Long letter addressed to the philanthropist R. Nissan Halevi Fagin & his wife Pessia (Jenny) Miller-Fagin of Philadelphia. 

With many warm blessings for a happy passover (Chag HaCeirut), bracha, nachas, longevity, health & successes.

Kaminetz, 1935.

2 pages. Typed with additional  6 lines & signature in his holy hand.

Approx. 29 Cm

The Holy Gaon Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz (1870-1939), one of Gedolei Hador. Was renowned for his holiness and piousness, alongside his great genius. A leading disciple of Rabbi Chaim of Brisk. In his youth, he established in Kremenchuk a yeshiva, which he headed. In 1904, he was appointed the Rosh Yeshiva of the \"Knesses Beis Yitzchak\" Yeshiva in Slobodka which was established by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Rabinowitz the son of Rabbi Yitzchak Elchonon Spektor and the Rav of Kovno, which moved to Vilna and then to Kaminetz. He authored the Seforim of Birkas Shmuel on the Shas, which are inalienable assets of the religious world.

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Lot #199

Long letter with many blessings by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz of Kaminetz, author of Birkat Shmuel, 1935.

Start price: $1,000

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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