This textile is gorgeously woven and contributes to, and personifies a women's role regarding pre- shabbat candle lighting. Prominently displayed at center, we find a mother and daughter dressed in their Shabbos finery lighting the shabbat candles near sundown in their home. The brick walls in the background are beautifully depicted with Jewish reliefs hanging on the walls bordered by  multicolored shaped motifs. The candlesticks are ornately woven and backed by the bouquet of flowers being held in the daughters hand. The suns rays shine through the window providing a glow to the faces of the mother and daughter while simultaneously presenting the arrival of shabbat. 

Artists initials sown on the lower right.

65cm Length x 44.5cm Width

Good condition

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פריט #65

Belgian Woven Hanging Tapestry, 'Candele'

מחיר פתיחה: $100

מע"מ: על מלוא המחיר והעמלה

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