1. Sefer Korban HaAni, on the Torah and Festivals in the Path of Chassidut, by Rabbi Yaakov Katina, Av Beit Din of Khust.
First Edition. Lemberg, 1872.
The title page does not mention the place of printing, and the author’s name is omitted, but there is a reference to his other work: "Because it was printed in the sefer Rachmei HaAv regarding a remedy for improper thoughts…" including a correction to the sacred name for a remedy published in his other work, Rachmei HaAv — authored by Rabbi Yaakov Katina.
Extremely Rare!
Stefansky Chassidut 528.
2. Sefer Toldot Adam, homilies on the Torah, by the holy Admor Rebbi Yehoshua of Ostrova, including excerpts from his father, the holy Rebbi Shlomo Yehuda Leib of Lentshna, and from the holy Rebbi Yerachmiel of Przysucha.
First Edition. Józefów, 1875. Printed by Shlomo and his brother Baruch Zetzer and their partner Yechezkel Raner.
With an introduction by the author’s son-in-law, the holy Admor Rebbi Yitzchak Yaakov Rabinowitz of Biala.
Stamp: Avraham Yitzchak Gramb, Warsaw.
Stefansky Chassidut 602.
The holy Admor Rebbi Yehoshua of Ostrova (d. 1873; Encyclopedia of Chassidut, vol. 2, pp. 52-53), one of the righteous of Poland, son of Rebbi Shlomo Leib of Lentshna. He led a large following of thousands of Chassidim after his father and was known for his greatness and holiness. The righteous Rebbi Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin called him “the guardian of the covenant of holiness.” He authored Toldot Adam (Józefów, 1875), which earned him the nickname “the small Noam Elimelech.” His only daughter married his son-in-law, Rebbi Yitzchak Yaakov Rabinowitz of Biala, author of Divrei Binah — the first in the Biala Chassidic dynasty.
3. Sefer She’eilot U’Tshuvot Yad Yosef, Part One, on the Four Sections of Shulchan Aruch. By Rabbi Yosef Yoel Deutsch, Av Beit Din of Monastirshitz and Khodorov. Includes halachic correspondence between the author and leading sages of the era, such as: “One day I debated with my friend, the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Kluger…” Published by his grandson, the noble Rabbi Yosef Yechiel Michel, grandson of Rabbi Chaim Avraham of Mikolayev.
First Edition. Munkács, 1875.
With approbations by the Gaonim: Rabbi Yosef Shaul Nathanson, Rabbi Mordechai Ze’ev Ettinger, Rebbi Yekutiel Teitelbaum of Sighet, and Rabbi Yosef Babad of Tarnopol.
Rare and Uncommon Sefer!
4. Sefer Omer HaTenufah, Kabbalistic sermons on the topic of Sefirat HaOmer, by the holy Rebbi Elazar Yisrael of Rozdil, one of the greatest disciples of the holy Rebbi Tzvi Hirsch of Ziditchov.
Only Edition. Lemberg, 1876. Printed by Avraham Nissan Ziss Segal.
Rare Sefer!
Stefansky Chassidut 456.
5. Sefer Heichalei Shen, sayings on the Five Books of the Torah and Festivals, by the holy Rebbi Shmuel Nachum, Av Beit Din of Lizhensk.
First Edition. Lvov, 1889.
With important approbations from leading Chassidic Tzaddikim: Rebbi Yechezkel Halberstam of Shinova, Rebbi David Halberstam of Krashnev, Rebbi Shlomo Halberstam of Vizhnitsa, Rebbi Yitzchak of Alesk, Rebbi Eliezer Tzvi Safrin of Komarno, and others.
The holy Rebbi Shmuel Nachum HaLevi Gassenbauer [ca. 1800–1857], son of the holy Rebbi Kehat HaLevi of Zalkov. He studied under the Gaonim Rabbi Yosef Yozfa Halevi Stern, Av Beit Din of Zalkov, author of Yad Yosef, and Rabbi Yaakov Meshulam Ornstein of Lemberg, author of Yeshuot Yaakov. He was also a disciple of the holy Saraf of Streletsk and his disciple Rebbi Yehuda Tzvi of Stretin. From 1837, he served as rabbi and Av Beit Din of Vahnilov and later in Lubitchev. From 1855, he served as rabbi and Av Beit Din of Lizhensk, where he passed away on Erev Shabbat after midday, 15 Elul 1857.
Signature: Yehuda Kahn.
6. Sefer Siftei Tzadik, by the holy Admor Rebbi Shmuel Avraham Aba Hager of Horodenka.
Only Edition. Kolomea, 1896.
Torah and Chassidut insights by the holy Admor Rebbi Shmuel Avraham Aba Hager of Horodenka, son of the holy Rebbi Baruch Hager of Vizhnitz. With the approbation of his brothers, the Admors: the Ahavat Yisrael of Vizhnitz and the holy Rebbi Chaim Hager of Antonia. Includes a preface on the greatness and holiness of the author by the publisher, R’ Yosef Friedman.
7. Sefer Torat Chesed, on the Five Books of the Torah, including selections from sacred books, particularly from the disciples of the Baal Shem Tov. By Rabbi Mordechai Rotstein, grandson of the Or HaChochma of Dibinka.
Only Edition. Munkács, 1897.
Signatures and Stamp: Rabbi Shmuel Aharon Tzin, Shochet and Bodek of Șimleu.
8. Sefer Mishmeret Shalom, by the holy Rebbi Shalom Perlov of Koidanov. Laws and customs from the Orach Chaim section, as well as laws of Milah and Pidyon HaBen, and customs of our holy forefathers, including a Tikkun (special order of prayers) for Lag BaOmer.
First Edition. Warsaw, 1901.
Extremely Rare!
The holy Rebbi Shalom Perlov of Brahin-Koidanov (1851–1926), son of the holy Rebbi Baruch Mordechai, Admor of Koidanov, and son-in-law of the holy Rebbi Yosef of Brezna (Stefan). He served as Av Beit Din in Brezna and later in Brahin in the Minsk district, where he succeeded his father as Admor. He is renowned for his works in various areas of Torah, including Divrei Shalom, Mishmeret Shalom, and others.
His work Mishmeret Shalom was highly revered and even received approbations from Lithuanian giants, such as the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik. In this sefer, the author provides arguments and sources for the customs of the Chassidic Rebbes, Chassidim, and men of faith, which appear to contradict the rulings of the Shulchan Aruch, and he reconciles these customs as correct and proper according to the Shulchan Aruch. His son-in-law was the holy Rebbi Yissachar Leib Weinberg of Slonim, son of the Admor Rebbi Shmuel of Slonim, author of Divrei Shmuel.
Overall Great Condition, Complete Copies, New Bindings and Elegant Leather Bindings with owners name.
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