With few expressions in Hebrew.
Singerman 1677 (recording only two copies).
New Orleans: Clark & Brisbin 1860.
Led by Gershon Kursheedt, this Jewish philanthropic group, know in Hebrew as Chevrath Mashmia Yeshua, declared its goals:
“The object of this Society being of a charitable character, to wit: to grant pecuniary aid to Israelites in foreign countries for the purpose of ameliorating their spiritual, social and political condition, and to assist Jewish emigrants who may be disposed to settle in this country and engage in agricultural pursuits” (p. 5).
Interestingly, right from the outset on page 1, the Society raises concern regarding “several settlements of Israelites [located] in the Chinese Empire.”
pp. 13, (1).Unbound. 14,8 Cm.
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פריט #264