1. Sefer Avodat HaLevi, Volume 2 – Likutim. By the holy Rebbi Aharon Halevi Segal Horowitz of Strashale (R’ Aharon of Strashale).
First edition. Lemberg, 1842.
2. Seder Avodat HaYom – Laws and customs for morning rituals: washing hands, tzitzit, tefillin, etc. By Rabbi Yissachar Berish of Yavoriv, grandson of the author of Bat Ayin and Mevaser Tzedek.
First edition. Lemberg, 1868.
3. Sefer Maayan HaChochma – Teachings of the Ari, a Kabbalistic work from the writings of the Ari.
Published by the esteemed Israel ben Elimelech of the holy city of Safed. [Lviv, 1875].
The title page highlights the word "Safed" in large letters, but the book was likely printed in Lviv.
Signatures: Pinchas Tessler from Bedeval.
4. Sefer Torat Chaim, By the holy Rebbi Chaim Hager, the second Rebbe of the Kosiv dynasty, son of Rebbi Menachem Mendel, author of Ahavat Shalom.
Second edition. Lemberg, 1883.
5. Third edition. Kolomea, 1884.
6. Sefer Or Olam – The Secret of Yachin and Boaz, parts four and five. By the holy Rebbi Meir Margolies, Av Beit Din of Ostroh, a disciple of the Baal Shem Tov.
Lviv, 1890. Printed by Uri Ze’ev Salat.
7. Sefer Maayan HaChochma, By Rabbi Asher Zvi, preacher of Ostroh.
Second edition. Podgorze, 1897.
Stamps of the Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva, Zvirich branch.
Signature: David Schenker.
8. Sefer Eshel Avraham on Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim. By Rebbi Avraham David Wahrman, Av Beit Din of Buchach. Edited by his grandson, Rabbi Yisrael Aryeh Wahrman, with approbations from Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke Berzon and Rabbi Meir Arik. Includes Rabbi Meir Arik’s annotations.
First edition. Buchach, 1906.
This is the first sefer printed by the rare Buchach press.
Signature and stamp of Rabbi Meir Bannet, son of the shochet of Charda.
9. Sefer Em LaBina – A compilation of three parts: Beit Menachem (biography of Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Romanov), Tiferet Menachem (innovations attributed to him), and Rosh Emunah (treatise on accepting the truth of stories and traditions).
First edition. Lemberg, 1909.
10. Sefer Torat HaYehudi – Talmudic and homiletical insights. By the holy Rebbi Yaakov Yitzchak, the "Holy Jew" of Peshischa. Includes commentary Yagdil Torah.
First edition. Bilgoray, 1911.
Stamp: Rabbi Yaakov Orand, Av Beit Din of Nasielsk and its district.
11. Sefer Hit’orerut HaTefila – A compilation on the significance of prayer. By Rabbi David Shlomo of Tulchin, a disciple of Rabbi Baruch of Mezhibuzh. Includes Romemut HaTefila, a collection from the writings of the Baal Shem Tov and his students, edited by Rabbi Shlomo Gabriel Margolies.
Piotrkow, 1911. Printed by Mordechai Zederbaum.
12. Sefer Shearit Yaakov – Ethical teachings and homilies in two parts. By Rebbi Yaakov Panet, Av Beit Din of Reteag.
First edition. Kleinwardein, 1917.
Part A: on the Five Books of Moses.
Part B: on the festivals and other topics, with insights from his father Rabbi Yitzchak Moshe and brother Rabbi Chaim Bezalel. Each part has its own title page and includes the approbation of Rabbi Yechezkel Panet of Dezh.
13. Additional copy of Part A of Shearit Yaakov.
Inscription by Avraham Yitzchak Senderowitz.
14. Sefer Ateret Yeshuah, Part 1 – on the Torah.
First edition. Krakow, 1918.
15. Part 3 – on the festivals. Krakow, 1929.
Famous Hasidic work from the Dzikev dynasty, by Rebbi Yehoshua Horowitz, Rebbe and Av Beit Din of Dzikev.
16. Sefer Or HaMeir – Genealogies and biographies of the righteous. Includes Rebbi Meir of Premishlan, Rebbi Aharon Aryeh, Rebbi Meir the Great, and their descendants.
First edition. Lemberg, 1926.
Signature and stamp: Mordechai Elimelech Lehrer, Krakow.
17. Sefer Imrei Kadosh – Sayings of Rebbi Uri of Strelisk, the "Saraf."
Lemberg, printed by R. Margulies (Rabbi Reuven Margulies), [1928].
18. Sefer Divrei Yisrael by Rebbi Yisrael Taub of Modzitz, Part 4 (Vayikra).
First edition. Piotrkow, 1930. Rare!
19. Sefer Tiferet Yosef – Innovations in Torah and explanations on Jewish teachings.
By Rebbi Mordechai Yosef Elazar, Rebbe of Radzin. Edited by Rabbi Yaakov Eliezer Kornblit of Radzin Yeshiva, Chelm.
First edition. Warsaw, 1935. Extremely rare!
Stamps: Yosef Meir Kornfrecht.
20. Sefer Ahavat Chaim, Part 1 – on the Torah. By Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Segal Deutsch, Dayan for 35 years in the noble community of Makova. Includes Orchot Chaim (biography and teachings of the author) written by his son.
First edition. Satu Mare, 1938.
Signature: Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Segal Deutsch, grandson of the author.
21. Additional copy of Part 1 of Ahavat Chaim.
Signature by Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Segal Deutsch, grandson of the author.
Overall Good Condition, Complete copies, mostly in Elegant Leather bindings with owners name, some bindings show signs of use.
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Lot #28