A long and special family letter from the holy brothers, the esteemed Holy Rebbi Yitzchak David Biderman of Lelov and the esteemed Holy Rebbi Eliezer Menachem Mendel Biderman of Lelov, along with the esteemed Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Yehuda Leib Berenstein, to their nephew, the Holy Rebbi Alter Meir David Yechiel Rothenberg of Wolbrom.
The two holy brothers signed the letter twice.
[Jerusalem], presumably 1879.
The Rebbe, the holy Rabbi Yitzchak David Biderman of Lelov [1815–1887], was the son of the holy Rebbi Moshe of Lelov, who was the son of Rebbi Dovid of Lelov—the founder of the dynasty. He was named after his two grandfathers: the Yid HaKadosh of Peshischa and the holy Rebbi Dovid of Lelov. He was renowned as a holy man and a miracle worker.
In 1851, he ascended to Jerusalem with his holy father, where he worked alongside his brother, the holy Rebbi Elazar Mendel. They were buried next to each other on the heights of the Mount of Olives. His tombstone inscription reads: "Here lies the righteous rabbi, our teacher and master, Yitzchak David, son of the holy Rebbi Moshe, son of the holy Rebbi Dovid of Lelov. May his merit protect us. He passed away on the holy Sabbath, the 3rd of Tishrei, 1887. May his soul be bound in the bond of life."
His brother, the holy Rabbi Eliezer Menachem Mendel Biderman of Lelov [1827–1883], was a holy man of God, known as a master of divine inspiration and a performer of wonders. The great Hasidic masters, including the Divrei Chaim and the Tiferet Shlomo of Radomsk, highly praised him.
He was the son of the holy Rebbi Moshe of Lelov and the son-in-law of the holy Rebbi Tzvi, son of the Chozeh of Lublin. In 1851, he immigrated to Jerusalem, where he became the first Lelover Rebbe to lead a community in the Holy City. He became famous for his lengthy prayers at the Western Wall, where he would go every day. Especially on Friday nights, he would reveal hidden secrets, causing great excitement among his followers as his eyes and heart were lifted toward the heavens.
His son-in-law, the esteemed Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Yehuda Leib Berenstein, was born in 1839 to Rabbi Fishel and Esther Malka of Uman. His grandfather was Rabbi Yehuda Leib, a descendant of Rebbi Yosef Yehuda Leib Shapira of Balta, a disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch.
His father, Rabbi Fishel, immigrated to the Land of Israel following the blessing of his Rebbe, Rabbi Moshe Tzvi of Savran, who assured him that he would merit children in the Holy Land. Rabbi Fishel settled in Safed, where he established a large guesthouse. A short time later, his son was born, whom he named Binyamin Yehuda Leib, after his father and father-in-law, Rabbi Binyamin of Pinsk. His sandek was Rebbi Avraham Dov Auerbach of Avritch.
Even in his youth, he was known as a diligent Torah scholar and prodigy. In 1851, when the holy Rebbi Moshe Biderman of Lelov ascended to the Land of Israel, he visited Safed and tested the children. After examining Binyamin, he suggested him as a match for the daughter of his son, the holy Rebbi Yitzchak David. Indeed, after a short time, Rebbi Yitzchak David took him as a groom for his daughter, Bracha Alka. Following their marriage, Rabbi Binyamin moved to Jerusalem to live near his father-in-law.
In Jerusalem, he studied under leading scholars, including Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib of Kutno, Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, Rabbi Meir Auerbach, Rabbi Nachum of Shadik, Rabbi Yaakov Leib Levi, and Rabbi Shimon Menashe Chaikin.
In 1886, he co-founded Yeshivat Chayei Olam with his father-in-law and served as its rosh yeshiva. He was also active in his father-in-law’s organization, Bnei Moshe, which supported the descendants of Rebbi Moshe of Lelov. He traveled to Europe to raise funds and received enthusiastic letters of support from prominent rabbis and Rebbes, including Rebbi Chaim of Sanz. He passed away in 1905.
Their nephew, (son of their sister Golda Esther) The Holy Rebbi Alter Meir David Yechiel Rotenberg was born in 1842 to his father, the holy Rebbi Yitzchak Menachem Rottenberg of Apta, after ten years of waiting for children, thanks to the blessing of the holy Rebbi Yissachar Ber of Radoshitz. He was named after his grandfathers, Rebbi Meir of Apta and Rebbi David of Lelov. In his youth, he fell ill, and the name Alter was added as a segulah for longevity.
22.9 cm.
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Lot #108