Kuntres Maamarim 5682", Brooklyn, New York: Kehot Publication Society, 1992. "Marking 90 years to the birth of the Rebbe".

The booklet, printed at the behest of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the occasion of the yahrzeit of his father-in-law the Rebbe Rayatz on 10 Shevat, contains three Chassidic discourses delivered by the Rayatz in 1921, located in manuscript. At the beginning of the booklet is printed a portrait of the Rebbe Rayatz, and at its end are facsimiles of the copyist’s manuscript and a brief biography of the Rebbe Rayatz.

For a more detailed order of events and description of them please see the Hebrew description.

This Kuntres Does not contain a dollar from the Rebbe.

We are unsure of the Provenance for this Sefer.

22.7 cm.
59 pp.

Excellent condition.

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Lot #142

"Kuntres Maamarim 5682", Shevat 1992.

Start price: $200

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