1. Heichal HaBerachah Chumash Shmot Komarno – Lviv, 1867 First Edition – Segulah Sefer, with a Blessing from the Author: "I am Confident that Anyone who Has Our Chumash in His Home will be Spared from Any Misfortune and Harm, Illness and Want, and His Home Will be Filled with G-d’s Blessing and All Good, Success, Wealth and Longevity…"
Chumas Shmot, with Targum Onkelos and various commentaries, and with the Heichal HaBerachah and Otzar HaChaim commentaries, by Rebbe Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Safrin, rabbi of Zidichov and Komarno.
Lvov: Pessel Balaban, 1867. First edition printed in the lifetime of the author.
This Chumash contains two original works by the author: The Heichal HaBerachah commentary – commentary based on Kabbalistic and Chassidic teachings regarding Masorah, exact spelling of words and spacing between sections; and the Otzar HaChaim commentary on the 613 mitzvot as found in the Torah portions, Kabbalistic and Chassidic commentary explaining which mitzvah is alluded to in each letter of the Ten Commandments. Both compositions are based on the principles of the Arizal and Baal Shem Tov.
The Heichal HaBerachah chumashim by Rebbe Yitzchak Eizik of Komarno are classic works of Kabbalistic and Chassidic thought, favored by rebbes of all circles.
The author describes in a letter the segulah qualities of the book, promising " …I am confident that anyone who has our Chumash in his home will be spared from any misfortune and harm, illness and want, and his home will be filled with G-d’s blessing and all good, success, wealth and longevity for him and his offspring… children, life and sustenance, benevolence and mercy, favorable judgement, for a long life".
Incomplete copies.
Stefansky Chassiudut, 218.
Signaatures: Chananye Yom Tov Lipa Fried.
Stamps of the Synagogue in Hajdúnánás.
19-320, [29] Leaves. Lacking 18 leaves at beginning & 17 at end. 26.5 Cm.
Various faults, but most of the volume is in decent condition. Old binding damaged.
2. Sefer Tiv Gittin V’Kedushin, First edition, Ungvar 1868.
Chiddushim from the Admor Rabbi Haim Yosef Gottlieb, the Av Beit Din of Stropkov, with approbations from the Divrei Haim of Sanz, Rebbi Zvi Hirsch of Liska, & Rabbi Menachem Ash Rabbi of Ungvar.
With a leaf of introduction from the author’s sons “Menashe and Ephraim”, which is not found in all copies.
Rare & uncommon Sefer.
Long list of subscribers which includes many seldom mentioned towns & hamlets. Among those who gave advance payments are the holy Rebbi of Shinova in Stropkov, the holy Rabbi Moshe Yosef Teitelbaum of Zborov, Rabbi Baruch Avraham Bindiger of Hanshovitz, the holy Rebbi Tzvi Hirsch of Liska, the "Afsei Aretz" of Nanash, the Holy rebbi of Munkacs, the holy Rebbi of Tosh, and many other notable and esteemed individuals.
The author Rabbi Haim Yosef Gottlieb (1790-1867) studied in the Chatam Sofer’s yeshiva and stayed close with him his entire life, and he would bless “in the merit of Mori v’Rabi HaChatam Sofer”. His rebbi in the torah of the Baal Shem Tov was the Rebbi Yitzhak Isaac of Kaliv, and after his death he adhered to Rebbi Naftali of Rofshitz. After the latter’s death he became one of the greatest students of the Rebbe Chaim of Sanz and was considered one of the “Paamalia shel Ma’alah” of the Sanzer chassidim.
On the orders of his rebbi the Divrei Haim he was appointed in 1841 rabbi of Stropkov, where he remained until his death. His grave was a pilgrimage site for multitudes after guaranteeing before his death that “at any moment of trouble or suffering, come to pour out your ills to me at the holy spot”. See more about him in the work Rabbeinu HaKadosh of Sanz, Part III: His Students, p. 78.
[3], 39 pages, [7] leaves. 27.4 Cm.
Signature: Herman Gutman.
Very good condition, stains, original binding, spine damages.
3. Sefer Shu”t Beit Sha’arim (Orach Chaim). By Rabbi Amram Bloyhem, Av Beit Din of Berettyóújfalu.
First edition, Munkacs, 1909.
With a lengthy inscription and the signature of the holy Rebbi Yechiel Natan Halberstam, Chief Rabbi of Bardejov, written in his own hand.
Rabbi Yechiel Natan Halberstam (1865–1933): The second Rebbe in the Bardejov dynasty (a branch of the Sanz dynasty). Son and successor of Rebbi Moshe Halberstam, the founder of the Bardiyov dynasty. Son-in-law of Rebbi Aryeh Leibush Halberstam of Dukla.
Appointed Rabbi of Sanz-Old in 1885, near Nowy Sącz (the city where his grandfather, Rebbi Chaim of Sanz, served as Rabbi). In 1904, succeeded his father as Rabbi of Bardejov, gaining many followers from Hungary. Published halachic articles in Torah journals of his time.
Stamps and ownership inscriptions from the Bardiyov-Bartfeld Chevra Kinyan Seforim. Society.
[2], 205 pages. 35.8 cm.
Generally good condition, minor marginal tears, page 1 detached, later binding.
4. Responsa Chesed Le’Avraham. By Rabbi Avraham Te’omim, Av Beit Din of Buchach.
First edition, Lemberg, 1857.
Rare sefer! Has appeared only once at public auction.
Rabbi Avraham Te’omim (1814–1868) Av Beit Din of Zaburov and Buchach. Grandson and disciple of the Chavat Da’at and Netivot HaMishpat. First marriage to Rabbi Lipa Yahr of Brody’s daughter, and second marriage to Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Rappaport of Dubno, author of Ezrat Kohanim. Accepted as Rabbi of Zaburov at age 16, with his grandfather attending his appointment.
He was recognized as one of the great rabbinic authorities of Galicia in his generation. Authored Avel Gadol, an elegy for Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin.
Stamps and several marginal glosses by Rabbi Dov Ber Abelman of Bender.
[1], 102, 105–131, 72, [2] pages. Missing leaves 103–104. 37.5 cm.
Generally good condition, stains, wear, and repairs on the last pages, later binding.
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