A moving letter regarding the dire state of the Radin Yeshiva and the great reward reserved for those who assist in its support.

The body of the letter is in the handwriting of a scribe, with the holy signature and personal stamp of the Chafetz Chaim.

Radin, 27 Menachem Av, 1931.

"To the honored and distinguished master of Torah endeavors, Mr. Yosef Segal, in the city of Manchester, "

I hereby express my deep gratitude and blessings to Your Honor for his great efforts on behalf of our holy yeshiva, when our esteemed friend, Rabbi Ehrlich, may he be well, was in your community for the benefit of the yeshiva. The sum of 16 British pounds, which was collected by Your Honor and the esteemed and precious Reb Moshe Mor, may he live and be well, was truly timely for us amidst the terrible pressure and distress prevailing in our holy yeshiva. May Hashem repay your good deeds, and may your reward be complete from the Almighty in this world and the next.

Now, as Your Honor has promised to further strive for our holy yeshiva and has pledged to collect an additional 10 British pounds by the upcoming Rosh Hashanah, I write to encourage and urge you regarding this matter. To my great sorrow, the situation of the yeshiva is extremely dire beyond description. The burden of pressure and the overwhelming debts amounting to many thousands of dollars have become unbearable.

As the days of Elul are approaching—a time uniquely suited to awaken our fellow Jews to take part in supporting Torah, which will serve as a great merit for them to be remembered for good and blessing before the Almighty during the upcoming Days of Judgment—I urge Your Honor to hasten to assist us with all his strength and soul, inspiring his acquaintances and friends to come to our aid in this time of great distress.

The great merit of supporting Torah shall stand for Your Honor, and may he be blessed by the Almighty with life, peace, and all good, and merit to witness the salvation of Israel and the uplifting of the Torah’s honor soon.

With his noble soul, and with the soul of one who honors and blesses him,

Signed ”Yisrael Meir HaKohen” With his personal seal: "Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radin, author of Sefer Chafetz Chaim and Mishnah Berurah."

[If he wishes], Your Honor may draft a letter in English and send it to us, and the Chafetz Chaim, may he live long, will sign it.

Rabbi Yisrael Meir Hakohein Kagan (1839-1933), universally renowned as the Chafetz Chaim after his famous sefer, was one of the last of the Achronim. He was “Rabban shel Yisrael” in every sense of the word. He was regarded as most brilliant, humble and pious among the Achronim, and there are few sages whose legacy impacts the contemporary Torah world as the Chafetz Chaim. His landmark sefarim, including Mishnah Brurah, Chafetz Chaim and Shemiras Halashon are studied universally by young and old, men, women and children alike.

27.5 X 21.4 Cm.

Filing holes, marginal tears, old tape repair to center of page.

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Lot #122

''May he be blessed by the Almighty with life, peace, and all good, and merit to witness the salvation of Israel and the uplifting of the Torah's honor soon''. Letter of Maran the Holy Chafetz Chaim with special blessings. 1931.

Start price: $4,500

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