A long and warm family letter filled with abundant blessings In the Holy handwriting & signature of Rabbi Aharon Halberstam, Av Beit Din of Bielitz-Biala, his wife, Rebbetzin Devorah (daughter of the renowned Rabbi Yehoshua Yitzchak Kliger, Av Beit Din of Greiding), their daughter Rebbetzin Gittel Levertov (wife of Rabbi Yisrael Levertov,   a rabbi in Biala-Bielitz), their daughter Rebbetzin Chava Halberstam (1905–1930), and their son Rabbi Meshulam Yissachar Halberstam (who perished in the Holocaust Hy”d).

Biala-Bielitz, [circa 1915].

This is an exceedingly rare item, as letters from Rabbi Aaron Halberstam are scarce and have never appeared in a public auction.

The Holy Rabbi Aaron Halberstam, Av Beit Din of Biala-Bilitz (1865–1942), was a prominent halachic authority in Galicia, was revered by leading rabbis of his generation who highly valued his rulings and opinions. He was the son of Rabbi Yosef Zev, Av Beit Din of Kshanov, and a grandson of Rebbi David of Kshanov, who in turn was the son of Rebbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, the Divrei Chaim. Rabbi Aharon descended from numerous luminaries of Chassidism, including Rebbi Naftali of Ropshitz, Rebbi Moshe of Lelov, the Yehudi HaKadosh of Peshischa, the Sar Shalom of Belz, and the Ohev Yisrael of Apta.

At the age of eleven, Rabbi Aaron’s revered grandfather, the Divrei Chaim, passed away. Rabbi Chaim had a special fondness for his grandson, enjoying testing him in halacha. He reportedly prophesied that Rabbi Aaron would become a great rabbi and halachic authority. Even as a child, Rabbi Aaron took a keen interest in his grandfather’s practical halachic rulings. His peers affectionately nicknamed him "the young rabbi." These formative experiences left a lasting impression on him, and as an adult halachic authority, he frequently cited his grandfather’s rulings, vividly recalling how they were issued. Rebbi Chaim of Sanz once told Rabbi Aaron’s father that his son possessed the soul of a great Torah scholar from 300 years earlier!

In 1879, Rabbi Aaron married his first wife, the daughter of Rebbi Alter Meir David Halevi Rotenberg of Wolbrom. Following her untimely passing in 1881 during childbirth of their son Rebbe Menachem Benyanin Bentzion Halberstam-Rottenberg, he remarried the daughter of Rabbi Yehoshua Yitzchak Kliger, Av Beit Din of Gródek (Greiding).

At the age of 23, Rabbi Aaron received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Dov Berish Rappaport of Rava. In 1889, he assumed the rabbinate of Biala near Bilitz, where he served until the community’s destruction. Rabbi Aharon lived an ascetic life, embodying the conduct of earlier generations. His personal demeanor resembled that of a tzaddik. He prayed with intense fervor and extended his prayers in the traditional Sanz style, investing his entire being into them. His sermons in the synagogue were fiery and passionate, beginning with deep Talmudic analysis and transitioning to address contemporary issues.

When World War II broke out, Rabbi Aaron was forced to flee from city to city with his family and community members, destitute and with only his tallit and tefillin. The suffering he witnessed, including the brutal massacres of Jews by the Nazis, broke his heart. Ultimately, he passed away amidst great anguish during the Holocaust Hy”d.

Rabbi Aaron authored works such as Miged Eretz on the Pri Megadim, Mitzal MeHaEsh, and others. Unfortunately, many of his writings were lost during the tumultuous events of the Holocaust.

21 X 17 cm.

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Lot #112

Letter from the Holy Rabbi Aharon Halberstam, Av Beit Din of Bielsko-Biała, & his family. Extremely rare!

Start price: $800

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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