Din of Kolomyia. Written in 1873, it was sent to Jerusalem and includes his work Torat HaKena’ot, a sharp critique against those who sought to establish secular schools (shkoles) in Eretz Yisrael and aimed to promote settlement there through secular means.

Includes two letters written to Jerusalem opposing Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer’s plans to establish schools in Jerusalem: "Awaken and Rise, O Jerusalem."
"Zion, Do Not Falter." A comment on page 10 fiercely denounces "the aged fornicator of Pressburg" and "the elder Sadducee of Warsaw."

First Edition. Kolomyia, 1890.

Extremely rare!

4. Sefer Pninim Yekarim – A sermon by the Tosafot Yom Tov and an essay by Rebbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi.

First Edition. Piotrków, 1907.

Rare Sefer!

5. Sefer Kav V’Naki – Insights on the Torah, Prophets, and Writings, along with Talmudic notes, by Rebbi Yechiel Michel of Galina, a descendant of Rebbi Yechiel Michel of Złoczów and Rebbi Meir of Przemyśl.

First Edition. Munkacs, 1907.

Signed and stamped by Rabbi Yehoshua Segal Deutsch, Junior Av Beit Din of Brașov.

6. Sefer Dover Shalom – On the Five Books of Moses and Prophets by Rebbi Shalom Landman of Przemyśl, son of Rebbi Menachem Mendel Landman, Av Beit Din of Feteleț. Published by Rabbi Chanokh Henokh Dov Landman, the author’s son.

First Edition. Przemyśl, 1908.

Extremely rare Chassidic work, possibly never previously sold at auction.

Signed by Rabbi Shimon Ze’ev Ehrenreich.

7. Sefer Mivchar HaPninim – With commentary by Rabbi Yaakov Emden (Ma’ariv Yaabetz) and additional teachings from the Baal Shem Tov and his disciples, compiled by Rabbi Yoetz Kim Kadish Rakatz of Przysucha, published by Rabbi Shechna Shapira.

First Edition. Piotrków, 1911.

Includes a letter from the Sfas Emes of Gur regarding the severe prohibition of reading secular books.

Ownership inscriptions: Yaakov Mendel Lieberman of Piotrków.

8. Sefer Hit’orerut HaTefillah – By Rebbi David Shlomo of Tulchin, a disciple of Rebbi Baruch of Medzhybizh. Includes a compilation, Romemus HaTefillah, on the sanctity of prayer, based on the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and his disciples. Published by Rabbi Shlomo Gabriel Margulies-Rosenthal.

Piotrków, 1911. Printed by Mordechai Zederbaum.

9. Sefer Ohel HaRebbe MiLublin – Includes three seforim (Or HaTorah, Or HaChochmah, Or Niflaot) based on the teachings of the Chozeh of Lublin, compiled by Rabbi Moshe Menachem Walden.

First Edition. Piotrków, 1913.

10. Sefer Refuot – A compilation of remedies and medicines found in manuscripts in the library, including practical prescriptions and gemological knowledge by Rabbi Moshe Zaccuto. Published as a single volume for ease of reference.
Vienna, 1927.

11. Sefer Toldot Yaakov Yosef – Przemyśl, 1909.

Stamp: Yitzchak Isaac Danziger, Warsaw.

12. Sefer Even Shtiyah – Biographies and wondrous stories about the Rebbes of the Vizhnitz dynasty: Rebbi Yaakov Koppel Chassid, Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Kosov, his son Rebbi Chaim of Kosov, Rebbi Yaakov Shimshon of Kosov, Rebbi Yosef Alter of Radowitz, Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Vizhnitz, and his son Rebbi Baruch of Vizhnitz.

First Edition. Munkacs, 1930.

With approbations from the brothers, Rebbes of Vizhnitz: the "Ahavat Yisrael, " Rebbi Chaim of Atinia, and Rebbi Pinchas of Borsa.

13. Sefer Refuah VeChaim MiYerushalayim – A collection of remedies, segulot, amulets, and mystical techniques, including diagrams and charts. Authored by Rabbi Yitzchak ben Eliezer.

Jerusalem. Year of printing unknown.

A compilation from scattered sources, primarily based on the sacred work Shorshei HaShemot by Rabbi Moshe Zacuto.

Includes the promise: "To save from all distress and trouble and to bless your endeavors… it must be treated with holiness, purity, and reverence to ensure success."

Overall Good- Great Condition, Complete copies, Bound in New leather bindings with owners name.

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Lot #33

A Large Collection of Chassidic Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings, 1880–1930. Half of Which Are First Editions.

Start price: $500

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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