In Kislev 1990, the Jews of Morocco, headed by the Shali’ach Rabbi Yehuda Leib Raskin, began writing a Sefer Torah in honor of the Rebbe and in memory of the Rebbetzin. In Chashvan 1961, the writing of the Sefer Torah was completed and when Rabbi Raskin came to the worldwide Kinus of the Shluchim, he brought the Sefer Torah with him for its Hachnasah to 770.

The Siyum and Hachnasah took place on Sunday, the 26th of Cheshvan 1961. On the following day, the 27th of Cheshvan, after the Shacharit prayer, the public found out that the Rebbe would hand out a Mamar about the Sefer Torah. The Chalukah was after the Mariv prayer. The Kuntres was given with two dollars for charity and a Leikach or chocolate-chip cookie.

On the inside of the cover of the Kuntres and on the accompanying Two Dollar bills it is written by R’ Chaim Tzvi Konikov:

On The Kuntres:
"Received From the Holy Hands of his Honor and Holiness the Admo"r Shlit"a, after the Sicha in the merit of the Shluchim who should live. On the eve before the 28th of Cheshvan, 1992 on the third day of the week of Parshat Toldot. Along with a Lekach and Two Dollar bills, and a plastic cover. While accompanied by my son, Moshe Yitzchak Meir".

On back of both of the Dollar Bills:
"Received From the Holy Hands of his Honor and Holiness the Admo"r Shlit"a, along with the Kuntres  "Siyum VeHacnasat Sefer Torah" and a Lekach, and a plastic cover. On the eve before the 28th of Cheshvan, 1992. While accompanied by my son, Moshe Yitzchak Meir".

The content of the Kuntres: the Kuntres contains two Mamarim Divrei Elokim Chaim said by the Admor on two different occasions – ד"ה "להבין ענין כתיבת ס"ת" מההתוועדות דט’ שבט תש"ל, וד"ה "פדה בשלום נפשי" on the Hitva’adut in Kislev 1980 and a Sichat Kodesh from the Hitva’adut. In addition, a letter by the Rebbe the Rayatz about Hachnasat Sefer Torah.

Provenance: R’ Chaim Tzvi Konikov

21.5 Cm.


Excellent condition.

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Lot #10

Kuntres "Siyum VeHacnasat Sefer Torah" With two dollar bills given by the Rebbe's holy hands in the original plastic packaging - 27 Cheshvan 1992.

Start price: $500

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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