A volume of discourses and Torah novellae by Rabbi Mordechai Ephraim Fishel Sofer, including what he heard from his teachers, the righteous and scholarly luminaries of his generation.
Halash, 1886, Pressburg 1887-1888. (The approbations date from 1884-1885 see below for details.)
At the end of the first paragraph, the third paragraph, and on page 19 and 121, he signs, "Ha”k Fishel Sofer." On pages 37, 99, 117, he signs, "Ha”k Fishel Sofer of Pest.". With his handstamps on the last page.
The volume includes homilies on the Torah, novellae on the Aggadah, and insights on various tractates of the Talmud.
Among the topics, he records teachings he heard from:
The great Rabbi Yehuda Asad (page 4).
"The holy Rebbi Meir of Premishlan" (page 4).
"I heard from the author of Chassam Sofer, of blessed memory" (Parashat Vayera).
"This was the opinion of Rabbi Zalman Margalit, of blessed memory" (Parashat Vayera).
"I heard from Rabbi Feivel Horowitz, Av Beit Din of Páks" (page 23).
"This is the view of Rabbi Yaakov Shalom Sofer" (page 27).
"I heard from the Bachur Naftali Lieberman" (page 29 and elsewhere).
"I heard from the great Chassam Sofer, of blessed memory" (pages 37, 79, 83).
"Rabbi Aharon David Deutsch, of blessed memory, said" (page 37).
"I heard from Rabbi Shlomo Deutsch, of blessed memory" (page 95).
"My teacher and master provided this explanation in light of Rabbi Zalman Ullman, of blessed memory" (page 118).
"Rabbi Mordechai Ephraim Sofer, uncle of my father" (page 93).
"Teachings of Rabbi Moshe Sofer" (page 119).
He frequently references his distinguished teacher, Rabbi Zussman Eliezer Sofer, Av Beit Din of Halas and Páks:
"From my master, the revered rabbi, Av Beit Din of Halas" (page 2).
"I heard an explanation from my master, the Av Beit Din of Halas" (pages 2, 79, 83, 105, 125).
"An idea from my master, Av Beit Din of Halas" (page 113).
The work was composed between the ages of 19-21, making it exceptionally rare to find a complete manuscript written by a renowned genius in his youth, which remains unpublished.
The Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Mordechai Ephraim Fishel Zussman-Sofer was born in 1867 to Rabbi Binyamin Zev Wolf, rabbi of Budapest. He was a primary disciple of: Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer, Av Beit Din of Halas (Kiskunhalas) and Páks, Rabbi Moshe Sofer, Av Beit Din of Tiszaújlak, Rabbi Binyamin Zev Wolf Breuer, Av Beit Din of Tab, Rabbi Simcha Bunim Sofer, Av Beit Din of Pressburg and author of Shevet Sofer.
He married the daughter of Rabbi Yaakov Koppel Reich, Av Beit Din of Budapest. From 1891 he served as Av Beit Din of Kastalan, then from 1893 as Av Beit Din of Csúsz, and from 1914 as dayan and later as Rosh Av Beit Din of Budapest, also serving as Av Beit Din of Kecskemét. He passed away on the 30th of Sivan, 1942 and was greatly honored in death. Author of Ateres Paz and Eileh Mas’ei.
At the end of the manuscript, several of his yeshiva colleagues inscribed their names, including:
R. Nachum Hirsch of Szered, Pressburg, 1887.
Rabbi Nachum Hirsch was born in Csorne to Rabbi Abba Chiya Hirsch, Av Beit Din of Szered, in 1867. He was a beloved student of Rabbi Mordechai Leib Winkler, Av Beit Din of Mád and author of Levush Mordechai. He was married to Esther, daughter of Rabbi Moshe Leib Zilz, son of Rabbi Shmuel Zilz, Raavad of Mikulov. Rabbi Nachum lived in Nitra and passed away in 1926.
A beautiful ”approbation” from the Bachur
Simcha Lentz, Halas, 1885 (R. Simcha later lived in Eperies).
Simcha Lentz, Halas, 1885 (R. Simcha later lived in Eperies).
Another ”approbation” from the Bachur
Shalom Gombo of Makó.
Shalom Gombo of Makó.
Another fine ”approbation” from R. Yitzchak Zorger, Halas, 1884.
Various signatures and inscriptions from his friends appear.
166 handwritten pages. 21 cm.
Good Condition, stains, original binding, spine damaged.
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Lot #105