Very Rare Letter from the Righteous Gaon Rabbi Levi Yitzchak HaLevi Fleischer, Ab”d Pilz, to the Holy Rebbi Alter Meir David Yechiel of Wolbrom – 1874.
Letters from him are extremely rare and have never appeared in a public auction.
Pilica, 1874.
Of particular note is the line of honorary titles that he wrote for the holy Rebbi of Wolbrom: "To the honored friend of Hashem and my dear soul-friend, the esteemed and precious branch, the distinguished rabbi, the true and pious one, may he live a long and good life, the crown of the righteous, the holy fruit of the Holy of Holies, the renowned and sacred name, His Holiness, our teacher and master, Alter Meir David Yechiel HaLevi, may he be well and long-lived, in the holy community of Wolbrom."
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak served as Av Beit Din of Warka, Pilz, and Zduńska Wola (and possibly also as Av Beit Din of Kosov). He held the rabbinate for sixty years. He was a disciple of the holy Rebbi of Kotzk, the Chidushei HaRim of Ger, and the Sfas Emes of Ger. He passed away in 1902 at the age of ninety.
His son, Rabbi Betzalel, served as a Dayan in Nasielsk. His sons-in-law were Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Tumim, Av Beit Din of Nowy Dwór (a grandson of the Chidushei HaRim), and Rabbi David Beer, Av Beit Din of Ozorków.
The Holy Rebbi Alter Meir David Yechiel Rotenberg was born in 1842 to his father, the holy Rebbi Yitzchak Menachem Rottenberg of Apta, after ten years of waiting for children, thanks to the blessing of the holy Rebbi Yissachar Ber of Radoshitz. He was named after his grandfathers, Rebbi Meir of Apta and Rebbi David of Lelov. In his youth, he fell ill, and the name Alter was added as a segulah for longevity.
He married the daughter of the holy Rebbi Moshe of Karev, son of the holy Sar Shalom of Belz. At the time of the engagement, the groom was only about eight years old.
All his life, he tirelessly traveled to the righteous sages of his generation, and they all honored him greatly, showing him great respect and appointing him to lead the holy nation.
When he was around thirty years old, after his father’s passing, he was by Maran the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, who gave him a kvittel along with a pidyon nefesh of ten Ranish. Out of awe for his revered teacher, he did not dare to read his own name in front of him. The Divrei Chaim then instructed him to read the kvittel aloud in his presence and blessed him, saying: "I bless you that with this power, you will bring salvation to the Jewish people."
Maran the Divrei Chaim also greatly praised his lineage, as he was a grandson of the Ohr LaShamayim of Apta. Indeed, throughout his life, many wonders were seen through him. Childless couples were blessed with children through his prayers, those who received his blessings were exempted from military service, and both the poor and the downtrodden were blessed with wealth.
He ascended to his ancestral position in Wolbrom, where his father’s Chassidim continued to follow him, along with followers of his grandfather, Rebbi Moshe of Lelov. His Chassidim were numerous, and under his leadership, shtibelach of Wolbrom Chassidim were established in many towns across Poland.
He excelled in his divine service, practicing frequent self-affliction and fasting, and especially immersing in the mikveh, even when the water was freezing. He was well known for his wise counsel, and many merchants sought his advice regarding their business matters. Numerous miracle stories were told about him.
He passed away in 1911. His sons-in-law were the holy Rabbi Itzik’l Rubin of Sosnowiec and the holy Rebbi Aharon Halberstam, Av Beit Din of Biała-Bielsko. His son, the righteous Rabbi Pinchas Shalom, was the father-in-law of the holy Rabbi Moshele Rokeach, son of Maran Rebbi Aharon of Belz.
21.2 cm.
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