"…Peace and Blessings!
Thank God for the improvement in the health of your esteemed wife, the Rebbetzin, may she live. May the Almighty send a complete recovery and strengthen the health of my dear friend, His Honor, may he live and be well, as well as the health of his family, may they live.
May He fulfill the heartfelt wishes of my dear friend, His Honor, for goodness and blessing, both materially and spiritually."
Brooklyn, 25th of Sivan, 1945.
The Rebbe Rayatz mentions twice in the letter his being a cousin of Rebbe Menachem Ben Zion.
The recipient, Rebbi Menachem Binyamin Ben Zion Halberstam-Rotenberg of Sanz-Widislaw: [1881–1957], a descendant of the saintly lineage of Sanz and Kshanov through his father, Rebbi Aharon of Biala-Bielitz, and his grandfather, Rebbi Yosef Zev of Kshanov, son of Rebbi Chaim of Sanz. Through his mother, he was also a grandson of Rebbi Alter Chaim of Wolbrom, adopting the family name Rotenberg in his honor. Rebbi Menachem Binyamin was descended from the great tzaddikim of Ropshitz, Sanz, Or LaShamayim, Belz, and Apta. He later emigrated to the United States, where he led his community and served as president of the Council of American Rebbes.
21.4 cm.
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Lot #143