Rare & Special items! Early Seforim, Kabbalah, Slavita & Zhitomir, Chassidut, Manuscripts, Chabad, French Judaica, Ceremonial objects & Silver.

Lot #49
Copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Nosson Hacohen Adler the Rebbe of Maran the Chasam Sofer. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi David Weiskopf Ab''d Wallerstein, a student of the Chatam Sofer. Shita Mekubetzes, Livorno 1774. First Edition.
Copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Nosson Hacohen Adler the Rebbe of Maran the Chasam Sofer. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi David Weiskopf Ab''d Wallerstein, a student of the Chatam Sofer. Shita Mekubetzes, Livorno 1774. First Edition.
Sefer Shita Mekubetzes, Bava Kama & Nazir. First Edition, Livorno, 1774.
Estimated price

Lot #50
Signatures of the Gaonim Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lipshitz Ab''d Lackenbach; Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik Frankel Ab''d Karaly- Copy of the famous sage Rabbi Mordechai Marguliot Yaffe of Vienna. Kol Ben Levi. Constantinople, 1727. Only Edition.
Signatures of the Gaonim Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lipshitz Ab''d Lackenbach; Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik Frankel Ab''d Karaly- Copy of the famous sage Rabbi Mordechai Marguliot Yaffe of Vienna. Kol Ben Levi. Constantinople, 1727. Only Edition.
Sefer Kol Ben Levi. Novellae on Maimonides and Responsa by Rabbi Refael HaLevi.
Estimated price

Lot #51
Copy of the Gaonim Rabbi Shmuel Hillman of Manheim and Metz, Rabbi Shalom Ber Stern of szerdahely, & Rabbi Yisrael Weltz of Budapest. Yeffeh Mareh, Berlin 1725.
Copy of the Gaonim Rabbi Shmuel Hillman of Manheim and Metz, Rabbi Shalom Ber Stern of szerdahely, & Rabbi Yisrael Weltz of Budapest. Yeffeh Mareh, Berlin 1725.
Sefer Yeffeh Mareh – Berlin 1725. First Edition of Michlal Yofi.
Estimated price

Lot #53
Copy that Belonged to Two Geonei HaDor: Rabbi Shmuel Kara of Zempelburg and Rabbi Ziskind of Złotów. Pri Megadim, Frankfurt Am Oder 1801.
Copy that Belonged to Two Geonei HaDor: Rabbi Shmuel Kara of Zempelburg and Rabbi Ziskind of Złotów. Pri Megadim, Frankfurt Am Oder 1801.
Sefer Pri Megadim with various additions. Frankfurt Am Oder, 1801.
Estimated price

Lot #54
Long signed marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi Wolf Dreifuss Rabbi of Lengnau & Endingen, Switzerland. Yevamot, Berlin & Franfurt-Am-Oder 1735.
Long signed marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi Wolf Dreifuss Rabbi of Lengnau & Endingen, Switzerland. Yevamot, Berlin & Franfurt-Am-Oder 1735.
Tractate Yevamot, Berlin & Franfurt-Am-Oder, 1735.
Estimated price

Lot #55
Signatures & marginal notation of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Elyakim Getz Bodanzky Rabbi of Kormend.- Siftei Yeshenim by the Author of Siftei Chachamim - First Edition with Chassidic Seforim. Zholkva 1806.
Signatures & marginal notation of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Elyakim Getz Bodanzky Rabbi of Kormend.- Siftei Yeshenim by the Author of Siftei Chachamim - First Edition with Chassidic Seforim. Zholkva 1806.
Sefer Siftei Yeshenim, a unique work that was considered a novelty at the time, containing a Bibliographic list of Hebrew seforim from the Jewish bookcase. By Rabbi Shabtai Meshorer Bass, the author of the famed sefer Siftei Chachamim on Rashi's commentary on the Torah.
Estimated price

Lot #56
Signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Heller Rabbi of Safed. Yerushalmi, Warsaw, 1897.
Signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Heller Rabbi of Safed. Yerushalmi, Warsaw, 1897.
Volume of Tractates from the Yerushalmi Talmud with commentaries pney moshe and marhe panim. Warsaw 1837.
Estimated price

Lot #58
Marginalia the Holy hand of the Gaon Rabbi Chizkiyahu Feivel Plaut of Surany on the Shulcan Aruch Chsohen Mispat.
Marginalia the Holy hand of the Gaon Rabbi Chizkiyahu Feivel Plaut of Surany on the Shulcan Aruch Chsohen Mispat.
Sefer Shulchan Aruch Chosen Mishpat, Lemberg 1860.
Estimated price

Lot #59
2 Seforim by the Gaon of Vilna – First Editions. Eliyahu Rabba, Brünn 1802/ Michtav Eliyahu, Prague 1811- Signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Michael Papa of
2 Seforim by the Gaon of Vilna – First Editions. Eliyahu Rabba, Brünn 1802/ Michtav Eliyahu, Prague 1811- Signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Michael Papa of
Volume with two Seforim by the Gaon of Vilna, First Editions. Signature of the Holy Wonderful Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Michael Papa (Hoffman) of Dunaszerdahely.
Estimated price

Lot #60
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Shalom Morgenstern Ab''d Shedletz & Piotrkow, a disciple of the Holy Rebbe of Kotzk & Father-in-law of the Rebbe of Ozarow- Stamp of Rebbe Nathan David Rabinowitz of Shedlitz-London. Toldot Yitzchak Ben Abraham, Only Ed
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Shalom Morgenstern Ab''d Shedletz & Piotrkow, a disciple of the Holy Rebbe of Kotzk & Father-in-law of the Rebbe of Ozarow- Stamp of Rebbe Nathan David Rabinowitz of Shedlitz-London. Toldot Yitzchak Ben Abraham, Only Ed Sefer Toldot Yitzchak Ben Abraham, By the ''Wondrous Rabbi the miracle worker'' Rabbi Yitzchak Darshan in Krakow.
Estimated price

Lot #61
Marginallia by the Gaon Rabbi Raphael Ze'ev Wolf Sokolov Av Beit Din of Liskawitz - son-in-law of the Gaon the "Chelkat Yoav".
Marginallia by the Gaon Rabbi Raphael Ze'ev Wolf Sokolov Av Beit Din of Liskawitz - son-in-law of the Gaon the "Chelkat Yoav".
Sefer Tzemach Tzdek, Sudylkiv, 1834.
Estimated price

Lot #63
Kadosh Venorah! Signature & Haggahot of Maran the Chafetz Chaim on Sefer Haritva that he used as a refugee in Russia during WW1.
Kadosh Venorah! Signature & Haggahot of Maran the Chafetz Chaim on Sefer Haritva that he used as a refugee in Russia during WW1.
Sefer Chidushei HaRitva on Tractate Eiruvin- Józefów, at the press that was formerly in Slavita, 1859.
Estimated price

Lot #65
Writing & signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich of Shamloy in his youth- Signature of the Tzadik Reb Meir Wolf Roth of Mad. Or Chadash, First Edition, Frankfurt Am Oder 1776.
Writing & signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich of Shamloy in his youth- Signature of the Tzadik Reb Meir Wolf Roth of Mad. Or Chadash, First Edition, Frankfurt Am Oder 1776.
Sefer Or Chadash part 2, First Edition, Frankfurt Am Oder, 1776.
Estimated price

Lot #67
Copy of the Holy Rebbe Ephraim Zalman Margulies of Lanka-Drohobych. Zeved Tov, Przemyśl 1895.
Copy of the Holy Rebbe Ephraim Zalman Margulies of Lanka-Drohobych. Zeved Tov, Przemyśl 1895.
Sefer Zeved Tov, By Rabbi Zev Poppers. First Edition, Przemyśl, 1895. Quite a uncommon work.
Estimated price

Lot #68
Glosses by the Gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Shalom Sofer of Budapest as mentioned on his Matzevah! Tractate Chulin, Vilna.
Glosses by the Gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Shalom Sofer of Budapest as mentioned on his Matzevah! Tractate Chulin, Vilna.
Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Chulin. Vilna: The Widow and Brothers Romm, Ca 1889.
Estimated price

Lot #71
Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak Friedman, Rabbi of Stara-Lubovno and Trnava.
Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak Friedman, Rabbi of Stara-Lubovno and Trnava.
Stamps of Rabbi Yitzchak Friedman, from the years he served as Rabbi of Stara-Lubovno and Trnava. Flyleaf with partial draft of a letter in Yiddish he wrote to his parents.
Estimated price

Lot #72
Dozens of marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis of Kalvarija on the sefer Minchat Chinuch.
Dozens of marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis of Kalvarija on the sefer Minchat Chinuch.
Sefer Minchat Chinich parts 1-3, with Sefer Shemen Lamincha. Vilna, 1912.
Estimated price
Rare & Special items! Early Seforim, Kabbalah, Slavita & Zhitomir, Chassidut, Manuscripts, Chabad, French Judaica, Ceremonial objects & Silver.