1. Sefer Pri HaAdama, Part One – Novellae on Maimonides. By the renowned Rabbi Raphael Meyuhas Bachar Shmuel, the first "Rishon LeZion" (Sephardic Chief Rabbi), and the first to endorse Or HaChaim HaKadosh.

First edition. Salonika, 1763.

2. Sefer Beit HaBechirah on Nedarim, Nazir, and Sotah, with Nimukei Yosef on Shevuot

First edition. Livorno, 1795. Printed by Eliezer Saadon.

One of the earliest printed works of Rabbi Menachem HaMeiri, one of the greatest Rishonim . Includes a lengthy introduction by the author, a poem praising the work, and an Italian preface dedicated to Moshe Binyamin Fuah, who acquired the manuscript from which the book was printed.

Numerous antique signatures and dedications (slightly trimmed):

Two dedications from the publisher, the Gaon Rabbi HaMelitz, to Rabbi Yosef Chazan.

Rabbi Mordechai HaLevi (HaMelitz, 1746–1806), Rishon LeZion, a prominent scholar of Jerusalem who traveled abroad to raise funds for the Jewish settlement in Jerusalem. He published several early works of the Rishonim and succeeded Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Yosef Meyuhas as Rishon LeZion. Forced to flee to Constantinople, he passed away in 1806.

Signature of Rabbi Yehoshua Shlomo Ardit (Arditi) Mercado (1789–1876), Av Beit Din, Talmudic commentator, preacher, and halachic authority in Izmir and surrounding areas.

Signature of Rabbi Yitzchak Musaji.

Signature of the Tzadik Rabbi Yitzchak Tzvi Zeidel Semiatitsky.

3. Sefer Ben Yedid – Novellae on Maimonides by Rabbi Yedidya Shmuel Tarika

Only Edition. Salonika, 1806.

Extremely rare! Never appeared at auction.

Rabbi Yedidya Shmuel Tarika (1713–1769), a distinguished scholar of his time, served as a rabbi in Rhodes. He authored Ben Yedid, Chelko Shel Yedid, Amar Yedid, and Kidesh Yedid.

Antique signature: Emanuel Farhi.

4. Sefer She’elot U’Teshuvot Beit Yehuda by Rabbi Yehuda Ayash

Only Edition. Livorno, 1746. Printed by Avraham Meldola.

Antique signature: Hakatan Wolf Wertheim [a well-known philanthropist and askan in Frankfurt am Main].

5. Sefer Ma’amar HaMelech on Maimonides and Zichronot (Memoranda) by Rabbi Raphael Avraham Matsliach, with a responsum by Rabbi Chaim Modai

Only and Rare Edition. Salonika, 1806.

Signature: Rabbi Nissim Yitzchak Ardit, one of the sages of Izmir.

6. Sefer HaZikaron on Rashi’s Commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Avraham Ben Shlomo HaLevi Bakrat

First Edition. Livorno, 1845.

Dedication by the publisher, Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi, to the philanthropist Rabbi Shlomo Di Avraham Abudarham.

A remarkable commentary on Rashi’s Torah commentary, authored by Rabbi Avraham HaLevi Bakrat, a Spanish exile who composed it in Tunis in 1507. It was published by Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi from a manuscript preserved in Tunis.

7. Polemic- Sefer Zevachim Shleimim – Halachot Shechita by Maimonides, with Two Commentaries: Kesef Acher and Zevachim Shleimim. By Rabbi Avraham Ankawa, including Maggid Mishneh by Rabbi Yehuda Alkaltz, printed from manuscript.

Only Edition. Livorno, 1858.

Published by the renowned scholar and grammarian Rabbi Eliyahu Benamozegh, at his printing press in Livorno. The introduction lists many scholars and patrons who supported the work.

Following its publication, controversy arose over its rulings, with Rabbi Moshe Sebaon of Wahran leading the opposition. Rabbi Ankawa responded with an additional work (Taharat HaKesef, Livorno, 1860), sparking widespread debate for years. Rabbis from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Jerusalem took opposing stances.

8. Sefer Taharat HaKesef – Response to the Polemics Against Zevachim Shleimim

Only Edition. Livorno, 1860. Includes letters and endorsements from many great rabbinic figures.

9. Sefer Divrei Mordechai – Drashot by Rabbi Mordechai Galanti, with Kol Moshe by Rabbi Moshe Galanti

First Edition. Livorno, 1860. Introduction by the rabbis of Damascus and Rabbi Chaim Palagi.

10. Sefer Yemei Shlomo – Novellae on Maimonides and Some Responsa by Rabbi Shlomo Kimchi

Only Edition. Izmir, 1874. With endorsements from the rabbis of Izmir and Constantinople.

11. Sefer Asher LeShlomo – Commentary on Maimonides, Including Milei DeDrasha by Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe Ashkenazi

Only Edition. Izmir, 1876. Printed by Avraham Pontrimoli and Yaakov Poli. With an endorsement by Rabbi Avraham Palagi.

Extremely rare! Never appeared at auction.

12. Sefer Zchut Avot & Anaf Avot – Commentary on Pirkei Avot, Zchut Avot explains on a literal level,   Anaf Avot delves into Talmudic and halachic interpretations. Includes an Hesped delivered during the shiva of Rabbi Raphael Meir Panigel, Rishon LeZion.

By Rabbi Menachem Natan Nota Auerbach, son of Rabbi Shlomo Auerbach of Luntschitz, grandson of Rabbi Meir Auerbach, Av Beit Din of Kalisch and head of the Jerusalem rabbinate.

First Edition. Jerusalem, 1894.

Contains extensive handwritten glosses by the author and his personal stamp.

The Gaon Rabbi Menachem Natan Nota Auerbach (1858–1930) was a rabbi in Jerusalem, among the founders of the Chief Rabbinate, and a prolific Torah scholar. Raised by his grandfather, Rabbi Meir Auerbach, he was ordained by Rabbi Yisrael Yehoshua of Kutna and his son-in-law, Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wax. He served as rabbi of Ruachama neighborhood in Jerusalem, uniting diverse communities.

He was a close associate of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, the first Chief Rabbi, and was also related by marriage to Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, leader of the Edah HaCharedit in Jerusalem. Rabbi Auerbach passed away in 1930 and was buried in a grand funeral attended by thousands. He authored 54 works, most still in manuscript form.

Overall Good - Great Condition, Complete Copies, original and new leather bindings, some old bindings rubbed or damaged, some with owners name.

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Lot #14

Large Collection of Antique Rare Seforim, 1763–1894. Signatures, Dedications, and Important Marginalia. First & Only Editions.

Start price: $500

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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