1. Sefer Toldot Yaakov. On Tractate Beitzah, by Rabbi Yaakov Castro – the Maharikash.
Jerusalem, 1865. Printed by Rabbi Israel Bak.
S. Halevi, no. 118.
2. Sefer Zevchei Shlamim. By the holy, divine Kabbalist, Rabbi Moshe Cordovero. Commentary on the prayers of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the shofar blowing according to Kabbalah.
Jerusalem, 1883.
At the beginning of the sefer, there are approbations from the rabbis of Safed and Tiberias. The pages include small illustrations of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai’s tomb, the city of Safed, and the tomb of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess.
S. Halevi, no. 418.
Signature: Rafael Freund (see below).
Stamp: Moshe Klein, Shochet and Bodek in Baia Mare
3. Kuntres Ma’amar Chesed Ve’Emet. On the virtue of the mitzvah of the Chevra Kadisha. By the Maggid of Vilkomir.
Jerusalem, 1891.
4. Sefer Darka Shel Torah, Volume One. Foundational principles for studying the Talmud, by Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Wertheimer.
Jerusalem, 1891.
5. Kuntres Ma’aseh Hashem. On the subjects of divine providence and the virtues of the righteous. By the Maggid of Vilkomir.
Jerusalem, 1892.
6. Kuntres Zakan Aharon, Part Three. "Sha’ar HaEmet, " discussing the flaws of flattery. By the Maggid of Vilkomir.
Jerusalem, 1892.
7. Kuntres Zchut HaRabbim. Advocating on behalf of the great sages of previous generations. By the Maggid of Vilkomir. Includes approbation and notes from Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz-Teomim (the Aderet).
Jerusalem, 1894.
8. Ma’amar Sich Yitzchak. On the intentions in prayer. With the essay "Dagul MeRavava, " discussing the great reward of those who fulfill the Torah and mitzvot and elaborating on the mitzvah of making banners. By the Maggid of Vilkomir.
Jerusalem, 1894.
9. Sefer Yesod Maaravi, On rectifying the covenant. Includes Sefer Shir Chadash – 17 songs honoring the dignitaries of Bukhara. By Rabbi Raphael Ohana.
Only Edition. Jerusalem, 1896. Printed by H. N. Levi. Includes approbations from the rabbis of Tiberias and Rabbi Yaakov Shaul Elyashar, author of "Yissa Beracha."
Title page in gold ink.
10. Sefer Beit Tefillah. Containing ethical teachings and inspiration for heartfelt prayer, with valuable explanations of Talmudic and Midrashic statements by the renowned Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot.
Includes prayer poems by great Sephardic poets based on ancient manuscripts, Sefer Avodat HaLev, and a commentary on the Hoshanot by Shlomo Aharon Wertheimer.
Only Edition. Jerusalem, 1902.
Extremely rare! It appears to have never been offered in a public auction.
11. Seder Kavod Shabbat. Includes Kiddush for Shabbat with Zohar commentary for the four Shabbat meals, as well as numerous songs and piyutim for Shabbat. Includes a Persian transliteration and morning requests, as sung by the devout in synagogues in Bukhara.
Jerusalem, 1904.
Extremely Rare! A complete copy has never appeared in public auction.
12. Sefer Kol Yaakov. On the laws of STaM , by the renowned Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer, author of Kaf HaChaim.
First edition. Jerusalem, 1904.
13. Sefer Kaf HaChaim, Part I. On the Shulchan Aruch [Sections 1–8], by the renowned Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer, author of Kaf HaChaim.
Jerusalem, 1905. (A booklet on the initial sections—an early trial print of the work, which was fully printed as a complete volume in 1910).
This trial edition is extremely rare and has only appeared twice in public auctions.