Spectacular Auction, Large Collections, Early Imprints, Slavita & Zhitomir, Kabballah, Signatures, Copies of Famous Rebbes, Manuscripts & letters, Fabulous Silverware.

Lot #1
Large and diverse collection of Antique Seforim, 1652-1809. First editions. Signatures and annotations.
Large and diverse collection of Antique Seforim, 1652-1809. First editions. Signatures and annotations.
1. Sefer Ta'amei Sukkah, a discourse by the esteemed Kabbalist Rabbi Natan Neta Hanover, delivered in the Krakow community during Sukkot of 1646.
Estimated price

Lot #2
Large Collection of Rare Antique Seforim, 1718–1893. Signatures, First or Only Editions.
Large Collection of Rare Antique Seforim, 1718–1893. Signatures, First or Only Editions.
1. Sefer Rosh Yosef by Rabbi Yosef Ishkapa, rabbi and Av Beit Din of Izmir. Commentary on Tur Orach Chaim and related sections of the Rambam, authored by Rabbi Yosef Ishkapa.
Estimated price

Lot #3
Large and Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim, 1674-1850, Mostly First Editions. Signatures.
Large and Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim, 1674-1850, Mostly First Editions. Signatures.
1. Polemic- Responsa Be'er Eshek, Halachic questions and answers by the esteemed sage Rabbi Shabtai Beer.
Estimated price

Lot #5
Collection of Rare Antique Seforim, 1678–1804, Mostly First Editions and in Elegant Leather Bindings. Signature of Rabbi Yehoshua Badrashi, Author of Arugat HaBosem, and Others.
Collection of Rare Antique Seforim, 1678–1804, Mostly First Editions and in Elegant Leather Bindings. Signature of Rabbi Yehoshua Badrashi, Author of Arugat HaBosem, and Others.
1. Sefer Divrei Shmuel – Discourses on the Torah (Bereishit through Bechukotai) combining sharp pilpul and Kabbalistic insights, by Rabbi Shmuel Zanwil, son of Rabbi Chanoch of Lublin. Later served as Av Beit Din in Mainz.
Estimated price

Lot #6
Large Collection of Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings, 1681–1823. Signatures of the Gaonim Mordecai Baruch Carvalho. Rabbi Natan Borgil, and Rabbi Eliyahu Chai Borgil from Tunis, among others. Most are First or Only Editions.
Large Collection of Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings, 1681–1823. Signatures of the Gaonim Mordecai Baruch Carvalho. Rabbi Natan Borgil, and Rabbi Eliyahu Chai Borgil from Tunis, among others. Most are First or Only Editions.
1. Kabbalah – Sefer Kinat Ephraim, Arba Charashim. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1681 – Only and Rare Edition.
Estimated price

Lot #7
Collection of Antique Seforim Amsterdam presses, in elegant leather bindings, 1684–1762. With antique signatures, most of them first editions.
Collection of Antique Seforim Amsterdam presses, in elegant leather bindings, 1684–1762. With antique signatures, most of them first editions.
1. Sefer Mikhlal Yofi by Rabbi Shlomo Ibn Melech. This is an encyclopedic work on biblical research and commentary. The author collected interpretations of the Scriptures in the order of the Tanakh from 39 works by prominent grammarians and commentators, which he lists at the end of the sefer. He also examines the Scriptures, offering insights on word roots, conjugations, and verbs.
Estimated price

Lot #8
Collection of Antique Seforim books Amsterdam & Zholkva imprints in elegant leather bindings, 1684-1777. Signatures.
Collection of Antique Seforim books Amsterdam & Zholkva imprints in elegant leather bindings, 1684-1777. Signatures.
1. Sefer Michlal Yofi, Amsterdam, 1684.
Estimated price

Lot #9
A large collection of antique Seforim, German imprints with ornate leather bindings.1687-1798. Most of them are First or Only Editions. Signatures.
A large collection of antique Seforim, German imprints with ornate leather bindings.1687-1798. Most of them are First or Only Editions. Signatures.
1. Commentary on the Early Prophets, authored by the complete scholar... Don Isaac Abarbanel. With the addition of "Chiddushei HaRif" [by Rabbi Yaakov Pidanki].
Estimated price

Lot #10
Collection of antique Seforim Sulzbach & Offenbach imprints, luxurious leather bindings, 1688–1799. First editions.
Collection of antique Seforim Sulzbach & Offenbach imprints, luxurious leather bindings, 1688–1799. First editions.
1. Sefer Sha'ar Ephraim, questions and answers organized according to the four sections of the Tur—Shaar Orach Chaim, Shaar Yoreh De'ah, Shaar Even HaEzer, and Shaar Choshen Mishpat. By Rabbi Ephraim ben Yaakov HaKohen (grandfather of the Chacham Tzvi).
Estimated price

Lot #11
Large and Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings. 1692-1837.
Large and Diverse Collection of Antique Seforim in Elegant Leather Bindings. 1692-1837.
1. Sefer Chidushei Halachot, Later Edition on tractates Bava Kamma, Bava Metzia, Bava Batra, Shabbat, Yevamot, Gittin, Chullin. By Rabbi Samuel Eidels with Halachic novellae of his son-in-law Rabbi Moses Av Beit Din of Lublin.
Estimated price

Lot #12
Large & Interesting Collection of Antique Seforim, 1692-1885. Signatures and Stamps.
Large & Interesting Collection of Antique Seforim, 1692-1885. Signatures and Stamps.
1. Sefer Zahav Shiba (Gold of Old Age), a treatise on the language of the Talmud and the Tosafot related to Aggadah. Written by Rabbi Nissim ben Avraham Algazi.
Estimated price

Lot #13
Collection of Antique Seforim, German Imprints, 1692-1852. Most in Luxurious Leather Bindings, Primarily First Editions.
Collection of Antique Seforim, German Imprints, 1692-1852. Most in Luxurious Leather Bindings, Primarily First Editions. Collection of Antique Seforim, German Imprints, 1692-1852. Most in Luxurious Leather Bindings, Primarily First Editions.
Estimated price

Lot #14
Large Collection of Antique Seforim, German imprints, Bound in Elegant Leather. 1696–1807. Most are First Editions.
Large Collection of Antique Seforim, German imprints, Bound in Elegant Leather. 1696–1807. Most are First Editions.
1. Sefer Yesod - Tiferet Shmuel - First Edition - Frankfurt, 1696.
Estimated price

Lot #15
Large collection of antique Seforim Frankfurt & Berlin imprints, bound in elegant leather bindings, 1699–1791. First & Only Editions. Signatures.
Large collection of antique Seforim Frankfurt & Berlin imprints, bound in elegant leather bindings, 1699–1791. First & Only Editions. Signatures.
1. Sefer Shu"t Avodot HaGershoni, Volume One by the renowned Rabbi Gershon Ashkenazi, Av Beit Din of Vienna and Nikolsburg.
Estimated price

Lot #16
Large & significant collection of antique seforim, 1699–1839. Signatures and annotations, mostly first editions.
Large & significant collection of antique seforim, 1699–1839. Signatures and annotations, mostly first editions.
1. Sefer She’elot u-Teshuvot Avodat HaGershuni (Responsa of Rabbi Gershon Ashkenazi, prominent rabbi of Vienna and Nikolsburg).
Estimated price

Lot #17
Group of Antique Seforim Amsterdam Imprints in Original Elegant Leather Bindings. 1700-1718.
Group of Antique Seforim Amsterdam Imprints in Original Elegant Leather Bindings. 1700-1718.
1. Sefer Yalkut Reuveni (HaGadol) on the Torah, a compilation of Kabbalah books, by the Kabbalist Rabbi [Abraham] Reuven son of Rabbi Joshua Haschke Katz of Prague.
Estimated price

Lot #18
Collection of Antique Seforim Fürth imprints with luxurious leather bindings, 1701–1790.
Collection of Antique Seforim Fürth imprints with luxurious leather bindings, 1701–1790.
1. Sefer Eshel Avraham, on matters of Kabbalah and commentary on the Zohar. By Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi.
Estimated price

Lot #19
Collection of antique Seforim, Venice imprints, bound in elegant leather bindings, 1704–1762. First and only editions. Signatures and annotations.
Collection of antique Seforim, Venice imprints, bound in elegant leather bindings, 1704–1762. First and only editions. Signatures and annotations.
1. Sefer Halachot Ketanot, Leket HaKemach – First and second part of responsa and inquiries by Rabbi Yaakov Chagiz. Published by his son, Rabbi Moshe Chagiz, who added his own responsa under the title Leket HaKemach.
Estimated price

Lot #20
Diverse collection of Antique Seforim, 1706–1845. Some are in elegant leather bindings, Dedications and signatures. First Editions.
Diverse collection of Antique Seforim, 1706–1845. Some are in elegant leather bindings, Dedications and signatures. First Editions.
1. Sefer Yesod: Pri Chadash on Orach Chaim and Even HaEzer.
Estimated price

Lot #21
Significant Collection of Antique Seforim Amsterdam & The Hague Imprints, 1708-1798. Most in Luxurious Leather Bindings. Signatures, Annotations, and Inscriptions.
Significant Collection of Antique Seforim Amsterdam & The Hague Imprints, 1708-1798. Most in Luxurious Leather Bindings. Signatures, Annotations, and Inscriptions.
1. Pirkei Rabbi Eliezer – Amsterdam, 1708. Isaac ben Jacob Cordovero.
Estimated price

Lot #22
Important Collection of Antique Seforim Bound in Elegant Leather. 1709–1781. Signatures.
Important Collection of Antique Seforim Bound in Elegant Leather. 1709–1781. Signatures.
1. Sefer Shvut Yaakov, responsa on the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch, by the renowned Rabbi Yaakov Reischer, head of the rabbinical courts in Rzeszów and Prague. Includes novelties called P'er Yaakov on the Talmud.
Estimated price

Lot #23
Large Collection of Antique Seforim in elegant leather bindings. Rabbinic Signatures & Stamps, 1712-1834.
Large Collection of Antique Seforim in elegant leather bindings. Rabbinic Signatures & Stamps, 1712-1834.
1. Sefer Bnei Chayai: Commentaries on the Four Turim, by Rabbi Chaim ben Rabbi Menachem Algazi, zt"l.
Estimated price
Spectacular Auction, Large Collections, Early Imprints, Slavita & Zhitomir, Kabballah, Signatures, Copies of Famous Rebbes, Manuscripts & letters, Fabulous Silverware.