Spectacular Auction, Large Collections, Early Imprints, Slavita & Zhitomir, Kabballah, Signatures, Copies of Famous Rebbes, Manuscripts & letters, Fabulous Silverware.
Lot #169
Responsa "Mayim Chaim" – Zhitomir, 1857-1858 – with a Letter of Responsa from the "Baal Shem Tov". First Edition. Very nice copy. Marginalia.
Responsa "Mayim Chaim" – Zhitomir, 1857-1858 – with a Letter of Responsa from the "Baal Shem Tov". First Edition. Very nice copy. Marginalia.
Sefer "Responsa Mayim Chaim, " in two parts, authored by Rabbi Chaim HaKohen Rapoport, Av Beit Din of Ostroh.
Estimated price
Lot #172
Siddur HaRav (Baal HaTanya) – Zhitomir, 1863-1864. Full set – Magnificent Copy with Wide Margins!
Siddur HaRav (Baal HaTanya) – Zhitomir, 1863-1864. Full set – Magnificent Copy with Wide Margins!
"Order of prayers according to the prayer-rite of the Arizal", two parts in two volumes, for Shabbat and weekdays, by HaAdmor HaZaken Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Baal HaTanya.
Estimated price
Lot #176
Tehillim Diglei Hodaya V’Hamitzvah & Maamados with Nusach Sephard-Chassidic Siddur. Zhitomir, 1866. Lacking copy.
Tehillim Diglei Hodaya V’Hamitzvah & Maamados with Nusach Sephard-Chassidic Siddur. Zhitomir, 1866. Lacking copy.
Sefer Tehillim with Diglei Hodaya V’Hamitzvah an anthology of halachos on the 613 mitzvos and division of the Tikkunei HaZohar into the 30 days of the month by Rabbi Yehuda Yudel Landau.
Estimated price
Lot #177
Likutei Amarim – Tanya – Zhovkva, 1798 – First Edition of Igeret HaTeshuva Mahadura Kama. ...
Likutei Amarim – Tanya – Zhovkva, 1798 – First Edition of Igeret HaTeshuva Mahadura Kama. ... Likutei Amarim – Tanya – Zhovkva, 1798 – First Edition of Igeret HaTeshuva Mahadura Kama. Published during the author’s lifetime.
Estimated price
Lot #180
Unrecorded! Tikunim to the Sefer Tzemach Tzedek, Vilna 1885. Seemingly the only existent copy.
Unrecorded! Tikunim to the Sefer Tzemach Tzedek, Vilna 1885. Seemingly the only existent copy.
Corrections to the Sefer Tzemach Tzedek by the Holy Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch.
Estimated price
Lot #181
Tanya – Large Format Edition With a Dollar, Received from the Holy Hands of the Lubavitcher Rebbe – Yud Shevat, 1990 – "200th Birthday of the Tzemach Tzedek - 40 Years of the Rebbe's Leadership"
Tanya – Large Format Edition With a Dollar, Received from the Holy Hands of the Lubavitcher Rebbe – Yud Shevat, 1990 – "200th Birthday of the Tzemach Tzedek - 40 Years of the Rebbe's Leadership" Sefer Likkutei Amarim Tanya from the Admor HaZaken, published by Kehat, 10th Shvat 1990.
Estimated price
Lot #182
Kuntres “Chag HaGeulah 12-13th Tammuz 1928”, with a Dollar Given by the Rebbe - Tammuz 1990.
Kuntres “Chag HaGeulah 12-13th Tammuz 1928”, with a Dollar Given by the Rebbe - Tammuz 1990. "Kuntres Chag HaGeulah Yud-Beis and Yud-Gimmel Tammuz 5688", and one-dollar Bill for Charity, distributed by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, New York: Kehot Publication Society, 1991. "200th Birthday of the Tzemach Tzedek and 40 Years of the Rebbe's Leadership".
Estimated price
Lot #183
Kuntres Kaf Marcheshvan, 1991 - with a Dollar Given by the Rebbe.
Kuntres Kaf Marcheshvan, 1991 - with a Dollar Given by the Rebbe. Kuntres Kaf Marcheshvan, -1991, With a one dollar bill given by the Rebbe on the eve of the 20th of Cheshvan to celebrate the occasion of the birthday of Rabbi Shalom Dovber Schneerson The Rebbe Rasha"b.
Estimated price
Lot #184
Ma'amar "Hechaltzu Ranat" which was given by the Rebbe on the 20th of Mar Cheshvan 1987.
It is the very first of the Kuntresim the Rebbe handed out.
Ma'amar "Hechaltzu Ranat" which was given by the Rebbe on the 20th of Mar Cheshvan 1987.
It is the very first of the Kuntresim the Rebbe handed out. On Thursday, the 20th of Cheshvan, the Rebbe handed out the Mamor known as Hechaltzu Ranat - an acronym for the year 1898. by the Admor the Rebbe Rashab. He distributed to every person, men and women and said " Success In Your Learning". During the Chaluka, the Kuntresim ran out and the Chaluka was stopped.
Estimated price
Lot #187
Extremely Rare! Siddur Torah Or - She'erit Hapletah - Published by Kehat Shanghai, 1946.
Extremely Rare! Siddur Torah Or - She'erit Hapletah - Published by Kehat Shanghai, 1946.
Siddur Torah Or "Prayers according to the version of the Ari" with the second section, Sha'ar Hakollel.
Estimated price
Lot #188
Halacha Pesuka – The Only Approbation Given by the Maggid of Mezeritch – Turka, 1765. Rare.
Halacha Pesuka – The Only Approbation Given by the Maggid of Mezeritch – Turka, 1765. Rare.
Sefer Halacha Pesuka, novellae on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, with the text, by Rabbi Todros son of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh of Rivne.
Estimated price
Lot #189
Sefer MeRebbi Israel Ba'al Shem Tov - Darchei Yesharim, Łaszczów 1816. Extremely Rare
Sefer MeRebbi Israel Ba'al Shem Tov - Darchei Yesharim, Łaszczów 1816. Extremely Rare
These precious words, more valuable than gold and pearls, from the one who sits among the sages, who balanced and corrected and made ears for the Torah, a delightful commentary on Psalm 107 and also the intention of the Mikveh found in the sacred writings of the holy Rabbi, the Kabbalist, upon whom the spirit from above rested, our teacher Rabbi Israel Ba'al Shem Tov, may his memory be for a blessing. This was transcribed from the mouth of the aforementioned holy one by one of his disciples and is in the possession of the honored, famous rabbi, the holy light, our teacher Rabbi Shmelka, of blessed memory, who is the Av Beit Din of the holy community of Nicholsburg and the surrounding region. In order to benefit the many who fear the Lord and think of His name, it has been brought to the printing house.
Estimated price
Lot #190
Chumash Bereshit – First Edition of the Panim Yafot by the Haflaa – Ostroh 1825. Beautiful as new copy! Rabbi Akiva Eger's Blessing for those who Purchase the Sefer.
Chumash Bereshit – First Edition of the Panim Yafot by the Haflaa – Ostroh 1825. Beautiful as new copy! Rabbi Akiva Eger's Blessing for those who Purchase the Sefer.
Chumash Bereshit, with the Rashi commentary, Baal HaTurim and the Panim Yafot commentary by the Gaon Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz Rabbi of Frankfurt am Main, a disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch.
Estimated price
Lot #191
Likutei Moharan (Breslov) – Part I – Misdated 1809 – Russia-Poland, Circa 1830s
Likutei Moharan (Breslov) – Part I – Misdated 1809 – Russia-Poland, Circa 1830s
Sefer Likutei Moharan, volumes 1 & 2. "Pure Essays of HaRav HaChasid the Famous… Moreinu HaRav Rabbi Nachman of Breslav".
Estimated price
Lot #192
Hakdamah VeDerech LeEtz HaChaim (Zidichov) – Lvov 1832 – First Edition.
Hakdamah VeDerech LeEtz HaChaim (Zidichov) – Lvov 1832 – First Edition.
Sefer Hakdamah V’Derech L’Eitz Chaim – Also renowned as Sur Me’ra V’asei Tov, this sefer contains an introduction and vital foundations for any student who wishes to commence the study of Kabbalah, as well as stirring words of inspiration, encouraging the learner to cleave to the Kabbalistic teachings of the Arizal.
Estimated price
Lot #193
Set of Chumasim with "Or HaChaim" and "Be'er Mayim Chaim" – Edition Printed with the Rare Endorsement of Rebbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, Czernowitz, 1850-1851.
Set of Chumasim with "Or HaChaim" and "Be'er Mayim Chaim" – Edition Printed with the Rare Endorsement of Rebbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, Czernowitz, 1850-1851. An important edition of the Five Books of Moses with commentaries, including the sacred commentary "Or HaChaim" and "Be'er Mayim Chaim." This edition was printed with significant endorsements, among them one from the revered Rקbbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, Rקbbi Chaim of Kosov, Rקbbi Shalom Kaminka, and others (the endorsements are lacking in the current copy). Rebbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, who wrote only a few endorsements in his lifetime, encourages his followers in this letter to purchase this edition and adds a heartfelt blessing for those who acquire it: "Therefore, I ask all of Israel, be strong and take this Torah sefer to bring blessing to your home, and God shall be your helper." This edition was especially cherished by tzadikim and Chassidim, particularly in the Ruzhin dynasty.
Estimated price
Spectacular Auction, Large Collections, Early Imprints, Slavita & Zhitomir, Kabballah, Signatures, Copies of Famous Rebbes, Manuscripts & letters, Fabulous Silverware.