Rare & Special items! Early Seforim, Kabbalah, Slavita & Zhitomir, Chassidut, Manuscripts, Chabad, French Judaica, Ceremonial objects & Silver.

Lot #74
Marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi David Sperber of Braşov. Divrei Chaim , Munkács 1892. Notation in the name of the Imrei Yosef or Chakal Yitzchak of Spinka.
Marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi David Sperber of Braşov. Divrei Chaim , Munkács 1892. Notation in the name of the Imrei Yosef or Chakal Yitzchak of Spinka.
Sefer Divrei Chaim Sheimot Gittin.
Estimated price

Lot #79
Hundreds of marginalia by Maran Sar Hatorah Hagaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky on the Yerushalmi!
Hundreds of marginalia by Maran Sar Hatorah Hagaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky on the Yerushalmi!
Set 4 volumes of the Yerushalmi that was printed with the novella of Maran Hagaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. Bney Brak 1990.
Estimated price

Lot #83
Manuscript in the Holy hand of Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi, Av Beit Din of Konstantinograd – son of Rabbi Yaakov Emden. The Holy Besh''t called him 'Aron Hakodesh'.
Manuscript in the Holy hand of Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi, Av Beit Din of Konstantinograd – son of Rabbi Yaakov Emden. The Holy Besh''t called him 'Aron Hakodesh'.
Divrei Torah on Parshat Behaalotecha. Fully in the Holy hand of the Gaon Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi Av Beit Din of Konstantingrad.
Estimated price

Lot #84
Extensive manuscript from Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Kittsee- Disciple of the Gaon Rabbi Meir Fischels of Prague. 1769-1776. Grandfather of the Litch-Rosenbaum family.
Extensive manuscript from Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Kittsee- Disciple of the Gaon Rabbi Meir Fischels of Prague. 1769-1776. Grandfather of the Litch-Rosenbaum family.
Extensive manuscript on Shas. Authors autograph by Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman son of R. Wolf of Kittsee.
Estimated price

Lot #85
Large manuscript Chidushei Torah of the Gaon the Baruch Taam Rabbi of Leipnik, written in his life time, 1818.
Large manuscript Chidushei Torah of the Gaon the Baruch Taam Rabbi of Leipnik, written in his life time, 1818.
Large manuscript recording the Torah novella of the famous Gaon Rabbi Baruch Frenkel-the Baruch Taam rabbi of Leipnik (today Lipník nad Bečvou).
Estimated price

Lot #87
Manuscript Complete Work Regarding the Mesorah of the Torah, By Rabbi Aryeh Leib Bernstein of Lemberg. Ca. 1830-1840.
Manuscript Complete Work Regarding the Mesorah of the Torah, By Rabbi Aryeh Leib Bernstein of Lemberg. Ca. 1830-1840.
Work by Rabbi Aryeh Leibush son of Yechiel Michel Bernstein of Lemberg regarding the Mesorah. This work has never been published.
Estimated price

Lot #88
Extensive manuscript Chidushei Torah in the Holy hand of the Gaon Rabbi Shimshon Orenstein Ab''d Kalisch. Unpublished.
Extensive manuscript Chidushei Torah in the Holy hand of the Gaon Rabbi Shimshon Orenstein Ab''d Kalisch. Unpublished.
Extensive manuscript various Chidushei Torah in the Holy hand & signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Shimshon Orenstein rabbi of Kalisch.
Estimated price

Lot #91
Manuscript Chidushei Torah by the Gaonim Rabbi Sheraga Feish Fishman Rabbi of Szikszó, Klausenburg & Maggid of Pressburg -Signed additions by his Son-In-Law Rabbi Yehuda Leib Friedman Rosh Beth Din of Pressburg -Chidushei Torah by his son Rabbi Yosef Chai
Manuscript Chidushei Torah by the Gaonim Rabbi Sheraga Feish Fishman Rabbi of Szikszó, Klausenburg & Maggid of Pressburg -Signed additions by his Son-In-Law Rabbi Yehuda Leib Friedman Rosh Beth Din of Pressburg -Chidushei Torah by his son Rabbi Yosef Chai Extensive manuscript 'Leket Harayonot' in the hand of the Gaon Rabbi Sheraga Feish Fishman Rabbi of Szikszó, Klausenburg & Maggid of Pressburg. With signed additions by his Son-In-Law the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Leib Friedman Rosh Beth Din of Pressburg. At the end are Chidushei Torah by his son Rabbi Yosef Chaim Fishman Rabbi of Tileagd (Mezotelegd).
Estimated price

Lot #92
Manuscript Shiurim of the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Halevi Pollack Rabbi of Bonyhad. 1888.
Manuscript Shiurim of the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Halevi Pollack Rabbi of Bonyhad. 1888.
Large manuscript recording the Shiurim given by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Halevi Pollack Rabbi of Bonyhad in his Yeshiva.
Estimated price

Lot #93
Torah manuscript by Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Willowski, the RIDBAZ Rabbi of Tzfat. Unpublished.
Torah manuscript by Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Willowski, the RIDBAZ Rabbi of Tzfat. Unpublished.
Manuscript novella on Sugyot Hashas in the Holy hand of the famous Gaon Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Willowski- the Ridbaz. On page 18 he mentions his work 'Migdal David' (Vilna, 1874) ''As i have explained in my work Migdal David the first sugyo of of Tractate Gittin''
Estimated price
Rare & Special items! Early Seforim, Kabbalah, Slavita & Zhitomir, Chassidut, Manuscripts, Chabad, French Judaica, Ceremonial objects & Silver.