A significant and lengthy letter regarding yeshiva matters and Torah insights.

Kletsk, Erev Shabbat Parshat Vayechi, 1934

"To my dear and honored friend, the renowned Gaon, an extraordinary scholar, our teacher Rabbi M.Y. Segal, may he live and his distinguished sons, may they all be blessed, and especially to his beloved son, the esteemed Rabbi Yehuda, may he be well."

"With love, I greet you with peace. Your precious letter, along with the donation of 4 ½ lira from Mr. Sher and his sister-in-law, has been duly received… May Hashem repay them for their good deeds and grant you a full reward, and may you merit to disseminate Torah with abundance. We are sending the donors a receipt to their address. The pressure on the yeshiva is terribly severe—may Hashem have mercy. Every bit of support is truly a matter of life and death for the Torah scholars."

"I am sending in a separate letter a copy of a Shiur on Bava Kama regarding the topic of potters. Due to my heavy workload, I have not had time to review it, and at the end of the discussion, there are additional notes in lettered sequence, but in the main text, it is not indicated where they belong. However, when my dear Rabbi Yehuda studies it with the necessary depth, he will recognize the proper placement of each section. Over time, I am ready to fulfill his request and provide more of my Shiurim, bli neder."

"…For the sake of our holy yeshiva, they should place its support at the highest level, as is its rightful due according to halacha, considering its great quantitative and qualitative value, as well as its extraordinarily dire situation, which has no parallel. We receive no support from the local town, which is small, nor do we have any financial backing from America. And with Hashem’s help, the yeshiva is completely full with outstanding students who diligently toil in Torah with great dedication, delving into its depths and producing true Torah insights."

"May you be blessed with all good things. Your loving and appreciative friend,

Aharon Kotler."

After his signature, Rabbi Aharon Kotler added a 12-line section of Torah insights on Tractate Zevachim.

The president of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and leader of the generation the great Gaon Rabbi Aharon Kotler (1892-1962) one of the greatest Gedolei Yiaroel in the recent generation. From a young age was renowned as an Iluy and diligent student. In his youth, he studied Torah with the Gaon Rabbi Zalman Sender Kahana Shapiro. Rabbi Reuven Grozovsky (Chatana Dvei Nessi’ah of the Gaon Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz) who knew him, urged him to study at the Knesses Yosroel Yeshiva in Slabodka. There Rabbi Aharon became close to his rabbis the Rashei Yeshivas who greatly respected him. At the age of 22 Rabbi Aharon Married the daughter of the Gaon Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer. Immediately after the wedding, he started teaching in his yeshiva in Slutzk and several years later, became its Rosh Yeshiva. In 1921, the yeshiva was forced to move to Poland to due persecutions by the communist government and settled in Kleck .

Official stationery of Rabbi Aharon Kotler Rosh Hayeshiva Demetivta Etz Chaim DeSlutzk which moved to Kleck.

28 X 21.5 Cm. Filing holes, tape stains.

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Lot #125

Lengthy Letter with Torah Insights from Rabbi Aharon Kotler, Rosh Yeshiva of Kletsk – 1934.

Start price: $700

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