1. Sefer Yereim – Zolkiew, 1804. Includes approbations from the Maggid of Kozhnitz and Rebbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apta.

The list of pre-subscribers includes legendary tzaddikim, many of whom signed as donors of advance funds. This is one of the most distinguished and important lists of early donors, including:

The Chozeh of Lublin, The Noam Megadim of Tarnigrad, The Maggid of Kozhnitz, Rebbi Shlomo the Maggid of Lutzk,   Rabbi Aryeh Leibush, father of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, Rebbi Naftali of Ropshitz, Rebbi Avraham Mordechai of Pintchov, The Yismach Moshe of Uhel, The Ari D’Beiy Ilaya, Rebbi Itamar of Kanskivoli (Mishmeret Itamar), Rebbi Yehuda Leib of Zawichost, Rebbi Feivel, author of Or HaChochma, Rabbi Moshe Chalfin, father-in-law of the Chidushei HaRim and the Saraf of Kotzk.

2. Sefer Chiddushei Halachot of Maharam Shi"f. First Volume: Beitzah, Ketubot, Gittin, Bava Metzia, Chullin. Second Volume: Shabbat, Megillah, Bava Kamma, Bava Batra, Sanhedrin, Zevachim.

Poritzk, 1810. Volume 1 printed by Shlomo ben Chanina, Volume 2 by Chanina ben P’tachia Yehuda.

Includes approbations from Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, Rebbi Yisrael of Kozhnitz (based on a burned haskamah), Rebbi Avraham Chaim of Zlotchov, Rabbi Meir of Brody, and other great scholars.

Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Mordechai Eisenstein.

3. Sefer Teshuot Chen – Hasidic Discourses on the Torah Portions, by Rebbi Gedaliah of Linitz.

[Laschov? Printed anonymously, post-1816.] Second edition.

Rebbi Gedaliah of Linitz (1698–1804) was a student of the Baal Shem Tov and recorded his teachings. He was a disciple of Rebbi Aryeh Leib the "Mochiach" of Polna’ah, a major student of the Baal Shem Tov.

Mentioned as a major source in Shivchei HaBaal Shem Tov.

Stamp and signatures of Rabbi Naftali Yaakov HaKohen Kohn of Mihalifalva.

4. Sefer Nofet Tzufim – Kabbalah and Hasidic Thought By Rebbi Yehoshua Avraham ben Rabbi Yisrael of Zhitomir.

Lemberg, 1804, possibly printed around 1830.

The author edited and renamed the sefer (originally Amudei Sheva).

5. Sefer Mageni Eretz Yisrael – Responsa on the Prohibition of Diverting Charity Funds from Eretz Yisrael. By Rabbi Chaim Natan Dembitzer of Krakow.

First edition, Lemberg, 1852.

Includes letters and responsa from leading rabbinic figures of the time.
Rabbi Chaim Natan Dembitzer was a noted historian of Polish and Galician rabbis.

Very Rare!

6. Sefer Hitragut HaNefesh – Kabbalistic Prayers for Various Occasions
By Rabbi Akiva Shalom Chayes.

First edition, Lemberg, 1864.

Rabbi Chayes opposed Hasidism but later became a devoted disciple of Rebbi David of Talna.

7. Sefer Chiddushei Maharatz"a – Halachic Commentary on Chanukah.
By Rebbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov (Bnei Yissaschar).

First edition, Przemysl, 1882.

8. Sefer Perush HaRokeach on Sefer Yetzirah.

First edition, Przemysl, 1883.

Includes Kabbalistic diagrams and annotations from the author of Bnei Yissaschar, whice is lacking in some copies.

9. Sefer Siftei Kedoshim – Hasidic Commentary on the Torah and Psalms
By Rebbi Tzvi Hirsch, the Maggid of Nadvorna.

Second edition, Lemberg, 1884.

Rebbi Tzvi Hirsch was a close disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch and the Maggid of Zlotchov.

10. Sefer HaRadni! – Zohar on Megillat Ruth. Discovered and edited by Rabbi Yechiel Michel, Av Beit Din of Radni.

Lemberg, 1885.

Extremely rare!

11. Sefer Likutei Torah U’Shas – Hasidic Commentary on the Torah. By Rebbi Yitzchak Isaac of Zidichov.

First edition, Munkacs, 1886.

Published by his disciple, Rebbi Yosef Meir Weiss of Spinka. Regarded as a segulah sefer.

12. Sefer Brachah Meshuleshet – Commentary on the Mishnah (Shabbat–Meilah). By Rebbi Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov (Bnei Yissaschar).

First edition, Przemysl, 1897.

Includes the famous Leshem Yichud prayer for lighting Chanukah candles.

13. Sefer Be’erot HaMayim – By Rebbi Tzvi Hirsch of Rimanov.

Second edition, Przemysl, 1897.

With additional texts from Rebbi Yosef of Rimanov.

14. Sefer Divrei Meir – Torah Commentary. By Rebbi Meir of Przemyslan.

First edition, Bartfeld (Bardejov), 1909.

Bound in an especially luxurious leather binding with a matching slipcase.

14 Seforim in 11 volumes. Overall Good- Great Condition, Complete Copies, New Bindings and Elegant Leather Bindings with owners name.

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Lot #27

Large & Significant Collection of Rare Hasidic Seforim in Luxurious Leather Bindings, 1804–1909.

Start price: $800

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