In 1988, the Kinus of International Shluchim was held for the first time. At the Shabbos Farbrengen with the Rebbe, the Rebbe announced he would distribute a Kuntres of Chassidut to all the Shluchim.

The next day: the Rebbes Shluchim 

When the Rebbe entered the Mincha prayer he suddenly turned to one of the secretaries and told him that immediately after the Davening he would say a Sicha. The Sicha lasted about twenty-five minutes.

At the end of the Sicha, he said he would now hand out "Kuntreisim" and dollar bills, first to the men Shluchim, and then to the women Shluchim.

After the Sicha, there was a lot of pushing and it was very unorderly. The Rebbe began to descend the stairs and while on them he began the order of the distribution.  He said that the Shluchim would receive first and then the Shluchos The Rebbe got down from the steps and stood at the side of the platform, where the table was placed, on which the secretaries arranged the Kuntreisim and inside each of them, a dollar. The line was very long, but the distribution proceeded quickly. The Rebbe gave everyone a "Kuntres"  with a dollar in it.  To many of the people passing thru he asked "Are you a Shaliach "?

When the division for the "Shluchim" was finished, that specific area was vacated and the "Shluchos" passed through, and they received a Kuntres with a dollar in it as well. 

At the end of the long distribution, the Rebbe went back up the stairs Daven Mariv. 

This Kuntres does not contain the dollar.

Provenance: R’ Chaim Tzvi Konikov.


[2] 3-24 Pp.

Very Good condition.

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Lot #3

Kuntres "Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5748"

Start price: $500

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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