Rare & Special items! Early Seforim, Kabbalah, Slavita & Zhitomir, Chassidut, Manuscripts, Chabad, French Judaica, Ceremonial objects & Silver.

Lot #25
Levush HaOra, First Edition Printed in the Lifetime of the Author. Prague 1604 – Illustrated Map of Eretz Israel
Levush HaOra, First Edition Printed in the Lifetime of the Author. Prague 1604 – Illustrated Map of Eretz Israel
Sefer Levush HaOra, commentary on Rashi's commentary on the Torah, by Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe – "Ba'al HaLevush".
Estimated price

Lot #30
Polemic; Liturgy; Kabbalah: Kenaf Renanim, Songs & Prayers with Kabbalistic explanations. Only Edition, Venice 1626.
Polemic; Liturgy; Kabbalah: Kenaf Renanim, Songs & Prayers with Kabbalistic explanations. Only Edition, Venice 1626.
Sefer Kenaf Renanim, songs, bakashot and piyyutim for various occasions, with Kabbalistic explanations. By Rabbi Yosef Yedidya son of Rabbi Binyamin Yekutiel Karmi , a kabbalist, poet and sage in Modena, Italy.
Estimated price

Lot #31
Shnei Luchos Habris by the Shl”a Hakadosh. The “Nachas” Edition. Amsterdam 1698. Copy in excellent condition! Birth Year of the Baal Shem Tov- Copy of the English Kabbalist Nathan Löb David Zimmer with extensive marginalia.
Shnei Luchos Habris by the Shl”a Hakadosh. The “Nachas” Edition. Amsterdam 1698. Copy in excellent condition! Birth Year of the Baal Shem Tov- Copy of the English Kabbalist Nathan Löb David Zimmer with extensive marginalia.
Pearls of wisdom and profound lessons in kabbalah, mussar, commentary on the Torah and principles of the Oral Torah by the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz, the Shl”a Hakadosh.
Estimated price

Lot #32
Tehillim with Seder Maamadot – From Siddur HaShelah Shaar HaShamayim, Amsterdam 1717 – Beautiful wide margined copy!
Tehillim with Seder Maamadot – From Siddur HaShelah Shaar HaShamayim, Amsterdam 1717 – Beautiful wide margined copy!
Tehillim and Seder Maamadot, arranged according to the days of the week, from the Shaar HaShamayim siddur by Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Segal Horowitz – the Shelah.
Estimated price

Lot #33
Shenei Luchot HaBrit (Shelah) – Frankfurt (Oder) 1717. Early Edition with an Approbation from the 'Semichat Chachamim."
Shenei Luchot HaBrit (Shelah) – Frankfurt (Oder) 1717. Early Edition with an Approbation from the 'Semichat Chachamim."
Sefer Shnei Luchot HaBrit [ the Shla"h Hakadosh] "pure sayings more precious than pearls … composition on the Oral and Written Torah, arranged and organized … by the complete G-dly sage, butzina kaddisha, rabbi of the Land of Israel ... Rabbeinu Yeshayah HaLevi Horowitz."
Estimated price

Lot #35
Tikunei Ha-Zohar – Korets, 1780- Printred by holy disciples of the Magid from Mezeritch.
Tikunei Ha-Zohar – Korets, 1780- Printred by holy disciples of the Magid from Mezeritch.
Sefer Tikunei Ha-Zohar. Printed based on the Constantine 1719 edition, with remarks by Rabbi Chaim and Rabbi Shmuel Vital, Rabbi Chaim Alfandari and Rabbi Ya’akov Tzemach.
Estimated price

Lot #36
Yessod VeShoresh HaAvodah - Nowy Dwor 1782 - First Edition - Map of Eretz Israel in Hebrew- Approbation of Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev
Yessod VeShoresh HaAvodah - Nowy Dwor 1782 - First Edition - Map of Eretz Israel in Hebrew- Approbation of Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev
Sefer Yessod veShoresh HaAvodah, of prayer, Torah and commandments. Kabbalah and worshiping G-d, by the Hasid and Kabbalist Rabbi Alexander Suesskind of Grodno, Lithuania.
Estimated price

Lot #37
Zohar Chadash, Korets, 1784- Printred by the holy disciple of the Magid from Mezeritch.
Zohar Chadash, Korets, 1784- Printred by the holy disciple of the Magid from Mezeritch.
The present edition of the Zohar Chadash was printed by one of the greatest Chasidut figures: The Holy Rebbi Shlomo from Lutsk, disciple of the Holy Magid from Mezeritch.
Estimated price

Lot #38
Shnei Luchot Habrit. Ostroh 1802, with an approbation by the Holy Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Copy of Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Babad, Grandfather and Teacher of the Minchat Chinuch,
Shnei Luchot Habrit. Ostroh 1802, with an approbation by the Holy Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Copy of Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Babad, Grandfather and Teacher of the Minchat Chinuch,
Sefer Shnei Luchot Habrit, Parts I-II, by Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz. With Vavei HaAmudim by his son Rabbi Sheftel.
Estimated price

Lot #40
Extremely Rare! Tikkunei Hazohar - Kopust, 1810
Extremely Rare! Tikkunei Hazohar - Kopust, 1810
Sefer Tikkunei Hazohar, the press of the partners Yehuda, Menachem and Yisroel, the sons of Uri Sheraga Feivish Yoffe, who were known as the Printer of Kopust, Kopust - 1810.
Estimated price

Lot #41
Chassidic Edition of the Shla, with approbations of the Ohev Yisrael of Opatow and Rabbi Mordechai of Kremnitz. Poritzk 1817.
Chassidic Edition of the Shla, with approbations of the Ohev Yisrael of Opatow and Rabbi Mordechai of Kremnitz. Poritzk 1817.
Sefer Shnei Luchot HaBrit, known better as the Shla HaKadosh by Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Horwitz, Av Beit Din of Frankfurt.
Estimated price

Lot #42
Yessod Yosef, Kabbalistic Rectifications. Rare Edition. Printed Without the Name nor the Place of Printing.
Yessod Yosef, Kabbalistic Rectifications. Rare Edition. Printed Without the Name nor the Place of Printing.
Sefer Yessod Yosef - Kabbalistic tikkun keri by Rabbi Yosef b"r Shlomo of Poznań disciple of Mahara"m Popirash. With many additions including the laws of Shabbat.
Estimated price

Lot #43
Siddur of Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov, Disciple of the Baal Shem Tov – With Minchat Yitzchak – Lviv, 1866.
Siddur of Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov, Disciple of the Baal Shem Tov – With Minchat Yitzchak – Lviv, 1866.
Siddur of Rabbi Shabsi of Rashkov with the Rare Kuntress Minchas Yitzchak.
Estimated price

Lot #44
Rare Hassidic Siddur, Approbations and Greetings of 20 of the Greatest Rebbes, First edition Przemyśl 1892-
Rare Hassidic Siddur, Approbations and Greetings of 20 of the Greatest Rebbes, First edition Przemyśl 1892-
Seder Tefilah according to the Sephard custom, with the Tefilah L'Moshe commentary by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero – the Ramak. With Siddur Or HaYashar which includes the book Or Tzaddikim by the Maharam Poppers and the book Derech HaChaim by Rabbi Ya'akov Loberbaum of Lisa. With other additions.
Estimated price

Lot #45
Copy of the Holy Rebbe Aron Yeshaya Fish of Hadasz & Mátészalka- Copy of Rabbi Chaim Meshulam Feish Spitzer of Yorma & Mátészalka. Siddur Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov. Lviv 1866.
Copy of the Holy Rebbe Aron Yeshaya Fish of Hadasz & Mátészalka- Copy of Rabbi Chaim Meshulam Feish Spitzer of Yorma & Mátészalka. Siddur Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov. Lviv 1866.
Siddur of Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov, Disciple of the Baal Shem Tov.
Estimated price

Lot #46
Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Menashe Simcha Friedman rabbi of Szobranc, & his Brother-in-law Rabbi Shalom sofer of Brezno. Kabbalistic Siddur.
Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Menashe Simcha Friedman rabbi of Szobranc, & his Brother-in-law Rabbi Shalom sofer of Brezno. Kabbalistic Siddur.
Kabbalistic Siddur, lacking copy.
Estimated price

Lot #47
Signatures & important marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi Joseph Taub a Dayan in Frankfurt at the time of Gaonim the Pnei Yehoshua & the Tiferet Shmuel- Yefe Toar, First Edition, Constantinople 1648.
Signatures & important marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi Joseph Taub a Dayan in Frankfurt at the time of Gaonim the Pnei Yehoshua & the Tiferet Shmuel- Yefe Toar, First Edition, Constantinople 1648.
Sefer Yefe Toar Vayikra.
Estimated price

Lot #48
Hundreds of Glosses by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Ab''d Janów & Gaya, author of "Pnei Yitzhak Zuta" & his Son the Gaon Rabbi Zev Wolf Ab''d Gaya & Bzenec. Shulchan Aruch, Wilhelmsdorf 1671.
Hundreds of Glosses by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Ab''d Janów & Gaya, author of "Pnei Yitzhak Zuta" & his Son the Gaon Rabbi Zev Wolf Ab''d Gaya & Bzenec. Shulchan Aruch, Wilhelmsdorf 1671.
Sefer Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mispat with commentary Meirat Einyayim.
Estimated price
Rare & Special items! Early Seforim, Kabbalah, Slavita & Zhitomir, Chassidut, Manuscripts, Chabad, French Judaica, Ceremonial objects & Silver.