A legal document and testimony regarding a woman who forced her elderly husband to sign over his assets to her against his true will.
Jerusalem, 1880.
With the original signatures and stamp of the holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, and the community leader R. Gamliel Shlank.
The famous holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Salant. Esteemed Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem for nearly seventy years and the leader of the Ashkenazi communities in the Land of Israel. Recognized as a prodigy from childhood, he was invited to Jerusalem in 1841 to serve in the rabbinate and lead the Perushim community. He established educational and charitable institutions in the city, founded a rabbinical court, and strengthened the Ashkenazi community. He was renowned as a leading halachic authority with an extraordinary memory and sharp wisdom.
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, in his endorsement for Edut Shmuel (Jerusalem, 2014), described him as: "The Gaon of Israel, whose honor illuminated the land, and who became world-renowned for his Torah knowledge and wisdom, as a sage among the Jewish people, possessing unparalleled strength in halachic rulings. He was also widely known for his immense holiness."
R. Gamliel ben Rabbi Mordechai Shlank (1843–1897) Immigrated to Jerusalem from Western Prussia in 1856 and studied in its cheder schools and yeshivot. He was the son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Sachs, a pioneer of agricultural settlement in the Land of Israel. Rabbi Shlank was proficient in German and German law and studied pharmacy, medicine, and jurisprudence.
He Worked as a pharmacist at the Bikur Cholim Hospital and for the Amsterdam Committee’s medical organization in the courtyard of Rabbi Yeshaya Bardaki.
Contributed articles to the newspaper "HaMagid." Served as a judge at the request of the German consul in disputes between German citizens. Acted as the Austro-Hungarian consular representative and the director of the Austrian postal service in Jerusalem. He tragically passed away in an accident in Jaffa and was buried on the Mount of Olives.
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