Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe giving Blessings Upon Moving into a New Home in 1968. 

The Rebbe Gives R’ Moshe Yitzchak Konikov (Father of R’ Chaim Konikov) a Bracha that through changing his dwelling place and moving into a new home, he will be blessed with good mazal, and success in his endeavors for ‘Gashmiut’  (worldliness) and ‘Ruchneyut’ (spirituality).

In the Post Script of the letter the Lubavitcher Rebbe states that surely the recipient is careful to read the daily portions of the Torah Tehillim and the Tania and to continue to do so from henceforth.

Signed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe and a Correction made in his Holy Hand.

Provenance: R’ Chaim Tzvi Konikov.

21.5 cm.

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Lot #16

Letter from the Rebbe Blessings Upon Moving into a New Home, 1968.

Start price: $500

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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