Special Chabad Sale.
Tue Jul 09 2024 12:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Lot #1
Biurei HaZohar – Kopust 1816 – First Edition, Printed in the Lifetime of the Author, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch.
Biurei HaZohar – Kopust 1816 – First Edition, Printed in the Lifetime of the Author, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch.
Kopust (Kopys): R. Yisrael Yoffe, prominent disciple of the Baal HaTanya, [1816].
Estimated price

Lot #2
''It is well known to us with absolute certainty that the esteemed pious Gaon, does not believe in the entirety of the Kabbalah of the Ariza''l, & that it is all from the mouth of Elijah''. Early copy of the Polemic letter of the Baal Hatanya against the
''It is well known to us with absolute certainty that the esteemed pious Gaon, does not believe in the entirety of the Kabbalah of the Ariza''l, & that it is all from the mouth of Elijah''. Early copy of the Polemic letter of the Baal Hatanya against the In 1796 or 1797, Rebbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the author of the Tanya, wrote a strongly worded polemic letter against the approach of the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna concerning the writings of the Ariza''l. This letter was addressed to Anas''h in Vilna and expressed a vehement disagreement with Rabbi Eliyahu's views on the teachings of the Ariza''l.
Estimated price

Lot #4
Torah Or with Maamar HaHitbonenut Lvov, 1851 Homilies of the Alter Rebbe Transcribed by the Mitteler Rebbe
Torah Or with Maamar HaHitbonenut Lvov, 1851 Homilies of the Alter Rebbe Transcribed by the Mitteler Rebbe Torah Or, Chassidic homilies on the Torah, Tehillim and Shir HaShirim by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, along with Maamar HaHitbonenut by his son R. Dov Berish [the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch].
Estimated price

Lot #7
Commentary on the Zohar - from the holy Lubavitcher Rebbe - from the teachings of his father the holy older rebbe- The Baal HaTanya - (Kopust) Lemberg, 1861
Commentary on the Zohar - from the holy Lubavitcher Rebbe - from the teachings of his father the holy older rebbe- The Baal HaTanya - (Kopust) Lemberg, 1861 Sefer Biurei HaZohar - deep commentaries on Sefer Zahar - by the holy Middle Rebbe of Lubavitcher Dynasty - from the teachings of his father the Ba'al HaTanya - (Kopust) Lemberg, 1861
Estimated price

Lot #8
Tzemach Tzedek First Edition, Vilna, 1870 Responsa, Novellae and Halachic Rulings
Tzemach Tzedek First Edition, Vilna, 1870 Responsa, Novellae and Halachic Rulings Tzemach Tzedek, responsa according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch, novellae and halachic rulings by R. Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. First edition-1870
Estimated price

Lot #9
Tzemach Tzedek First Edition, Vilna, 1874, Responsa, Novellae and Halachic Rulings
Tzemach Tzedek First Edition, Vilna, 1874, Responsa, Novellae and Halachic Rulings Tzemach Tzedek, responsa according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch, novellae and halachic rulings by R. Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. First edition-1874
Estimated price

Lot #10
Tzemach Tzedek First Edition, Vilna, 1878 Responsa, Novellae and Halachic Rulings. Copy of Rabbi Moshe Helman Rabbi of Druja.
Tzemach Tzedek First Edition, Vilna, 1878 Responsa, Novellae and Halachic Rulings. Copy of Rabbi Moshe Helman Rabbi of Druja.
Tzemach Tzedek, responsa according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch, novellae and halachic rulings by R. Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. First edition-1878
Estimated price

Lot #11
Special copy with Polemic version of his disclaimer on the Vilna Gaon's words. Tzemach Tzedek First Edition, Vilna 1884 Responsa, Novellae and Halachic Rulings.
Special copy with Polemic version of his disclaimer on the Vilna Gaon's words. Tzemach Tzedek First Edition, Vilna 1884 Responsa, Novellae and Halachic Rulings.
Tzemach Tzedek, responsa according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch, novellae and halachic rulings by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. First edition-1884
Estimated price

Lot #12
Likkutei Torah for the 3 Parshiyot, by the Baal HaTanya, with exegeses and droshim by the Maharash. Vilna 1884. Only edition. Gilded ink
Likkutei Torah for the 3 Parshiyot, by the Baal HaTanya, with exegeses and droshim by the Maharash. Vilna 1884. Only edition. Gilded ink
Likutei Torah for Three Torah Portions – Vilna, 1884
Estimated price

Lot #13
Likutei Torah (by the Baal HaTanya) – Vilna 1928 – All Four Parts. .
Likutei Torah (by the Baal HaTanya) – Vilna 1928 – All Four Parts. .
Likutei Torah, Parts I-IV, Chassidic discourses on the books of Vayikra-Devarim, the festivals and Shir HaShirim, by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Baal HaTanya. Vilna: Yehudah Leib Metz, 1928. Four parts.
Estimated price

Lot #17
Siddur Torah Or – Brooklyn 1941 – The edition edited by the Rebbe & from which he davened. Lacking copy.
Siddur Torah Or – Brooklyn 1941 – The edition edited by the Rebbe & from which he davened. Lacking copy.
Siddur Edited by the Rebbe Upon Arriving in the United States in the Summer of 1941.
Estimated price

Lot #19
"Derech Mitsvosecha Ta'amey HaMitsvos"'. First edition, Poltawa, 1911.
"Derech Mitsvosecha Ta'amey HaMitsvos"'. First edition, Poltawa, 1911. Derech Mitzotich Tami HaMitzvot' according to the depth of the Besh"t and the Maggid of Mezritzh and according to the deep aspects taught by the alter Rebbe by the Rebbe Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch - HaTzemach Tzedek.
Estimated price
Seforim, Manuscripts. Letters & part of the Rebbe’s Shtender.