In their letter they acknowledge receipt of $50 each, sent by the ”famous Gaon” Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Riff rabbi of Camden N.J. 

They each wish him a Csiva Vachsima Tova in the sefer of complete Tzadikim.

Bnei Brak, 1967.

25 Cm.

The famous Gaon Maran Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky (1899-1985), an outstanding student of the Novardok Yeshivos and a son-in-law of Rabbi Shemaryahu Yosef Karelitz. Rosh Yeshiva at the Beis Yosef – Novardok Yeshiva in Pinsk (1927-1934). Settled in Eretz Yisrael in 1934 and headed the Beis Yosef Novardok Yeshiva there, whilst becoming a close disciple of his brother-in-law the Chazon Ish, and gradually becoming renowned as one of the greatest Torah authorities of his time. Generally known as ‘the Steipler’, after his hometown Hornosteipel in Ukraine. Author of Kehilos Yaakov on many tractates of the Talmud.

His son Maran the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky was born in 1928, son-in-law of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv. Settled in Eretz Yisrael in 1934, studied with his father and at Yeshivas Tifferes Tzion and Yeshivas Beis Yosef in Bnei Brak and the Lomzhe Yeshiva in Petach Tikva. During this period, he also studied with his uncle Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz – the Chazon Ish, and completed the study of the entire Talmud Bavli at the age of 17. After his marriage he continued his Torah studies at Kollel Chazon Ish, of which he took over leadership after the the passing of his father. Rabbi Kanievsky was renowned for his outstanding diligence in Torah studies and for his vast knowledge of all Torah literature. He was consulted from all over the world on Torah questions, as well as for his advice and blessings.

the recipient, Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Riff (1894-1976), prominent rabbi in the United States. Grandson and close disciple of Rabbi Refael Shapira of Volozhin, whom he attended during his exile in Minsk. Immigrated to the United States, where he was appointed rabbi of the Orthodox community in Camden, New Jersey in 1918. He was very active in rabbinic, communal and charity matters, and was closely associated with the Torah leaders of his times. In his final years, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Bnei Brak.

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Lot #226

Letter of thanks & new year wishes by the Gaonim Maran the Stiepler & his son Maran Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky.

Start price: $300

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