Sefer Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mispat with commentary Meirat Einyayim.

Wilhelmsdorf, 1671.

Margins of the volume with a tremendous amount of over 800 important glosses!

A large part of the glosses are in the Holy hand of the Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Yitzchak son of Rabbi David rabbi of Janów & Gaya, author of "Pnei Yitzhak Zuta". On page 242 & 309 are signed glosses by him.

Also many glosses from his son & successor the Gaon Rabbi Zev Wolf rabbi of Gaya & Bzenec. On page 193 is a signed gloss by him ‘Zot Thorat Hazeev’.

The glosses are a bit cut into due to a error by the binder, but it would still be possible to print a whole volume from these glosses!

Present are pages 6-320,1-11. Out of 320, 13 pages. 29.8 Cm.

Overall Fair-Bad condition, stains, many pages have repairs sometimes affecting text, many pages have marginal tears and tears affecting text, a few pages at end of book have tears with missing text, page 219 is misplaced at end, missing title page and first few pages, new later red leather binding.

The great Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak, the son of Rabbi David was active in the rabbinate in 1690-1746. He was a descendant of the Gaon Rabbi Shalom Shachna of Lublin. Rabbi Yitzchak served in Janów and later in Gaya.

He gained renown for his scholarly work Pnei Yitzchak Zuta (Amsterdam, 1731), which received glowing approbations from the Torah giants of that era.

Please see Hebrew description for a more detailed biography & a biography of his son Rabbi Ze\'ev Wolf.

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Lot #48

Hundreds of Glosses by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Ab''d Janów & Gaya, author of "Pnei Yitzhak Zuta" & his Son the Gaon Rabbi Zev Wolf Ab''d Gaya & Bzenec. Shulchan Aruch, Wilhelmsdorf 1671.

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