החלטות היסטוריות ביותר של הבי"ד המיוחד לתקנות העגונות אחרי מלחמת העולם השניה.

בודאפעסט וערים שונות בהונגריה, תש"ו.

עם כתי"ק וחתימות הרבנים הגאונים:

האדמו"ר הרה"ק רבי יוסף גרינוואלד מפאפא שכיהן באותו עת כאב"ד סאמבאטהעלי.

הגאון רבי שמעון ישראל פאזען אב"ד שאפראן.

הגאון רבי יעקב סג"ל לעבאוויטש אב"ד קאפיש

הגה"ק רבי עזריאל יהודה לעבאוויטש אב"ד וויען, שכיהן באותו עת כאב"ד האדהאז.

הגאון רבי חיים מייזליש אב"ד סארוואש.

הגאון רבי אברהם אליעזר ציטרון אב"ד דאראג.

הגאון רבי יקותיאל יודא היילפרין אב"ד נאנאש, ובנו הרב בן ציון היילפרין.

הגאון רבי יהושע ציטרון אב"ד ביסערמין.

הגאון רבי יקותיאל מרדכי שיק אב"ד טשאבא ומישקאלץ.

הגאון רבי דוד מאשקאוויטש אב"ד באניהאד.

הגאון רבי משה מרדכי פאללאק, אב"ד וואדקערט.

הגאון רבי משה דוב וואלנער.

רבי צבי ב"ר משה בידערמאן מסאבאדקא.

הגאון רבי אלעזר אריה יונגרייז אב"ד טשענגער.

הגאון רבי יצחק קלמן גינסבערגער, רב בבודאפעסט.

הגאון רבי יהושע העשיל דייטש רב הגליל נירדהאז.

הגאון רבי שמעיה שווארץ דומ"צ נירדהאז.

רבי יעקב יוסף שיק אב"ד האהאט.

The Holy Rebbe Yosef Greenwald of Pupa (1903–1984). Son of Rebbi Yaakov Yehezkiya Greenwald, who was the son of the revered Rabbi Moshe Greenwald, author of Arugas HaBosem. After his marriage, he was appointed as a dayan in Satmar, where his uncle and mentor, Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald, served as the city\'s rabbi. After his mentor’s passing, he was appointed as the head of the renowned Keren LeDavid Yeshiva. Following his father\'s passing, he succeeded him as the rabbi of Pupa until the outbreak of the Holocaust, during which most of his large family was murdered, may God avenge their blood. After the war, he spent a period in Antwerp, England, and later moved to the United States, where he rebuilt the Pupa community from its ruins. He authored numerous important works, including the Vayechi Yosef series, Darkei Yosef, Petach Tov, and more. He was the father of the current Pupa Rebbes.

Rabbi Shimon Yisrael Posen Av Beit Din of Shopron (1895–1969). One of the leading Orthodox rabbis in the United States. He was the son of Rabbi Gershon, a dayan  in Frankfurt am Main, and a student of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer, the Av Beit Din of Frankfurt. He served as the rabbi and rosh yeshiva in the Hungarian town of Sopron. After the Holocaust, he immigrated to the United States, where he was appointed as a rosh yeshiva in Satmar and became close to the revered Rebbe Yoel of Satmar. Before the war, he traveled to visit the holy Rebbes, Rabbi David of Skvira and Rabbi David of Zlotipoli. He settled near the saintly Rebbi Chaim Elazar Shapira, the Minchas Elazar of Munkacs. In the U.S., he became close to the Skvira Rebbi Yaakov Yosef Twersky. His sermons and letters were published in the sefer Torat Aleph, which is filled with guidance on serving God.

Rabbi Yaakov Segal Leibowitz (Passed away 1980), Av Beit Din of Kapish. After the Holocaust, he was the head of the Orthodox Rabbinical Court in Budapest, primarily involved in permitting agunot (women unable to remarry due to uncertain status of their husbands) among the Holocaust survivors. As he writes in the introduction to his responsa Mishnat Yaakov: "As the head of the Beit Din for Agunot in Hungary from 1945 until the end of 1950, with God\'s help, I issued permits for agunot and agunim, totaling approximately 5,000 cases, without a single error in any of them."

He later immigrated to the United States, where he was recognized as one of the great halachic authorities. He was a leading member of the Rabbinical Union in the U.S. He was the son-in-law of Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Deutsch of Makó.

Rabbi Azriel Yehuda Leibowitz, Av Beit Din of Vienna. The saintly and renowned Rabbi Azriel Yehuda Leibowitz, a mighty scholar and defender of Israel, the revered Av Beit Din and Rosh Yeshiva of the holy Adat Yireim community, as well as Av Beit Din and Rosh Yeshiva of Hodász. For over thirty years, he was the rabbi of the community, a crown of splendor, educating thousands of students for over sixty years. He fought with great devotion to uphold the path of the Chasam Sofer and his disciples. His saintly mentors, the Levush Mordechai and Keren LeDavid, placed their hands upon him, expanding the community and its institutions. He was deeply immersed in the depths of halacha, studying diligently and persistently (as inscribed on his tombstone).

Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Heilprin, Av Beit Din of Nanash. He succeeded his father, Rabbi Ben Zion Heilprin, Av Beit Din of Nanash, author of Bnei Tzion, who was a descendant of Torah giants, including Rabbi Yisrael Ephraim Fishel Sofer, a disciple of the Chasam Sofer and author of Afsei Aretz. Rabbi Heilprin survived the horrors of the Holocaust and later immigrated to the U.S. with his righteous wife. He was a prominent rabbi in the United States and was a signatory on public letters alongside the saintly Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum, the Vayoel Moshe of Satmar.

Rabbi Chaim Meislish.  Son of Rabbi David Dov Meislish, author of Binyan David. He served as a rabbi for over sixty years in Radvan, Sarvar, Bergen-Belsen, Detroit, and, in his later years, in the She\'erit Yisrael community in Brooklyn. His remarkable sermons inspired many to return to the service of God. He left behind manuscripts of responsa, talmudic discussions, and sermons on the weekly Torah portions and holidays.

Rabbi David Moshkowitz.  Born in 1909 in Kerestir, he was raised by his stepfather, the saintly Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald of Kerestir, who was the brother of Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald (Av Beit Din of Satmar and author of Keren LeDavid) and Rabbi Moshe Greenwald (Av Beit Din of Khust and author of Arugas HaBosem). When he came of age, he married the daughter of Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald.

His uncle, the Keren LeDavid, did not have children, and Rabbi David Moshkowitz, his step-nephew, assisted him in his final year and was greatly cherished by him. He was later entrusted with publishing the Keren LeDavid. When the great Rabbi Mordechai Winkler, Av Beit Din of Mad (author of Levush Mordechai), also passed without children, Rabbi David took charge of publishing his Levush Mordechai responsa.

Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Pollack, Av Beit Din of Vadkert. Author of Pri Moshe on the Torah and Keter HaChochmah on Chochmat Adam. He also published Derashot Maharam Schick. He was the son of Rabbi Yeshaya Pollack, Av Beit Din of Vadkert, who was a disciple of the Shevet Sofer, and the grandson of Rabbi Yehuda Greenfeld. His son-in-law was Rabbi Asher Anshel Katz, Av Beit Din of Vienna.

After his father\'s passing, the saintly Rebbi Yoel of Satmar eulogized him. During the eulogy, the Divrei Yoel cited the verse: "Be strong and take from the fruit of the land", interpreting it to mean that Rabbi Moshe Mordechai should be appointed as the city\'s rabbi in his father’s stead.

Rabbi Moshe Dov Wollner (1912–2007), Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Ashkelon. Born in Arad, Hungary, he was the son of the rabbi of Felsőszeleste. He was a student of the Dibuvay Chen, Rabbi Yosef Elimelech Kahana, Av Beit Din of Ungvar and Tzehlem; the Daas Sofer and his son, the Cheshav Sofer; and was also ordained by Rabbi David Dov Meislish, Av Beit Din of Ujhely. He was appointed as a dayan in the rabbinical court of Rabbi Yeshaya Kalish.

In 1936, he married the daughter of Rabbi Yisrael Welz, the chief rabbi of Pest, and moved to Budapest. He was one of the very few in his family who survived the Holocaust. After the war, he reunited with his wife, daughters, and father-in-law and joined his father-in-law in leading the remnants of the Budapest Jewish community. He played a major role in the special rabbinical court established there to resolve cases of agunot.

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פריט #132

החלטות בי"ד המיוחד לענייני עגונות בהונגריה, תש"ו. עם חתימות הויחי יוסף מפאפא, והרבנים מקאפיש, שאפראן, סארוואש, טשענגער, דאראג ועוד.

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